According to statistics, such benign formations in the uterine cavity as polyps are found in 10% of the female population of the planet. Their formation comes from the inner layer of the main female organ. Today we will talk about what constitute polyps in the uterus, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies.
Material Content:
- 1 Reasons for the development of polyps
- 2 Signs and Symptoms
- 3 The most dangerous polyps
- 4 Uterine endometrial polyp and pregnancy
- 5 Folk remedies against polyps in the uterus
- 6 Treatment after removal of the endometrial polyp in the uterus
- 7 Prevention and helpful tips on how to prevent the formation of uterine polyps
Reasons for the development of polyps
Outwardly, the polyp resembles a growth that protrudes into the uterine cavity with a leg or a wide base. They differ in structure, location, size and structure, often without any manifestation.
The mechanism for the development of the problem lies in the disruption of the ovaries when they release too much estrogen into the blood. The result is the growth of the endometrium, when some of its sections cease to exfoliate, remaining in the body cavity, which occurs for several cycles in a row. As a result, a small outgrowth appears, in which vessels with connective tissue fibers gradually grow.
The causes of the formation of polyps can be the following:
- Hormonal ovarian dysfunction (hyperestrogenia), accompanied by fibroma, mastopathic processes, ovarian polycystic or glandular endometrial hyperplasia.
- Inflammatory processes - oophoritis, adnexitis, endometritis, infectious ailments, abortion or curettage with injuries and long wearing of the intrauterine device.
- Obesity, disorders of the central nervous system and the psyche, malfunctions in the immune system, thyroid disease, high blood pressure or sugar disease.
- Blockage or proliferation of vascular channels.
- The appearance of a cervical polyp is possible with prolonged use of the drug Tamoxifen, due to genetic predisposition and lack of physical activity.
As part of the polyp, the body itself and the leg connecting the formation to the organ wall.
Depending on where they are located, polyps of the cervix and uterine body are distinguished, divided into types:
- the formation of connective tissue cells with a dense structure is called fibrous polyps. They mainly appear in women aged 40+;
- glandular tissue structures have glandular formations in the uterine cavity, developing in young patients, as cystic with fluid inside;
- in the composition of adenomatous polyps, you can detect not typical changes in cell structures prone to malignancy;
- a mixture of connective tissue with glandular cells is observed in glandular fibrous polyps.
After childbirth, placental growths may appear with the remaining placental cells in the uterine cavity. Any of the above neoplasms requires treatment, which should be carried out under the guidance of a specialist.
Signs and Symptoms
It is sad, but an endometrial polyp is found in the uterus, as a rule, when visiting a gynecologist planned or by accident. And this happens due to the absence of special symptoms of the development of this ailment. It happens that a woman comes to see a doctor because of a suspicion of another disease or to find out the causes of infertility, and polyps are found during the examination.
When formations reach certain sizes, the following signs of the disease may appear:
- Violations of monthly blood discharge of various kinds.
- Bleeding between menstruation or during the onset of menopause.
- Discomfort up to pain during sex, and after - the appearance of ointments on linen.
If the polyp appeared due to inflammatory processes or trauma in the organ, then drawing pain may appear during intercourse and a few days before the onset of menstruation. It is still possible to detect blood in daily secretions, unrelated to those that come every month.
With the growth of the size of the polyp, anemia develops, and the cycle is steadily broken. Pregnancy does not endure until the end, and if all this happened, fetal hypoxia is observed. It is possible that a woman will never become a mother, and the most dangerous is the risk of developing uterine cancer.
Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to identify the disease at an early stage, which will allow you to quickly get rid of it without consequences.
The most dangerous polyps
Any type of polyp from the above should be treated so that it does not cause more serious consequences for the health and even life of a woman.
Important: the glandular-fibrous type of polyps often causes all kinds of inflammation.
But the most dangerous is the placental, formed after a difficult birth and complex abortion, if a woman has suffered a miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy. In this form of formations, strong and prolonged bleeding appears, as a result of which infection and infertility occur.
Uterine endometrial polyp and pregnancy
Not necessarily overgrown endometrium leads to infertility. There are cases of pregnancy and bearing healthy offspring even with existing polyps in the uterus, the presence of which the woman did not even suspect. Although it happens the other way around, when formations interfere with these processes, often leading to miscarriage.
It is categorically contraindicated to surgically treat polyps in pregnancy already. It is impossible during this period to take hormonal drugs. Therefore, doctors can only bring the woman to childbirth with the least loss, and only then deal with the removal of these formations.
There have been cases of spontaneous resorption of polyps in the uterine cavity, but still, you should not count on this.After all, they are dangerous in that they can develop into a malignant form. Therefore, the sooner you begin to take measures to remove them, the higher the chances of a positive outcome of treatment without negative consequences.
Folk remedies against polyps in the uterus
Traditional healers have in their arsenal enough recipes to get rid of polyps in the uterine cavity, both for oral administration and douching. Let's consider each method in more detail.
But it is worthwhile to understand - it is possible to treat polyps with such means only at the initial stage. A neglected ailment of traditional medicine is not within the power.
Important: it can be used simultaneously with pharmacy and homeopathic medicines.
The advantages of treatment with alternative methods include the absence of hormones and side effects with contraindications in the composition of hormones. Although there is one “but” - you will feel their action much later.
It is also important to get the right tool to get the maximum effect, which only a specialist will help. Otherwise, you, at least, will not get rid of the disease, but as a maximum you can aggravate the situation or provoke the development of a malignant formation.
Decoctions for the reception
- The plant has proven itself Red brush alternating with a pine uterus. The broth is prepared as follows - pour 20 g of crushed raw materials with boiling water (150 ml) and insist a couple of hours in a dish wrapped in a towel. Reception - 3 times a day, 15 ml before meals with a 2-week course.
- A decoction of needles - collect and chop pine or Christmas tree needles, pouring them with boiling water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon / 1 liter, respectively. Boil the composition for 30 minutes, pour into a thermos and leave alone for another 3 hours. Take 0.5 cups before meals for up to 4 weeks.
- A good infusion of herbs and berries - 2 small tablespoons of nettle, 3 rose hips and 1 tbsp. l grind blackcurrant berries and mix. Take 1 dessert spoon from the mixture, pour 0.5 l of boiling water over it, cover with a lid and let it brew for 1 hour. Divide the finished drink into 4 parts that you drink all day. For taste, you can add a little honey.
- A tincture of a golden mustache will also help fight polyps - cut 10 joints in half and fill the floor with a liter of alcohol, putting in a dark place for a couple of weeks. It is necessary to drink the finished composition dropwise - 10 to 2 times a day before meals, diluting in a glass of water.
People's advice:red brush: medicinal properties and contraindications
Herbal decoction for douching
Against polyps, douching, which kills sick microflora, improves blood circulation and promotes healing, has also proved itself to be excellent.
- Take 30 g of finely ground shiitake mushroom and pour boiling water over it (half a liter), leaving for 2 weeks. It is necessary to douche with the resulting composition 2 times a day 10 in a row.
- Another recipe - mix 1 part chamomile with oak bark, 5 parts knotweed with 3 parts nettle leaves. Mix everything and take from there 2 tablespoons, placing it in the cooked dishes, pouring a liter of boiling water there, boiling for another 7 minutes. Douche with the resulting composition up to 3 times a day.
Celandine-based remedies
High efficiency in the treatment of polyps is noted by the celandine plant. But at the same time it is considered poisonous, therefore it is very important to observe the correct dosage during the preparation and use.
Here are some celandine based healing recipes:
- take young shoots by placing them in a glass container with a tight lid, pour boiling water over, clogging and wrapping it with a warm cloth. The composition should last 12 hours, after which it is consumed 3 times a day with a gradual increase in the amount, starting with 1 tbsp. l up to 100 ml in a course of 2 weeks. Then a break of 3 weeks and a repeat;
- grind a young plant with a blender, leaving it alone in a glass container for 2 days under a tight lid. Now separate the separated juice from the pulp and pour vodka in a proportion of 1/1. Drink three times a day for 1 tsp. before meals for 30 minutes in a course of 10 days.
The above recipes should be taken under the supervision of a specialist and on his recommendation, where dose adjustment on an individual basis is possible.
Pine uterus
With a variety of gynecological diseases, including polyps in the uterus, the boron uterus also struggles (ortilia is one-sided). It has anti-inflammatory properties, antitumor, diuretic, immuno-strengthening and lowering cholesterol.
From it you can make various healing compounds - tincture, broth and others. To prepare the first composition you will need to combine 5 tbsp. l plants with half a liter of vodka, insisting 3 weeks. Do not forget to shake the container 2-3 times a day, taking the finished composition of 15 drops 1 hour before eating.
To prepare the broth, pour 4 tbsp. l plants and fill them with 0.5 l of water, boiling for about 7 minutes, then leave under the lid for 30 minutes, removing from heat. Drink the finished composition 1 tablespoon 3 times during the day.
Treatment after removal of the endometrial polyp in the uterus
If nevertheless, surgery was not done, and the polyps were removed, so the course of treatment should be selected by the attending physician, which will take into account the age, severity of the disease, shape, type, number of polyps and complications with possible deviations.
As a rule, the doctor prescribes drugs with iron to get rid of anemia, which is the result of large blood loss. Once every 2 weeks it will be necessary to visit a gynecologist to prevent relapse and the development of complications.
After the rehabilitation period, a specialist examination is shown every 6 months.
Prevention and helpful tips on how to prevent the formation of uterine polyps
As such, special preventive measures against the development of polyps in the uterine cavity do not exist.
It is important, knowing the reasons, not to provoke the appearance of this disease, adhering to certain rules throughout life:
- Do not delay the treatment of inflammatory processes and infectious ailments of the internal female genital organs.
- Sexual life should always be with one trusted partner.
- In time, correct hormonal disorders that appear in a certain age and life situations.
- Properly use hormonal contraceptives.
- Avoid injury to the mucous membrane of the main female organ.
- Lead an active lifestyle, regularly engaged in their physical development.
And another important point is to regularly visit a gynecologist to timely detect possible problems in this area. Do not ignore simple tips, which will help to avoid the development of polyps in the uterine cavity. Health to you and your loved ones!