Miniature breeds of pets have recently become especially popular. It is believed that such crumbs can live in an apartment with the owners, not too infringing on the latter, have a good disposition and do not require special care. Is this really the case with Pomeranian spitz, the favorites of children and adults? How to choose a puppy, features of the character of this breed, care and maintenance of dogs - useful information in our article.

Breed description

These miniature dogs are called Pomeranian or German dwarf spitz. They earned popularity due to their small growth, which allows families with any living conditions to start them.

A distinctive feature of the breed is the energy, friendliness and cheerful disposition of the oranges. They adapt easily, get along quickly with all family members and find contact with them.

Based on appearance, there are three types of dwarf spitz:

  • standard, or “fox” - with a long muzzle, almond-shaped eyes, sharp erect ears, without a magnificent collar, with thin paws;
  • Pomeranian spitz-dog of a bear type - with a short flattened muzzle, round eyes, small ears with a magnificent collar, with thick legs;
  • intermediate, or "puppet" type ("Baby Dollars") - has the features of a fox and a bear type, but differs in miniature size, which causes an increased tendency to disease and a short life.

For all representatives of Pomeranian, a distinctive feature is “standing” wool. That is why these fluffy lumps look so pretty.

Origin history

The ancestors of modern Pomeranians are ordinary Spitz, which back in the 15th century did an excellent job with the shepherd’s business in European villages. Although the dogs were not very successful in growth, they knew their job.

Among the litter there were also quite miniature puppies, which in the 17th century became objects of selection. Work on improving the breed was carried out in Pomerania, the Prussian province of Germany in the south of the Baltic Sea. It was from there that the name of the little Spitz appeared.

In 1870, when some representatives of this breed were brought to England, breeders decided to slightly improve the dogs. Various crossing options were carried out, as a result of which dwarf fluffy lumps appeared with cute faces. Even Queen Victoria could not resist such lovely creatures, she got herself a Pomeranian pet, with whom she practically did not part.

Then representatives of the new breed were able to achieve popularity overseas, in America and Canada. It was there that the modern name - Pomeranian - was assigned to them.

Life span

Although the dogs are very small, they can live even longer than some representatives of larger breeds. The average age that oranges reach is 12 to 15 years.

But there have been cases when Spitz reached their twentieth birthday. Proper care and good nutrition contribute to the longevity of pets.

The purpose and nature of the dog

These cute creatures are ideal for keeping in an apartment, because they do not take up much space, do not require special conditions, and are not picky.

Dwarf spitz dogs are smart and smart dogs, they are funny and funny.

Easily find contact with children who treat them well. But if the child does not know how to communicate with the orange, he can get angry at him, become aggressive. Therefore, adults must explain the rules of behavior with the pet. It’s also better for greater safety not to buy a dog until the baby is older.

Spitz is an active fidget, so he loves to play, run around everywhere for his masters. The small size allows you to take a dog with you on the road, they easily tolerate trips and adapt to any conditions.

Pomeranets always tries to please the owner, faithfully protects him, so he constantly barks at strangers, other animals. His voice is very loud, which can be annoying. Therefore, it is necessary to wean the puppy from such a habit. With the help of training, this is easily obtained, Spitz love when they are praised, and try to please.

The dog needs active movement: running, playing, swimming, regular walks. It is very important for her that the owner be nearby, because in the loneliness of the Spitz he feels uncomfortable.

And another orange is very jealous of the appearance of other pets in the house. Before making a decision, you need to think several times about the reaction of the dog to a new pet. They may just not get along together.

Breed standard and puppy selection

When buying dogs, you should definitely take into account the characteristics of the breed and its mandatory standards:

  • height - from 18 to 22 cm at the withers;
  • the head is small, wider between the ears and tapers to the bottom, wide forehead;
  • muzzle - one third shorter than the forehead, not pointed;
  • lips - dry, black, without folds;
  • teeth - small, with a scissor bite (straight and possibly);
  • nose is small, black or brown;
  • eyes - small, dark, oval, slanting;
  • ears - small, in the form of triangles, erect, set close together;
  • the neck is of medium length, but is almost invisible under lush hair;
  • case - a straight back, wide chest, short convex lower back;
  • tail - high, not too big, with a curl (maybe with two);
  • paws - straight, parallel standing, small, black claws;
  • the coat is lush, the undercoat is short and thick, not curly, straight, erect.

Dogs of this breed can have more than ten different colors, plain and two-tone, spotted.

The most common are black, chocolate, orange and cream color. But white, blue or sable oranges are not so common.

If in the future the owner plans to exhibit his pet, then he must always take into account all these parameters at the time of purchase.

In addition, choosing a four-legged "little bear", you must take into account other criteria.

  1. It is important in what conditions the puppy is at the breeder and what he eats - his health depends on it. The room should be dry and clean, and the food should be nutritious.
  2. The dog should not look lethargic, but energetic and healthy.
  3. Documents must be available - a veterinary passport with vaccinations and a pedigree (if any).
  4. The size of the puppy at this age does not matter.
  5. Boys are by nature more arrogant and more difficult to train than girls.

The cost of oranges also depends on the group to which the puppy belongs.

There are only three of them:

  • show class - special beauties claiming victory in exhibitions;
  • brid class - puppies with a good pedigree, well suited for further breeding;
  • pet class - modest pets.

Maintenance, care and feeding

The life span of a dwarf spitz is influenced by the atmosphere in which the dog lives. After all, if you properly and regularly take care of the pet, provide it with a balanced diet, then it increases the chances of becoming a long-liver among representatives of its breed.

It is not difficult to care for fluffy lumps, but for this you need to allocate about half an hour every day.

  1. Particular attention should be paid to the pride of oranges - thick wool. It must be combed daily so that it does not roll and roll around in all corners of the apartment. Regular hairdressing procedures will make the coat shiny and attractive.
  2. Water procedures should be carried out 5-6 times a year, not more often. Of course, if during a walk the orange floats in a puddle, then it will have to be bathed immediately. For washing, a special emollient shampoo is used to gently affect the delicate skin of dogs. Experienced breeders recommend purchasing a dry cleaning product so that bathing does not dry out sensitive skin.
  3. Spitz ears and eyes require frequent cleaning as soon as contamination occurs.
  4. Dogs should brush their teeth from time to time as they become unpleasant.
  5. Pomeranian perfectly hones its claws, walking on asphalt in the warm season. But in winter, the owner should carry out the claw care procedure.
  6. Daily walks are required for all Oranges. They should not be too long, dogs quickly run their dose of kilometers. In adverse weather conditions, you can not let the Spitz out onto the street, they rush around the apartment for a day. But you cannot do this too often.

Dog nutrition is an important component of proper care, ensuring the health of small pets.

You can feed oranges with dry food or natural food. It is important only to immediately determine the method of nutrition and not change it in the future.

Among store feeds, you should opt for premium products with a balanced content of vitamins and minerals. A good feed contains meat and fish, offal and a vitamin set. Additionally, breeders recommend giving fruits, dairy products and boiled vegetables.

Natural Spitz feeding should also meet the criteria for balance, safety and utility.

The ideal daily proportion: proteins (meat and fish) - 50%, cereals - 30%, vegetables and fruits - 20%.

It is important to give not hot and not too cold food, it should be at room temperature.

In no case should you introduce such products into the diet of Pomeranians:

  • confectionery, sweets;
  • pork
  • sausage;
  • smoked meats;
  • salty food;
  • skim milk;
  • legumes (beans, peas);
  • white cabbage.

Be sure to provide a drinking regime for miniature Spitz. They should have round-the-clock free access to clean water.

How to train and educate a Pomeranian

As already mentioned above, in order to curb the temper and waywardness of dogs, they must be properly educated.

The oranges are very smart, and they like it when the owner lavishes praise on them. That is why pets are trying to please everything, only to earn this praise. They carefully listen to requests and orders in order to understand what is required of them.

It is especially important to wean the dog to bark loudly. In this matter, the owners need to be especially patient and tell the pet that this is not worth doing. Otherwise, guests, especially young children, will rarely appear in the house.

In no case should stop the training. The fact is that Spitz immediately feel if the owner is weakening in their demands. Therefore, constant persistence is necessary so that the dog does not ignore the command.

It is important that all family members adhere to the same rules regarding the upbringing of Pomeranian puppies in order to achieve an effective training result.

It should also be recalled that these dogs live close to people, and the use of chains, aviaries or other ways to limit their freedom is not permissible. Otherwise, the pets will become especially aggressive, and from reliable and friendly friends will turn into dangerous and unpredictable animals.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

If, after receiving information about these miniature animals, you hesitate in your decision regarding the purchase of a four-legged friend, we’ll try to summarize all of the above.

Spitz have significant positive characteristics:

  • they are smart and easy to train;
  • do not require special conditions for living;
  • quickly mastered in a new place;
  • they are good watchmen;
  • become companions in any travels and hikes;
  • differ in special energy;
  • able to quickly cheer;
  • can live in families with older children.

In contrast to these features, oranges also have disadvantages.

Among them:

  • hot-tempered character;
  • loud long barking;
  • difficulty communicating with young children;
  • dislike for other animals (in the house or on the street).

Many families, having weighed all the pros and cons, become happy owners of these emotional, sociable and energetic animals.

How much does a Pomeranian cost?

The cost of popular fluffy lumps is influenced by several aspects:

  • sex of puppies (males are cheaper than bitches);
  • class of animals;
  • the availability of pedigree documents;
  • titles from parents.

If you want to have a simple pet so that children can play with it, then the purchase will cost around 20 - 40 thousand rubles.

And if you have views of the Spitz, so that in the future he could make an exhibition career, then you should buy a puppy from titled parents, with all the necessary documents and ideal characteristics. Such a dog will cost a larger amount - from 50 to 150 thousand.

And do not forget that regardless of the presence or absence of titles and awards, a pet needs love and affection. Then the orange will be a faithful and grateful friend, always ready to cheer up his master.