Are there any advantages to planting carrots for the winter? Of course, because in the end you will get a delicious vegetable at the beginning of the spring-summer season. At the same time, it is easy to take care of such seedlings, even a beginner gardener will cope with the task.
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Dates of planting carrots for the winter
Want to plant carrots for the winter? You need to know the optimal time, which is suitable for this. The main mistake that gardeners make is to sow root crops long before the onset of cold weather.
No specialist will tell you the exact dates, as the weather changes every year. The optimal time for planting carrots is mid or late November. It is important that for several weeks the average temperature should not be higher than +2 and not lower than 5 degrees.
If the mark exceeds the permissible norm, the seeds will simply sprout, and even may sprout. Of course, they can’t stand the winter cold, carrots will freeze, labor will be in vain.
What varieties are suitable for winter sowing
For winter planting of carrots, seeds that are sold in specialized stores are ideal. You need to choose early and frost-resistant varieties. Otherwise, the seedlings will simply die.
So, which varieties will be the most optimal:
- "Nantes 4". Specialists love this variety; it takes root well in any soil, even on heavy soils. Root crops sprout quickly enough as soon as the first sun warms up. Carrots are delicious, juicy, dense. Plus varieties in its frost resistance. The percentage of death of seeds is minimal.
- "Vitamin 6".Differs in high productivity, unpretentious in leaving. Root vegetables are delicious, bright orange in color, without greens and unpleasant bitterness. It can be sown in any soil. Plus in high keratin content.
- "Losinoostrovskaya 13". The downside is that root crops are not very large. But the taste of carrots is excellent. It is well stored, resistant to tsvetochnosti, mold, rotting.
- "NIIOKH 36". Perhaps the most frost-resistant variety. Suitable for the northern regions of Russia, where harsh, frosty winters.
- "Beauty is a girl." Carrots are very juicy, ideal for making juices and salads.
Remember that the weather is not always stable. Therefore, part of the seeds may die, not survive the winter frosts.
After what culture can I plant carrots
After the end of the summer season in the summer cottage, as a rule, there are no garden crops left. The soil can be used for planting carrots in the fall before winter. But in order for the seeds to take root better and yield a crop, it is necessary to choose the right places for planting.
First of all, you need to pay attention to what crops were grown in the soil before. The soil is good after cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, onions, potatoes and cabbage. After legumes, carrots are not grown. These crops very deplete the soil, take away all the vitamins and minerals.
Often, beginning gardeners make a big mistake: they plant seeds in the place where carrots already grew in the summer. Remember, this should never be done. You can plant this culture in the same soil no earlier than 4 years later.
But if the soil was fertilized (made manure or humus), the period is reduced to 1 year.
Ground preparation before planting
In order to collect a rich harvest of carrots by the end of spring and early summer, you need to properly prepare the soil before planting.
Gardener tips are as follows:
- after the summer, dig the land on the site to remove excess weeds;
- if the soil is acidic, add mineral fertilizers and necessarily ash. If this is not done, the carrot will grow, but its shape will be irregular, twisted;
- make holes in the garden. Remember that the tops of carrots grow quite quickly, so the distance between future seedlings should be at least 20 cm;
- cover prepared wells with foil.
If there is no time to fertilize the soil with mineral components, you can do this with the help of green manure. A few months before the intended planting of carrots, inoculate the area with mustard. Seeds quickly and well take root, do not require watering and care.
One month after the sprouts appear, dig the site. This method allows not only to fertilize the soil well, but also to rid it of pests.
How to plant carrots in the fall
Sowing carrot seeds as follows:
- Make small holes in advance. They should not be too deep (up to 3 cm).
- Sow the carrots.
- Prepare warm, not wet soil, sprinkle it with seeds after planting.
- Put peat on top of the sowing, humus is also suitable. Height is approximately 2-3 cm.
- Compact the soil a little with a shovel, but do not tamp hard.
Gardeners give the following tips:
- seeds before winter planting are never soaked. If this is done, they will simply rot;
- if finances allow, it is better to purchase a special seeder. It is convenient to handle it, sowing is much faster and easier;
- as soon as the snow melts, it is worth covering the area with seedlings with a film to create a greenhouse effect.
These simple rules will help to grow an excellent carrot crop.
Carrot care after planting in the fall
Seedlings do not need special care. The only thing that needs to be done is to slightly warm the soil.
If the winter is not snowy, be sure to cover the area with needles. After the snow has fallen, make small snowdrifts on the beds.
With the first warm days, remove the spruce branches. Be sure to make a frame of metal rods, and pull the polyethylene. This will help carrot seeds to sprout faster.
Features landing in the suburbs, Siberia and the Urals
Gardeners should know that for each region of Russia there are nuances of planting root crops for the winter:
- Moscow region. It is better to plant carrots in late October - early November. At this time, the region is already approaching cool, steady weather. No heat is observed. The peculiarity of sowing in the depths of the holes (not less than 5 cm).
- Ural. The terms are the same. But in this region there are severe winters with severe frosts. Therefore, do not forget to cover the area with needles.
- Siberia. You can plant carrots from the beginning of October. It is important to choose the right site for sowing. It is better that it is located on a hill. In this case, the snow will melt much faster, the carrots will be quite early.
Many summer residents prefer to plant carrots for the winter. Already in late spring - early summer, you can harvest a young carrot, rich in vitamins and minerals. Our tips will help to grow a delicious root vegetable, making a minimum of effort.