Portulak garden belongs to the annual herbaceous succulent plants growing in the warm southern regions. Often found as a decoration in gardening. Purslane is a weed plant with healing properties, from which you can prepare not only medicinal potions, but also various dishes.
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Portulak garden - medicinal properties
The healing properties of purslane are due to its chemical composition, it is a storehouse of vitamins and other elements useful to humans. In some countries, purslane is considered a full-fledged garden crop and it is grown precisely because of fleshy leaves and young shoots.
The foliage of the plant contains carotenoids, which carry out the synthesis of vitamin A in the human body. You can often hear how this vitamin is called a "beauty vitamin", due to the impact on the condition of the skin, as well as the organs of vision. The human need for vitamin A is 800 micrograms per day, and purslane contains 65 micrograms per 100 grams.
In addition, purslane has many useful properties, due to which it has become famous in the east as a “blessed” plant and has a therapeutic effect:
- antioxidant;
- diuretic;
- antiulcer;
- antimicrobial;
- regenerative;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antitoxic;
- hypoglycemic;
- laxative;
- anthelmintic.
Weed leaves contain ascorbic and nicotinic acids. Ascorbic acid is useful for the immune system, and nicotine is responsible for the regulation of all metabolic processes in the human body, especially useful for lipid metabolism.
What diseases does it help?
The use of purslane is prescribed in the treatment of many diseases:
- To restore cholesterol and glucose;
- With neurodermatitis and psoriasis of the scalp;
- With inflammation of the genitourinary system;
- To normalize cardiovascular activity;
- To stimulate insulin production and lower blood sugar;
- With helminthic invasions of muscle tissue: ascariasis, hookworm;
- With conjunctivitis and gum disease;
- In diseases of the respiratory tract (asthma);
- With diseases of the liver and cholelithiasis;
- With bee stings;
- To get rid of warts.
The healing properties of this plant help in the treatment of flatulence, impaired kidney function, diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as sleep disturbance. Due to its ability to reduce blood sugar, weed is used in medicine to treat patients with mild diabetes.
The benefits of losing weight
Purslane is a very low-calorie plant, but rich in fiber and nutrients. Eating in the diet, a person for a long time gets a feeling of satiety, which prevents the use of other food products in immense quantities. Very often, nutritionists recommend the use of this plant to those who want to lose weight or maintain their usual weight due to the content of the easily digestible protein, organic acids (oxalic and nicotinic), vitamin complex (C, B2 and PP), glycosides, carotene, mineral salts and a whole list of trace elements.
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Use in cosmetology
The high content of vitamin A in combination with a complex of minerals and microelements in the composition of garden purslane allows it to be used in the field of cosmetology, namely to solve skin problems. Beauticians add this component to masks for a smoothing effect, stimulation of healing of boils, removal of scars and pigmentation. Weed juice helps with inflamed insect bites - mosquitoes, bees, as well as with bites of poisonous snakes.
As a part of cosmetics, this plant has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, sedative, antimicrobial, antifungal, analgesic and anti-aging effects. The presence of this component in the composition of cosmetics favorably affects scratches and thermal damage to the skin, providing a reduction in pain and the severity of inflammatory processes, while preventing the development of a secondary bacterial infection.
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How to take for health?
Portulak garden has not only medicinal properties, but is also widely used in cooking, which allows not only to eat new tasty dishes, but also to improve the overall state of health.
The leaves and upper young parts of the shoots are used for food, which are cut off before flowering, due to the fact that after flowering the leaves are coarser and not suitable for ingestion.
This plant is eaten both raw and cooked in dishes (boiled, stewed). It can be found in vitamin salads and sandwiches. Purslane harmonizes well with first courses, vegetable salads and savory sauces. In addition, purslane is pickled and salted for the wintering period. But this plant does not go well with potatoes, cucumbers or tomatoes.
Using Purslane in a normal diet of 100-200 grams every day, you can improve skin condition, stabilize the cardiovascular system, find a slim figure, stop suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, strengthen the spine and bones, improve blood circulation, and prevent further development of eye diseases.
Cooking recipes
Recipes for cooking purslane as a remedy:
- To wash your hair from dandruff: you will need 10 grams of dried raw materials, 200 ml of distilled water. Boil water, pour the mixture and leave to brew for an hour.Strain the resulting cosmetic infusion and rub into the scalp after each wash.
- In case of impotence: 10 grams of dried raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for an hour, then strain. Consume internally 10 grams, not more than four doses per day.
- For joints: boil 10 grams of dry grass in 200 ml of distilled water over low heat for 10 minutes, insist for 1.5 hours. Take before meals, 5 grams every 5 hours.
- In case of joint inflammation: Boil 10-15 grams of freshly chopped herbs for 10 minutes in distilled water, after the boiling begins, leave to brew for 2 hours. Strain before use. Take 10 grams, no more than four doses per day.
Contraindications and possible harm
Purslane garden, although it is a medicinal plant, but the daily intake used should not exceed 200 grams. Despite the fact that it provides invaluable benefits to the body, if used improperly, weed can also cause harm. The use of the plant during pregnancy and the lactation period should be limited. This product should be abandoned altogether with hypertension and bradycardia, and you can not use it with a low pulse and strong nervous tension. Using this plant for medicinal purposes or as an additive in food, it should be borne in mind that purslane can stimulate the release of insulin and cause the phenomenon of hypoglycemia. There are few restrictions, but it is recommended to take them into account so as not to harm your body.