The beneficial properties of Brazil nuts justify the high cost of this product. He is credited with a lot of unique qualities. Therefore, despite the high cost, the number of his fans is increasing every year.

Composition and calorie content of the fetus

Brazil nut ripens on the plant of the same name. An adult tree grows in height over 40 m. It has a huge spreading crown and impresses with the thickness of the trunk, the diameter of which can reach 2 meters.

The fruit of the tree is not the nut itself, but a weighty box that looks like a coconut. Inside it there are more than 20 seeds, which we actually call nuts.

The tree is almost never found in a cultural form. To plant plantations is economically unprofitable. Therefore, the bulk of nuts entering the market are seeds of a wild plant growing in the forests of the Amazon. South America is the homeland of the Brazil nut.

Plant kernels are often sold without shells. The fruit has a thin dark shell, under which lies a whole pantry of nutrients.

Walnut is very nutritious, as it contains 20% protein and about 70% fat. In terms of saturated acids, it is the most valuable nut in the world.

The kernels of a Brazilian tree contain:

  • almost the entire spectrum of B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid, valuable for immunity;
  • a mass of trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc;
  • anti-aging vitamin E;
  • many essential amino acids.

Read also: iron supplements for low hemoglobin in adults

And the body needs selenium, which is involved in redox reactions. Selenium is essential for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, strengthens the body's defenses. It is directly involved in calcium metabolism, and, therefore, is responsible for the construction and renewal of cells and tissues.

The energy value of a Brazil nut is 680 kcal. This product is quite difficult to digest. Therefore, its daily intake should be limited to 5 grains per day.

Useful properties of Brazil nuts

Regular consumption of Amazonian gifts has a healthy effect on health.

Due to its rich chemical composition, walnut grains:

  • increase the body's resistance to viral and bacterial diseases;
  • level the effect of free radicals;
  • stimulate the endocrine system;
  • promote the production of sex hormones, prevent infertility;
  • prevent the development of cancer;
  • improve the quality of life by reducing nervous tension, stabilizing the emotional state;
  • activate mental activity;
  • slow down aging and accelerate tissue renewal processes.

In addition to the internal effect, eating nuts brings more obvious results. With regular inclusion of kernels in the diet, hair loss decreases, nails become stronger, and the skin takes on a healthy and fresh look.

Brazil nut: application

Valuable natural product could not ignore areas such as medicine, cosmetology and cooking. In each of these areas, walnut is valued for its specific qualities.

In medicine

Squeezed Brazil nut is used for the preparation of herbal medicines. It is added to relieve symptoms of inflammation, local anesthesia, and an anti-sclerotic and immunomodulating effect.

The nutshell is used in traditional medicine of the peoples of South America. It is insisted on by means for digestion and restoration of strength after a past illness.

Kernels have a restorative effect. Due to this property, they are used both in folk and official medicine.

Brazil nut in cosmetology

Brazil nut oil is used in beauty products. It is part of creams, shampoos, hair masks and nourishing emulsions for roots and tips.

Skin products protect the face from harmful external influences. Small inflammations are removed. Smooth wrinkles. Create a protective film on the surface. Prevent excessive evaporation of moisture. Accelerate regeneration processes and slow down natural aging.

Cosmetic oil nourishes the roots and scalp. Reduces hair loss. Waking dormant bulbs. Regular use affects the density of hair. Curls gain lost shine. The oil is able to protect against external influences, reduce fragility and accelerate hair growth.

In cooking

Brazil nut has a slightly earthy taste. It is not as highly valued as cedar tree kernels or almonds, but is also widely used in cooking.

Grains from South America serve as a seasoning for soups, sauces and salads. They are added in crushed, fried and dried form in ice cream, chocolate, rolls and cakes.

Walnut oil: beneficial properties and application

The non-food industry has also long paid attention to the valuable properties of peanut butter. In the creative goods industry, it is used as an excellent solvent for coloring pigments.

Oil enhances color reproduction. Improves the physical properties of the dye. Art paint with peanut butter has a good density and is evenly applied to the base.

The industry produces a mineral grease based on a nutty fat fraction. This tool is widely used by watchmakers in the repair and maintenance of mechanisms.

Is the Brazil nut good for children?

There are general recommendations on the timing of the introduction of a product into the diet of a small child. According to them, it is not advisable to give any nuts to children under 3 years old.

The kernels of the Brazilian tree contain an increased amount of protein, so in susceptible individuals with a high degree of probability they can cause allergies. If a child has previously experienced such reactions, then acquaintance with a Brazil nut should be postponed until a later date, not earlier than when he turns 5 years old.

Due to the high content of saturated fat, Brazilian tree grains are difficult to digest in a children's digestive tract. They require enhanced production of enzymes and strain the pancreas.

From the age of three (and for some from the age of five) a child can begin to give a sample of no more than 1-2 cores per day. If a negative reaction does not follow, the nut can be introduced into the baby’s diet on an ongoing basis, without exceeding the daily allowance.

Contraindications and hazards associated with walnut consumption

Any product can bring not only benefits, but also harm. An allergic reaction is a serious symptom complex, provoked, first of all, by substances of a protein nature. And since the Brazil nut is abundant in them, it is no wonder that it can also provoke a similar reaction.

First of all, people with a similar response to other types of nuts should be wary of the product. Individuals with a tendency to allergies may and should completely abandon the use of Brazil nuts.

In other cases, the harm may be associated not so much with eating as with indefatigable consumption of Brazil nuts. An overabundance of those components that are in it can really cause a negative impact.

Several years ago, radium was discovered in the nuclei, a well-known radioactive element. It was also found that the presence of this substance is not related to its concentration in the soil on which the tree grows. It's all about a branched root system. Such a powerful network is able to get the most hard-to-obtain substances out of the earth.

In some countries, sanitary regulations exist regarding the rules for importing a Brazil nut. It is not allowed to be supplied in the peel, as it contains aflatoxin, a substance dangerous to the liver. In a peeled nut, this component is absent, therefore, the product in this form can not beware.

The invaluable benefits of nuclei are the high content of selenium, a component involved in many metabolic processes, including the regulation of the activity of the endocrine system.

Harm of a nut for women is a rather established myth.

In fact, a lack of selenium can trigger a violation of reproductive function, calcium metabolism, and cardiovascular activity. Therefore, it must be ingested in normal amounts.

An excess of selenium associated with overeating Brazilian nuclei causes symptoms of intoxication: nausea, vomiting, delirium, blurred consciousness, flushing of the face. With normal consumption of no more than 5 nuts per day, negative effects are eliminated. In fact, it is possible to get poisoned only if you eat at least a pack of grains per day.

People tend to take useful unique products as a cure for all diseases. But even Brazil nuts should not be attributed to unimaginable properties. Each product is good when eaten in moderation. Then he is really able to benefit and have a beneficial effect.