In the modern world, there are many ways to lose weight, starting with the traditional diet and ending with exotic methods from the category of tablets with worms. One of the popular methods of dealing with overweight is the use of enterosorbents. Activated carbon or its analogue, polysorb, is usually chosen as a drug. Polysorb for weight loss is used everywhere, but not everyone succeeds in achieving the desired result. So, what should you know in order to competently get rid of body fat with the help of sorbing drugs? What is a drug like polysorb, and how should I take it?

What is polysorb?

Polysorb is a drug from the group of intestinal sorbents, the main pharmacological action of which is the binding and neutralization of toxic substances in the intestine. The product is made on the basis of colloidal silicon dioxide, has a smooth structure and does not cause damage to the mucous membrane of internal organs. At the same time, the sorption capacity of the drug is slightly reduced relative to that of black activated carbon.

Outwardly, polysorb looks like a white or slightly bluish powder, odorless. When immersed in water and stirring, it forms a suspension of a cloudy consistency. In this form, the drug is taken orally.

Indication for the use of the drug is:

  • intestinal infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • chemical poisoning through the mouth;
  • drug poisoning (even with parenteral administration);
  • heavy metal salt poisoning;
  • elevated levels of certain endotoxins associated with their release into the intestines.

When taken orally, the drug is not absorbed and leaves the intestine with feces, without undergoing changes in its chemical structure. At the same time, neutralized toxic components are located on the surface of the sorbent, which reduces its effectiveness (some toxic substances are released until the patient leaves the body).

Note: the list of indications for the use of polysorb does not include the fight against excess weight. The drug does not have any effect on existing fat deposits and blood lipids. Nevertheless, it can with certain success be used for weight loss.

Composition and properties

The composition of the drug "Polysorb" does not include auxiliary chemical or organic compounds. The product consists solely of pure colloidal silicon dioxide. With a low quality of the drug, a minimal amount of technical impurities is possible that do not affect the pharmacological effect of the drug.

Polysorb is a non-selective drug that can affect different types of toxins. Moreover, its effectiveness in relation to each of them will be lower than when using specific antidotes. The sorption capacity of silicon dioxide is 300 mg / gram. Polysorb has a fairly large weight. Therefore, taking the drug against the background of intestinal atony can lead to its accumulation in the intestinal cavity and the development of mechanical obstruction.

Indications for use

Among the indications for taking polysorb inside include:

  • acute and chronic oral poisoning with chemical and biological toxins;
  • intestinal infections;
  • allergic reactions;
  • endotoxicosis in pancreatitis, gastritis, hepatitis and other therapeutic diseases;
  • prevention of poisoning among workers in chemical enterprises and residents of environmentally disadvantaged settlements.

It is worth noting that the drug can be used locally, in order to treat purulent and long-healing wounds. In this case, the product is used in a dry form, sprinkling a wound on it and covering it with an aseptic dressing. After several hours, the bandage is removed, the wound is washed from sorbent particles.

Is it possible to lose weight by taking polysorb?

As already mentioned above, the use of polysorb for weight loss does not require use. However, despite the lack of exposure to the fat layer, the tool can still be used for this purpose. The fact is that the cause of obesity is often a violation of the process of absorption of food in the intestine. This disrupts the balance of nutrients, which leads to increased fat deposition. Polysorb has a cleansing effect on the intestine, which helps to normalize the processes of assimilation of nutrients.

The second property of the sorbent that allows you to use it as a means for losing weight is its non-selectivity. In addition to the direct neutralization of toxins, silicon dioxide precipitates on its surface a part of the nutrients obtained from food. Accordingly, the number of calories received by a person is slightly reduced, which leads to less formation of adipose tissue.

Methods of using the drug

How to take polysorb for weight loss? The technique is somewhat different from that if the tool is used in the treatment of poisoning, however, the general rules for admission are preserved. So, the drug is taken orally only in the form of an aqueous suspension. In this case, the required amount of medicine should be poured into ½ a glass of water, mix thoroughly and drink until the polysorb particles settle to the bottom.

The total daily dose of powder for an adult is 6-12 grams. It should be divided into three methods. Each of the receptions is carried out shortly before a meal (30-40 minutes) or immediately after it.The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, after which an equal time break should be taken. Prolonged continuous use of polysorb can negatively affect the work of the intestine.

The feasibility of using the drug

Reception of enterosorbents is advisable only as part of the complex therapy of obesity. It includes:

  • diet in compliance with the required proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (selected individually for each patient);
  • playing sports, consisting mainly of dynamic aerobic exercise (running for 40-60 minutes daily, jumping, outdoor games, cycling);
  • a thorough examination of the body with subsequent correction of endocrine disorders, malfunctions of the digestive system.

Using polysorb as an independent fat-burning agent will not bring the expected results.

Body cleansing

In addition to losing weight, taking polysorb helps cleanse the intestines and the entire body of poisons obtained in small doses from the environment (industrial emissions, car exhaust). The drug cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from toxic substances, and also removes toxins that accumulate in the intestine during the life of the body.

What diseases can be treated with polysorb?

Polysorb can treat all diseases that are on the list of indications for its use (poisoning, allergies, intestinal infections). In addition, enterosorbents are part of the complex therapy of some internal diseases, which are accompanied by the development of endotoxemia.

Note: the appointment of intestinal sorbents is justified even in cases where the toxic substance does not enter the body through the intestines. The fact is that most toxicants are partially released into the intestines from the bloodstream. If you do not remove these substances at the time of their presence in the digestive tract, they are absorbed back and increase intoxication.


The daily dose of Polysorb for adults is 6-12 grams, which is 2-4 tablespoons with a slide. The course dose of the drug is 42 grams (14 tablespoons) with a course duration of 1 week and taking 6 grams of the drug daily. If necessary, an increase in dosage is allowed. However, if the product is used in combination with other measures to reduce weight, it should not be increased. This will not affect the final result.

Overdose and side effects

An overdose of enterosorbents, including polysorb, is extremely rare, since the dose of the drug for this should be very high. Due to the lack of systemic effects, the simultaneous administration of polysorb in doses many times higher than therapeutic usually causes mechanical intestinal obstruction. The powder accumulates in the lumen of the intestine, blocking it and not allowing feces to leave the body.

Side effects

Polysorb has practically no side effects. With prolonged uncontrolled use, constipation may develop. In addition, the drug in high doses can lead to impaired absorption of vitamins and other substances necessary for the body. Therefore, the course of treatment with enterosorbent must be accompanied by parenteral administration of multivitamin complexes.

Note: the intake of vitamins is possible in the enteral form. However, this should occur in the intervals between the use of polysorb (interval of at least 1 hour before and after taking the sorbent). Otherwise, the vitamin complexes will be bound by silicon dioxide and will not enter the bloodstream.

Polysorb is a drug with good sorbing properties. However, it is not a means for losing weight and does not produce a fat-burning effect. Its use in order to reduce weight is possible only with an integrated approach to solving the problem. In this case, the drug itself plays a far from paramount role in losing weight.Attempts to use polysorb as an independent fat-burning agent do not lead to success. Thinking about losing weight with the help of sorbents, we should not forget about it!