Polysorb is a highly effective enterosorbent that allows you to quickly remove the symptoms of food, chemical or alcohol poisoning. And also this tool is used for preventive purposes, to get rid of toxins, metabolic waste and other harmful substances.

In addition, the drug is often included in programs for weight loss. Consider the detailed instructions for using Polysorb for cleansing the body and losing weight.

General description and composition of the drug

Polysorb enterosorbent is made in the form of a powder that does not have any smell. It is intended for the manufacture of a suspension and has a white-bluish tint.

The main active ingredient of the drug is colloidal silicon dioxide. This substance is of inorganic origin. Other compounds in the composition of the medication are absent.

Polysorb is packaged in plastic cans or two-layer bags. The first have a volume of 12, 25 or 50 g, the second - 3 g.

To prepare a therapeutic agent, the powder is diluted in water. At the same time, it is not able to completely dissolve, and a light precipitate forms at the bottom. Therefore, you need to drink Polysorb immediately after the contents of the glass have been vigorously mixed.

The medication is able to maintain sorbing properties for 5 years. Packages must be kept in the dark at a relatively normal humidity and temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.And the finished suspension will be suitable for use only within 48 hours. After this period it is no longer possible to drink.

Therapeutic effects and action

When the powder enters the digestive system, it acts locally. That is, absorption and penetration into the systemic circulation does not occur. At the same time, colloidal silicon dioxide begins to work just a few minutes after it is in the stomach and intestines.

This substance is not considered to be selective, it can bind and excrete various harmful compounds produced by the body on its own or from outside.

From the first category, it is active against such substances:

  • urea
  • "Heavy" cholesterol;
  • bilirubin compounds;
  • lipids;
  • substances that provoke the development of endotoxemia, and other "waste".

And also he is able to rid the body of the following substances and pathogens that enter it from the outside:

  • bacteria, fungi and viruses;
  • waste products of harmful microorganisms;
  • allergens;
  • food, chemical and drug toxins;
  • poisons of any origin;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • radionuclides;
  • ethanol compounds and toxins that appear during their decay.

Thus, Polysorb has sorption and detoxification effects. It attracts toxins, acting like a sponge, and removes them through the excretory system. At the same time, he himself leaves in unchanged form.

Indications for use Polysorb

Taking Polysorb to cleanse the body of toxins and allergens is allowed for patients of any age category, even infants.

It is used to detect such conditions:

  • acute intoxications of any origin;
  • infectious intestinal attacks against the background of proliferation of pathogenic microflora;
  • inflammatory and purulent disorders;
  • food allergies;
  • increased levels of nitrogen compounds in the case when the imbalance occurred due to renal impairment;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • as a preventive measure if the patient works in hazardous work or lives in a region with poor ecology.

On a note! Doctors increasingly recommend not only taking Polysorb to cleanse the body and eliminate the manifestations of allergies, but also include it in the treatment of influenza and SARS. This tool will help relieve severe signs of intoxication that accompanies these conditions. It is also noted that the drug helps to reduce body temperature.

The necessary dosage for children and adults

Before intake, enterosorbent must be diluted with water, in no case not using it in dry form. At the same time, a little liquid is required - 0.05-0.1 liters.

The dosage of Polysorb for children is calculated based on body weight.

In accordance with the weight for daily intake, powder and water are needed in the following ratio:

  • up to 10 kg - 0.5–1.5 tsp / 0.03–0.05 l;
  • 10-20 kg - 1 tsp / 0.05-0.07 l;
  • 21-30 kg - 1 tsp with a slide / 0.05–0.07 L;
  • 31–40 kg - 2 tsp / 0.07–0.1 l;
  • 41-60 kg - 1 tbsp. L / 0.1 L

If the child's weight is more than 61 kg, then he needs an adult dosage - one or two tbsp. l / 0.1–0.15 ml of water.

For an adult, the indicated dosage (1-2 tbsp. L.) May be slightly increased, depending on the severity and nature of the disease. Moreover, the required volume for patients of any age is required to be divided into 3-4 doses.

The duration of therapy is usually 5-7 days, but in some cases, for example, with dermatoses, chronic renal failure, hepatitis of a viral nature or acute intoxication, treatment can take from 10 to 21 days.

How to take during pregnancy

Polysorb is allowed during pregnancy and lactation, since it does not enter the bloodstream, which means it is not able to penetrate the placenta or excreted in breast milk.

Indications for use during these periods are the same as for other categories of patients. As well as women awaiting the appearance of the baby, with the help of this tool can get rid of severe toxicosis or prevent its development.The main thing is to use the drug only with the permission of the doctor, without violating the recommended regimen and dosage, which will be determined individually.

In addition, it is not recommended to drink this remedy for more than 2 weeks in a row. This can cause constipation, which is already not uncommon in pregnant and recently given birth women.

Advice! If you have to drink Polysorb longer than the recommended period, you should enter multivitamins and calcium preparations. Enterosorbent is able to upset the balance of these substances with prolonged use.

Contraindications and side effects

The list of contraindications for the use of Polysorb is very small and includes only peptic ulcer in the acute phase, intestinal atony, bleeding in the digestive system, and intolerance to colloidal silicon.

Side effects of this tool are extremely rare.

These include:

  • constipation and flatulence;
  • allergies indicating intolerance to the active component;
  • pronounced violation of the vitamin and mineral balance in the body with prolonged use.

Advice! To avoid stool disorders, during treatment, Polysorb should drink more liquid - about 3 liters per day. And to prevent an imbalance of beneficial substances in the body will help vitamin complexes and dietary supplements.

No cases of overdose have been reported by Polysorb. This is not surprising, since the drug is located only in the digestive tract, without penetrating the cells of other organs, and is excreted quite quickly. One can only assume that with a multiple increase in the recommended dosage, constipation and bloating are possible.

Interaction with other medicines

Since Polysorb has sorbing properties, it should not be taken simultaneously with preparations of synthetic origin. If therapy with the indicated means is carried out, it is worth distributing them with the sorbent for one and a half to two hours. In this case, it will not prevent them from assimilating, but at the same time it will reduce the negative impact of the aggressive components of these medicines.

And also do not combine Polysorb with vitamins and mineral complexes. The effect can be approximately the same: they will be eliminated from the body before they can penetrate the cells.

How to drink Polysorb while losing weight

The use of Polysorb for 10-14 days allows you to lose from 2 to 8 kg. But this will happen if the patient monitors the calorie intake and practices physical activity. And also it is worth increasing the daily intake of filtered water to 2.5-3 liters. This will not only prevent constipation, but also accelerate the process of “cleaning”. And, therefore, it is faster to lose excess kilograms.

The dosage regimen for weight loss is the same as for an adult patient, one or two tablespoons of powder, divided into three to four times. When the drug is drunk with a course lasting 10 or 14 days, you need a break for a similar time period. After this, therapy can be repeated.

Attention! Polysorb does not have “fat-burning” properties and in itself cannot affect unpleasant deposits in the waist and hips. It only helps to remove harmful compounds from the body that negatively affect the metabolism, as well as cleanse the intestines from fecal stones and other "deposits". Therefore, taking the remedy must be combined with an effective diet.

Similar means

The pharmaceutical market has many analogues of Polysorb. Many of them contain the same dominant component, while in others the effect is provided by another substance. But in any case, by the nature of the effect, these medicines are identical.

If the patient for some reason can not drink the drug in question, it is permissible to replace it with such means:

  • activated carbon;
  • Diosmectite;
  • Lactofiltrum;
  • Lignosorb;
  • Microcell;
  • Neosmectin;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Smecta;
  • Enterodesum;
  • Entegnine;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Enterosorb;
  • Enterumin.

These sorbent agents, as well as Polysorb, have earned many positive reviews from doctors and patients. But when choosing such a drug, it is better to consult a specialist. He will select the composition that is most suitable for a particular case.