Bright exotic citrus can be found on the shelves of our supermarkets. What is known about the beneficial properties and dangers of the fruit pomelo for the body? How to choose and use it correctly?

Pomelo fruit - chemical composition and calorie content

Sheddock, pomelo - these are the names of the largest representative of citrus fruits with a pink tint of thick peel. The homeland of the pomelo is China, references to the beneficial properties of the fruit date back to 100 BC. e.

Large fruits weigh up to 10 kg, having a diameter of about 30 cm. Often there are round fruits, but there are also pear-shaped, oblate on both sides. Many people who have tried pomelo speak of the similarity of taste with grapefruit. Only it is not so bitter, besides the slices are a bit dry.

The fruit has a pleasant aroma and a rich composition of useful components:

  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, A, E, group B);
  • organic acids;
  • minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus);
  • fiber (up to 1%);
  • essential oils.

A pomelo consists of water (85–90%), carbohydrates (7–9%), proteins (0.5–0.8%), fats (0.1–0.4%), and ash (0, 4–0.7%). The fruit has a very low calorie content (28–40 kcal), the sweeter the fruit, the more calories.

Useful properties for the human body

Doctors recommend using sheddock in your diet. Valuable vitamin composition of the fruit has a positive effect on health.

Features of the pomelo:

  1. Favorably affects the cardiovascular system.Potassium strengthens the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, heart rate.
  2. Strengthens the immune system, improves resistance to viral and colds. Ascorbic acid accelerates the healing process, improves human well-being. Using fruit for prevention reduces the risk of seasonal illness.
  3. Increases hemoglobin, relieves of anemia.
  4. Lowers bad cholesterol. Vitamin E helps cleanse blood vessels of plaques, which reduces the chances of atherosclerosis and its complications - heart attack and stroke.
  5. Improves metabolic processes in the body. Lipase promotes the breakdown of proteins. Fiber stimulates the removal of toxins.
  6. It is fighting against cancer, it is an excellent prophylactic against tumors. Limonoids prevent cancer cells from multiplying.
  7. Strengthens bone tissue. Calcium promotes rapid rehabilitation after fractures.
  8. Improves mood, improves tone. Essential oils increase efficiency, concentration.
  9. Promotes weight loss. Low calorie content and the ability to quickly saturate the body allows the use of pomelo in diet food.
  10. Makes tooth enamel stronger. Ascorbic acid and calcium reduce bleeding gums.
  11. Promotes the withdrawal of sputum in diseases of the respiratory tract (cough, asthma).
  12. Improves skin condition, makes it supple.

Such a number of useful properties suggests that pomelo should be used in the diet. Of course, you should consider the possible contraindications and harm to the fruit.

People's advice:passion fruit

The benefits of pomelo for pregnant

Is it possible for expectant mothers to eat this exotic fruit, because in a special situation, doctors do not recommend consuming many products?

Sheddock does not belong to the forbidden, on the contrary: it is recommended to be eaten by pregnant women. Just do not do it every day. 300-400 g of fruit 2-3 times a month - thus, the body of the expectant mother will receive the necessary vitamins that are in the broom.

What is the fruit useful for pregnant women:

  • boosts immunity;
  • is a means of preventing colds;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • contributes to the normal development of the fetus (folic acid, potassium and calcium - important building materials of the brain and bone system of the child);
  • increases efficiency;
  • satisfies the body's need for fluid, quenches thirst;
  • improves digestion, helps to accelerate metabolic processes;
  • prevents the accumulation of extra pounds;
  • is an antidepressant, improves mood;
  • makes vessels elastic, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Doctors recommend taking a course of treatment with the help of a pomelo if the expectant mother has frequent constipation, increased pressure, or increased attacks of panic and depression. It is important to adhere to the indicated dosage so that the pomelo does not cause an allergic reaction.

Fruit Applications

Sheddock is used in various fields: cooking, diet, for the treatment of diseases, as well as in cosmetics.

Traditional medicine recipes

The medicinal properties of pomelo allow it to be used as a means for the prevention of diseases and the fight against them.

Traditional healers offer different options for using the fruit:

  1. To strengthen the heart and normalize the pulse, eat 2 slices of the fetus daily on an empty stomach.
  2. Gargling will help with a sore throat (100 g of juice per 100 g of warm water).
  3. Inflammation of the skin will remove the compress from the crushed peel of the pomelo.
  4. It will facilitate the withdrawal of sputum with a dry cough fruit juice. It must be heated to 37-40 degrees.
  5. The pulp cleared of a film lowers cholesterol level.
  6. Improves the structure of hair and skin condition a glass of juice drunk before bedtime.
  7. Removes toxins from the body, prevents pomelo juice from constipation. Consume 3 g daily 100 g before meals.

If there are no contraindications, therapy with the help of juice and sheddock pulp will significantly improve health, increase immunity.

In cooking

Pomelo are most often eaten raw, between meals or as a dessert. Also, fruits are used in some dishes. Especially many recipes offer national Asian cuisine.

What can be prepared from a sheddock:

  • salads (fruit, with chicken, seafood);
  • marmalade;
  • butter products (pulp - as a filling);
  • sauce for meat and fish dishes;
  • peel jam;
  • candied pomelo;
  • aromatic additive for drinks from dried and crushed peels.

To remove the light bitterness of the fruit, you must carefully clean the pulp of the pomelo from the film before cooking.

Weight loss

Nutritionists recommend doing fasting days with pomelo. After all, the fruit is low-calorie, but at the same time nutritious, helps to overcome hunger. Obese people can lose 10–15 kg with a two-week dietary course.

The fruit quickly breaks down fats, removes toxins, saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. These properties are the perfect combination for a dietary product.

Together with sheddock, you can use chicken (steamed or baked), vegetables (stewed, fresh), cereals and fruits with a low fructose content in the diet. It is important to drink enough water (at least 2 liters per day).

You can not diet for more than two weeks. This is dangerous by the development of disturbances in the body.

In cosmetic procedures

The nutritional properties of pulp and sheddock juice are used to improve skin condition. Cosmetic masks improve complexion, make skin supple and radiant.

Healing recipes:

  1. Freshly squeezed juice tonic pomelo freshens the skin, eliminates oily sheen. It is necessary to wipe the face with such a tool in the morning and before bedtime. For dry skin, dilute the juice with water (1: 1), for oily skin - use in pure form.
  2. A nourishing mask of crushed pulp of fruit (100 g), honey (1 tsp) and lemon juice (1 tsp) helps restore skin. Apply before bedtime, avoid areas around the eyes and near the lips. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water or green tea.
  3. Oily skin cleanser removes unpleasant face shine. The mask contains crushed pulp of sheddock (50 g), kefir (10 g). Squeeze the mixture, wipe the skin with juice. When it dries, apply gruel to the face. Wait 10-15 minutes, rinse with water.
  4. To strengthen the nails suitable peel pomelo. It is necessary to wipe it with a cuticle and a plate 1-2 times a week.

Regular use of the fruit in cosmetic procedures will improve the condition of the skin and nails.

Contraindications and possible harm pomelo

Sheddock has its contraindications.

You can not eat fruit or it is necessary to reduce its amount in the diet in the presence of such diseases:

  • allergic reactions (rash, itching, swelling, suffocation);
  • increased acidity of the stomach, ulcerative pathology, heartburn;
  • colitis in the acute stage;
  • diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, nephritis.

Even in the absence of contraindications, do not eat fruit too often. Exceeding the recommended dose causes unpleasant symptoms in the form of indigestion.

How to choose a quality and tasty fruit in the store?

It is better to buy a sheddock in February. This month, the fruit ripens in the wild.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to such characteristics:

  1. The weight. A ripe fruit will be heavy, juicy, and an unripe fruit will be light, with a thick skin.
  2. Appearance. Shiny smooth peel of monophonic color is an ideal variant of a delicious pomelo.
  3. Elasticity. A ripe fruit will not be too soft if, when pressed, the peel is slightly pressed through.
  4. Smell. Ripe fruit has a rich citrus flavor. True, in stores, pomelo are sold in an airtight film. By this criterion, it is difficult to determine the ripeness of the fetus.
  5. Color. A uniform light green, yellow or pinkish hue indicates the ripeness of the fruit. If one of the sides has a green spot, the fetus is not ripe. Dark spots on the broomstick indicate that the fruit began to deteriorate.

It is stored for up to a month at room temperature. Unused peeled pulp should be put in the refrigerator and eat for 2-3 days, otherwise it will go bad.


Pomelo in the diet gives the body the necessary supply of vitamins and minerals, strengthens the immune system and helps in the prevention of various diseases.