As soon as the joyful minutes of the meeting from the maternity hospital fade away, the newly minted mothers begin routine, filled with baby crying, daily cleaning and other “amenities” of everyday life. The emotional state in this period is so wounded that any slightest experience can drive a woman into postpartum depression. No, such a state is not a myth or a whim of spoiled idlers, but a real psychological problem that requires appropriate treatment.
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What is postpartum depression
The joyful news of the baby's birth can be overshadowed by the anxious state of the pregnant woman several days before and after childbirth. The spectrum of the most diverse emotions from euphoria to depression is justified, because with the birth of a child, the whole arranged life changes its usual way. What can we say about sleepless nights and the constant needs of a newborn baby, which any person can unbalance.
It is important to understand that depression after childbirth is different from banal overwork or bad mood. This state of complete apathy bothers the patient for a longer period of time, and is also characterized by a greater depth of mental disorder.
At the initial stage, the woman does not recognize the presence of any problems, and attributes any manifestations of depression to excessive fatigue. In the process of developing an ailment, all vital processes in the body begin to work offline, all chronic diseases worsen.Over time, a state of aggression is added to the feeling of apathy, as a result of which the woman ceases to control her emotional state. According to statistics, more than 15% of women experienced all the negative manifestations of postpartum depression.
Causes and risk groups
If the hormonal background can be restored by means of special medicines, then it is not so easy to deal with “cockroaches” in the head. The main reason for deep depression is the mismatch of all the requirements that a woman makes herself. In her presentation, an ideal picture of the future mother was already formed, so any inconsistencies cause a strong sense of guilt.
As a rule, the grounds for such exaggerated demands are a representative example of other families or excessive pressure from the husband and relatives.
Signs of postpartum depression are exacerbated when:
- you have to combine work and parenting;
- bad habits such as alcohol or smoking;
- there is a weakened physical condition caused by heavy childbirth and associated complications;
- there is no communicative component, and the woman experiences an acute lack of communication.
Also, the cause of a depressed state may be dissatisfaction with one's own appearance.
A special risk group includes the following category of women:
childbirth minors;
- mothers deprived of any financial support;
- single women raising a child on their own;
- mothers who have experienced physical complications in the process of bearing a baby;
- women subjected to domestic violence.
Symptoms and signs of the disease
Depressive syndrome can also be triggered by an unwanted pregnancy or miscarriage.
The main symptoms of postpartum depression are:
- constant feeling of anxiety or imminent danger;
- panic attacks and heart palpitations;
- severe migraine attacks;
- obsessive-compulsive disorder, accompanied by obsessive thoughts;
- insomnia;
- lack of appetite;
- increased irritability and tearfulness;
- constant mood swings, when euphoria gives way to a feeling of deep hopelessness.
In the future, the disease flows into a chronic form, after which the state of remission is replaced by relapses with pronounced neurological symptoms.
Which doctor should I contact, diagnosis
The long-awaited birth of the baby is considered to be the brightest and most joyful event in the life of parents. That is why it is so difficult for a woman to admit that she does not experience that very feeling of deep joy. Fear of being misunderstood and subsequent condemnation by others further aggravate the current situation.
Usually, mental balance is restored a few weeks after birth. If, over time, the symptoms of postnatal disorder do not subside, it is recommended that you consult a doctor - psychiatrist or psychotherapist as soon as possible. Postpartum depression does not require hospitalization, so no one will force you to stay in a medical facility. Although identifying the symptoms described above indicates a psychological problem, an exclusively qualified specialist can nevertheless make an accurate diagnosis.
Diagnosis in this case does not require any tests. The study is based on data obtained during a confidential conversation between the doctor and the patient. In the process of studying the clinical picture, the doctor may ask you to undergo special testing, as well as answer a number of questions.
Often, the therapist also needs to talk with her husband and the woman’s closest associates in order to understand the situation in more detail.
If necessary, the patient is prescribed a blood test to identify possible violations of the endocrine system.
Postpartum Depression Treatment
Further therapy depends on how severe the symptoms of the disease are. Outpatient treatment is possible only if the patient has suicidal tendencies.
Postpartum depression is treated through several methods:
- Psychotherapy. It involves an intense impact on the psyche and subconscious of the patient.
- Recovery of the endocrine system. Estrogen-based medications are prescribed for women, with the help of which it is possible to compensate for the deficiency of the female hormone progesterone formed after childbirth. Hormone therapy helps to cope with postpartum depression as soon as possible.
- The use of potent antidepressants or tranquilizers. These drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, since most of them are contraindicated during breastfeeding.
- The appointment of antipsychotics. This method is used only in the most severe and advanced cases.
Possible consequences
The emotional detachment of the mother negatively affects the development of the baby. Due to the lack of necessary proximity, the baby experiences an acute shortage of love, against the background of which further mental disorders appear. In addition, maternal care gives the child a feeling of complete safety. The lack of close connection leads to the development of anxiety, fears and dangerous phobias.
A newborn baby feels himself a rejected mother, and he has no choice but to win the attention of his relatives through constant tantrums and tears. In the future, this provokes serious personality disorders when a child develops low self-esteem, excessive nervousness, and also attacks of uncontrolled aggression appear.
Prolonged depression becomes the main culprit in the broken relationship between the two spouses. This, in turn, leads to the occurrence of family quarrels and conflicts, which also negatively affect the baby’s psycho-emotional state.
Prognosis for recovery
No specialist will give an exact answer to the question of how long postpartum depression lasts. The problem of many women is that they do not consider such a psychological state as something dangerous and do not rush to seek help from a doctor.
According to experts, recognition of the problem is the first step towards solving it.
If postpartum melancholy lasts only 1 to 2 weeks, then the duration of a deeper prolonged depression can range from several months to several years. The sooner you seek medical help, the faster you will be able to establish peace of mind.
The disorder caused by a violation of the endocrine system is treated for 1 to 2 months. Things are much more complicated with protracted depression, which is the result of serious psychological trauma. The duration of therapy in this case depends on the individual characteristics of a particular organism.
The following preventative measures will help reduce the intensity of symptoms of postpartum depression.
Try to adopt the following recommendations:
- Learn to calm down. Not always women manage to take complete control over their own emotions. The daily relaxing procedures that will take you no more than 20 minutes will help to establish a balance of mind. You can choose yoga classes, breathing exercises or treat yourself to a hot bath.
- Do not be afraid to ask for help from your loved ones and share inner feelings. In Russia, there are a lot of single mothers who have no one to ask for emotional and physical support. In this case, there are special forums for mothers where they share with each other their experiences and recommendations.
- Give up bad habits. Alcohol and smoking will only aggravate the situation. You can get the necessary emotional relaxation with the help of active sports.As often as possible, take a walk in the fresh air with your child, sign up for fitness classes or exercise at home.
Do not neglect the help of qualified specialists, since it is unlikely that a woman with a weak psyche will be able to get out of depression on her own. Remember that ideal families do not exist, and you must not conform to the fictitious stereotypes of society. Relax and try to enjoy every minute spent with your child.