Polyps in the gallbladder are a common ailment. About 10 percent of Russians find polyps in a particular organ. Formations in the gallbladder are detected during a routine examination. The probability of suffering from ailment is much greater than the statistics say. Some people live with such tumors all their lives, completely unaware of their existence. Someone insidious polyps grow into onco.
Material Content:
- 1 The main symptoms and signs of polyps in the gallbladder
- 2 Causes of occurrence
- 3 Types and diagnosis of polyps in the gallbladder
- 4 What is dangerous polyp of the gallbladder?
- 5 How to treat polyps in the gallbladder without surgery?
- 6 When is the treatment of polyps in the gallbladder without surgery impossible?
- 7 Polyp Prevention
The main symptoms and signs of polyps in the gallbladder
The insidiousness of polyps is that for many years they have not claimed anything. Or they cause symptoms that are similar to gastritis, upset stomach, stomach ulcer, liver disease, cholelithiasis.
Here, for example, how the symptoms of polyposis manifest:
- nausea, and sometimes vomiting, after which it becomes easier;
- pain in the hypochondrium;
- hepatic colic;
- jaundice;
- bloating;
- fever;
- poor sleep, memory problems;
- dark urine;
- a feeling of heaviness after a meal.
What are polyps in general? Peculiar neoplasms on the mucosa inside the gallbladder. These neoplasms can be large, small, single or multiple. It is possible to identify them only with ultrasound.
Causes of occurrence
An interesting fact: polyps are more common in women, and after the age of 35. And only in 20 percent of cases in men. Perhaps this depends on the fact that men are less likely than women to go to clinics for medical examinations.And neoplasms are detected more often during medical examinations. Be that as it may, the fact remains that women suffer from this disease 4 times more often.
And the reasons for the pathology are:
- inflamed gall bladder;
- stagnant bile;
- disturbed metabolic functions;
- obesity;
- biliary dyskinesia.
It is believed that the hereditary factor and genetic predisposition are most influential. If someone in the family had cancerous tumors, then the risk of neoplasms in the gallbladder increases significantly. And yet, experts say that several reasons play a role in polyposis: for example, heredity and congestion of bile, acquired due to strict diets or other reasons.
Types and diagnosis of polyps in the gallbladder
Polyps are divided into:
- cholesterol (these are pseudo-polyps). They are cholesterol deposits on the mucous membrane of an organ. Most often detected in men;
- real, consisting of epithelial tissue. They also differ in papillomas and adenomatous papillomas - one of the most dangerous in terms of the risk of developing into cancer.
Recognize the ailment only by symptoms does not work. Research is needed like ultrasound and endoscopy. As well as laboratory test methods.
Read also: polyps in the uterus: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
An ultrasound scan reveals the gallbladder as a dark oval formation. If it has a polyp, then it looks like a bright formation, starting from the wall and growing into the cavity. Endoscopic ultrasonography allows you to see the polyp in detail, since high-frequency ultrasound is used, the picture is more clear.
Another examination may be computed tomography. It gives a clear picture, determines the nature and location of polyps, the causes of their occurrence.
What is dangerous polyp of the gallbladder?
Many people live their whole lives with a polyp in the biliary system and die for other reasons. However, this is not a reason to calm down and not take measures if nothing worries. A routine inspection is necessary at least once every two years. And if there are severe symptoms, it is necessary to check. After all, what is the danger of a polyp of the gallbladder? In 35 percent of cases, polyps turn into cancer. But even if you are lucky to avoid cancer, other consequences are also dangerous.
Among them:
- gallbladder inflammation;
- gangrenous cholecystitis;
- liver abscess
- peritonitis (pus enters the peritoneum, more often fatal);
- cholangitis (leads to sepsis).
The growths interfere with the normal outflow of bile. And this leads to cirrhosis of the liver, to osteoporosis.
How to treat polyps in the gallbladder without surgery?
Treatment of polyps without surgery is possible when it comes to pseudo-polyps. That is, those that were formed as a result of the deposition of cholesterol. There are medications that can dissolve polyps. But it still depends on the size of the neoplasms. Large ones that exceed one centimeter are removed by operation.
Drug treatment of polyps in the gallbladder
Once it is clearly established that the polyps are of a cholesterol nature, the doctor prescribes medication. Such therapy allows you to reduce cholesterol and dissolve the resulting growths in the gallbladder. Ursosan and henofalk are used for this. There are other similar drugs, for example, ursofalk. It also effectively destroys cholesterol deposits.
Dosage and duration of treatment depend on the degree of neglect of the disease, the age of the patient, his body weight and other factors. For example, for patients weighing from 60 to 70 kilograms, three capsules of ursosan per day are sufficient. Those who weigh more may be given another extra capsule.
As a painkiller take no-shpu. It eliminates spasms of the gallbladder, and the pain goes away.One tablet is enough for severe pain.
Such therapy lasts from three months to two years, it all depends on the size of the neoplasms. As a rule, during this period, with the help of solvent medicines, you can completely get rid of the disease without surgery. But, alas, sometimes the results are not the same as we would like. In this case, you still have to resort to surgery.
Folk remedies
Ancient recipes are good as an additional remedy. They allow you to stop the growth of tumors. Good in this regard, a decoction of celandine. In a thermos, pour a tablespoon of grass and pour 1000 g of boiling water. After an hour of infusion, they drink one hundred grams in the morning, at lunch and in the evening before a meal. Such a course is carried out for a month, then a ten-day break is made, and the course is repeated again. And so 90 days. Doctors call the treatment of polyps in the gallbladder with folk remedies quite effective. But in any case, you should consult your doctor.
Diet for polyps in the gallbladder
When confirming the diagnosis, nutrition must be completely reviewed. It must be rich in fiber. Coarse fibers of vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes well restore metabolism, contribute to the rapid absorption of fats.
You should control the intake and type of fat, as well as the balance of carbohydrates. Uncontrolled eating of fats leads to the situation when the gall bladder is not able to qualitatively process food. Fats are beneficial and harmful. Healthy ones are unsaturated fats, and harmful ones are saturated and modified (margarine, refined oil). These bad products are ideally generally banned.
You need to eat a little and do not overwork before going to bed. Two-thirds of the meals should be non-starchy vegetables.
This diet must be adhered to all life. Polyps can even form after removal.
The diet on the first day after removal of the neoplasm is even more stringent. In the first 6 hours you can not eat and drink. Then for another day only drink mineral water without gas in small portions. In the next two weeks - only mashed vegetables, cooked with steam - as mashed potatoes or soup.
When is the treatment of polyps in the gallbladder without surgery impossible?
Surgery is resorted to more often. In some situations, there is not even another alternative.
It is when:
- polyp more than a centimeter;
- when the polyp was the result of another disease - cholecystitis, gastritis;
- when growth of a neoplasm is observed;
- when polyps formed a lot;
- if there is a cholelithiasis plus a polyp;
- when someone in the family was ill with oncology.
That is, an operation is indicated when there is a high risk of the polyp degenerating into cancer, or into another dangerous condition.
A dangerous condition can be considered the fact that if the polyp creates significant discomfort, a violation of health. Means:
- the transition of an ordinary polyp to onco;
- hepatic colic;
- inflammation of the gallbladder;
- purulent cholecystitis;
- obstructed outflow of bile;
- excess bilirubin.
Cancer of the bile is a very dangerous condition in which only 15 percent of patients survive to a year. Thus, in case of suspicious neoplasms, surgery is performed immediately.
Surgical interventions are most often laparoscopic, that is, with the least surgical interventions and quick recovery after surgery. But sometimes you have to remove the gallbladder through a full incision. The operation is called open cholecystectomy. They resort to this method of removing tumors when they reach large sizes - about two centimeters.
It is generally accepted that large polyps can grow into cancer, so they are removed as quickly as possible.
Polyp Prevention
Although polyposis is generally considered a hereditary disease, much still depends on the patient’s lifestyle.
Negative factors:
- sedentary work, too few walks;
- Passion for too fatty, fried, spicy foods;
- alcohol abuse
- untreated gastrointestinal diseases;
- dry food, whipped up, a long break between meals;
- overweight.
It is important to change eating habits, in the nature of relaxation. More to be in the fresh air, move, take daily walks, timely eliminate health problems, be sure to undergo a routine inspection annually.