If you believe the statistics, then ten percent of Russians have polyps in the intestines and stomach. Polyposis is more common in men than in the fairer sex. The disease is dangerous because it often degenerates into cancer. In time, the characteristic symptoms that you need to know about help to identify the ailment. The disease is treated by surgical removal of neoplasms. Prescriptions for potions from traditional medicine are also quite effective.
Material Content:
- 1 Polyps in the intestine - general characteristics of the disease
- 2 Causes
- 3 The main symptoms and signs of polyps in the intestines in adults, in children
- 4 Types and diagnosis of polyps
- 5 Treatment of intestinal polyps
- 6 What is the likelihood of a polyp degenerating into intestinal cancer?
- 7 Preventative measures
Polyps in the intestine - general characteristics of the disease
What are the polyps in the intestine, the symptoms and treatment of the disease are described in many sources, medicine, this problem has long been known. But no one has described the nature of its origin for one hundred percent. Polyps are benign neoplasms protruding above the surface, which are composed of epithelial cells. They are attached to the walls of the internal organ with a foot or a wide base. They can form in any organ, and the intestines are one of the favorite places.
Neoplasms often occur in the rectum, sigmoid, descending intestine, less often in the transverse segment of the colon. Not always polyps are converted into a malignant tumor. But eighty percent of cases of rectal polyposis are the future oncological diseases.
Neoplasms in the duodenum and in rare cases in the small intestine are very rare.
Interestingly, most often the disease occurs in children and adolescents, and the older the person, the lower the chance of polyps.
It is not precisely established where the polyposis comes from. But there are factors that contribute to their education.
It is believed that they provoke the disease:
- heredity;
- physical inactivity;
- Passion for animal products to the detriment of plant foods;
- ecological problems;
- dysbiosis;
- tendency to constipation;
- bowel cancer;
- intestinal diverticulosis.
Some experts believe that polyposis is a borderline state between normal inflammation and organ cancer. Polyposis is dangerous precisely because it can develop into cancer.
The main symptoms and signs of polyps in the intestines in adults, in children
It is worth knowing to all people, and even children, in order to inform parents about the problem in time.
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Here are some things to watch out for:
- diarrhea, alternating with diarrhea;
- bleeding from the anus during bowel movements;
- frequent urge to defecate;
- pain in the abdomen or persistent discomfort during bowel movements.
The presence of spotting in feces adults can mistake for hemorrhoids. And in children, this phenomenon can be for many other reasons. In any case, you should consult a doctor for an examination to determine the cause of this condition.
Alas, very often polyposis is generally asymptomatic until it develops into cancer. That is why it is so important to pass test checks every year after 50 years.
Most often bleeds in those who have polyps in the rectum. Polyps in the colon also give abdominal pain, burning in the anal canal, diarrhea alternates with diarrhea. Polyposis of the small intestine can lead to bowel obstruction in both adults and children. Polyps in the duodenum for a long time do not reveal themselves in any way, and when they reach large sizes, they lead to intestinal obstruction.
Types and diagnosis of polyps
All polyps are classified by type.
There are polyps:
- Villous. They are like a carpet lining the walls of the intestine, and in 40% of cases degenerate into cancer;
- Adenomatous. Most often, harbingers of cancer;
- Hyperplastic. Very small in size, most often in the rectum;
- Hamartomatous. They are made up of healthy tissue. It is assumed that the cause of their occurrence is a violation in the development of the glandular epithelium;
- Youthful local outgrowths. Usually found in children, extremely rarely malignant, although there are exceptions.
Polyps are multiple or single. Multiples often grow in groups, and it happens that they are scattered throughout the intestines.
Treatment of intestinal polyps
Polyps must be removed by any means: using a surgeon's scalpel, folk methods or tablets. In each case, there is an approach to this issue. If polyps are left alone, they have every chance of developing into cancer.
Removing polyps in the intestine is the task of the attending physician, and in time to seek help is the task for the patient. That is why it is so important to pay attention to alarming symptoms, and not to postpone a visit to the doctor. Polyps are detected using modern technologies - colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, irrigoscopy, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. And sometimes with rectal polyposis, a routine examination and palpation is enough.
Drug treatment of polyps
Alas, medicines cannot cure polyposis. Medicine has not yet come up with such a remedy. But medications are prescribed in order to prepare the patient for surgical treatment. For example, gastritis is becoming a frequent companion of polyposis. To reduce the symptoms of gastritis, the doctor prescribes Motilium, Ranitidine and other drugs of this group to relieve inflammation of the mucosa.
Sometimes the patient consciously refuses the operation.In this case, the doctor selects drugs that alleviate the patient’s condition, that is, they are struggling with symptoms, and not with the underlying disease.
Folk remedies
Treatment of polyps in the intestines with folk remedies has quite effective results. They can not be considered universal, since they cannot be completely cured. But they can very well slow down their growth, as well as prevent new growths from appearing.
Among the popular methods are:
- decoctions of oak bark, spruce needles, celandine;
- juice, broth, drink from fresh viburnum;
- kvass from celandine;
- a mixture of horseradish and honey.
And they take tails, calendula and St. John's wort in equal proportions and make a decoction, which is used for an enema. It is necessary to take on the tablespoon. each herb, pour half a liter of boiling water and leave for 6 hours. When the composition is infused, it must be heated to 37 degrees and entered into the anus in the evenings shortly before bedtime. This should be done every night until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.
Whatever means are recommended, in any case it is necessary to consult a doctor. Alternative methods are not so harmless, they can do harm instead of benefit. But they can be a great help in the treatment.
Surgical intervention
If the presence of polyps is confirmed, then it is best to agree to the operation. This will many times reduce the risk of degeneration of a benign polyp into a malignant disease.
There are several types of surgical care for polyposis. It:
- Endoscopic surgery with a colonoscope.
- Colotomy - by cutting the wall of the affected intestine.
- Transal - removal of neoplasms through the rectum.
- Resection of the intestine, when the neoplasms are numerous and localized in a specific place.
As a rule, after the removal of polyps, they do not form again. Therefore, surgical intervention has quite effective results. Although there are cases when neoplasms are re-forming - already in new places. To avoid this, patients are recommended medication, help with folk remedies, a special diet and lifestyle changes. It is important to abandon bad habits, quit smoking and drink alcohol forever.
Diet after removal of the polyp in the intestine
The diet after removal of the polyp necessarily consists of light, sparing food. If these are soups or cereals, then they must be mashed. If meat or fish, then steamed and also mashed.
It is very useful to use:
- any fermented milk products enriched with bio-bacteria, probiotics, prebiotics;
- not sour fruits;
- pumpkin dishes;
- sea kale, but not in the form of a salad with vinegar, white cabbage, broccoli;
- wheat germ (you can sprout yourself);
- carrots, onions, spinach in any form.
It is completely necessary to refuse fatty and fried, salty and sour, pickled and canned. Refined foods and dairy products are prohibited.
All dishes should be kept warm. You can’t eat protein foods with starchy vegetables.
What is the likelihood of a polyp degenerating into intestinal cancer?
Small polyps, up to 1 cm in size, rarely degenerate into cancer. This is only 1 percent of a hundred. If the sizes reach from 1 to 2 cm, the probability of rebirth increases by 10 times, and with sizes even larger - by 40 times. The growth rate of polyps is always individual. They can develop over 10 years or more. And sometimes they grow in a matter of months.
Adenomatous and villous polyps are the most dangerous. In 95 percent of cases, they become malignant. And this process of rebirth takes from five to fifteen years. Hamartomatous and hyperplastic polyps are the most harmless, they never turn into a malignant disease.
Preventative measures
It is difficult to protect yourself from polyposis if it is a hereditary ailment. Still worth a try. Well, if in the family no one had polyps, then all the more, take care of your health from a young age.
The main thing is to eat the right, healthy food.And in case of digestive problems take action on time. In the diet, there must be a place for vegetables with coarse fibers - zucchini, pumpkin, beets. Apples are good in this regard.
You need to move more, walk, ride a bike.
At least once every three years, visit a doctor for a routine examination of the intestine. This is especially worth doing to those at risk, who have relatives in the family with such a disease.