A traditional way to diagnose early pregnancy is a pharmacy test. With its help, you can get a reliable result with a certain degree of error. But will the test show an ectopic pregnancy? Let's consider this question in more detail.
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Signs of an ectopic pregnancy
Well-being with this pathology resembles the first signs of a normal pregnancy:
- toxicosis;
- change in taste preferences;
- irritability;
- lack of menstruation;
- pale pink discharge;
- discomfort in the lower abdomen in the form of a pulling pain.
This similarity complicates the situation, since many women do not go to the doctor on time, being confident in the normal course of pregnancy.
A routine test and even a standard blood test will not show abnormalities.
This is due to the fact that when the egg is fertilized in the body, the production of a hormone that blocks menstruation and causes changes that occur in the body of every pregnant woman starts.
In the early stages, an ectopic pregnancy can occur somewhere in the 5th week. This condition is accompanied by heaviness in the lower abdomen, sharp pain in the side and copious discharge. The last symptom is due to the fact that in the cervix, in which the embryo is located with pathology, there are many vessels.
Deterioration is accompanied by fainting, nausea and painful pallor.This condition should be especially wary, as it indicates internal bleeding.
In any case, if you find at least one of the listed symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor. The sooner a pathology is detected, the easier it is to eliminate it with minimal health consequences.
Can the test show pathology
The effect of any pregnancy test is explained by the reaction of a special substance applied to the control zone of the product. The substance is antibodies that are sensitive to the hormone that is produced in the body of a pregnant woman - chorionic gonadotropin.
The level of hCG in ectopic pregnancy is lower than in normal. But since a slight increase is enough for a reaction to occur, the device will show a positive result.
To identify the position of the embryo and make sure the pregnancy is successful, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound scan as early as possible - the most reliable way to establish pathology in the early stages.
There is an innovative type of pharmacy test - the inexscreen test. According to the developers, he is able to determine the pathology in the early stages with an accuracy of 100%. The principle of operation of the device is the analysis of the ratio of intact and modified hCG isoforms. The normal development of the embryo is characterized by a 10% concentration of the modified part of the hormone. If the fetus is in the fallopian tube, then this indicator decreases.
Before using this model, you should carefully study the instructions. An open test cassette is used immediately after removal. Urine must be taken immediately after collection so that both forms of the hormone do not have time to transform.
When to test
The reagent applied to the test strip becomes sensitive to the “hormone of pregnant women” when the latter reaches a certain concentration. As a rule, the required amount of hCG is produced by the 14th day after conception. To obtain the most correct results, it is recommended to conduct testing starting from this period. There are more sensitive models that are able to detect the first changes as early as 5 days. They have an advanced system and cost an order of magnitude more expensive than regular test strips.
An inexscreen test to determine abnormalities is used a couple of weeks after the first day of an absent period.
If we talk about the time of day, then the optimal period is the morning hours. Using a simple strip test, you need to collect urine on an empty stomach immediately after waking up. This condition will guarantee reliable results.
Digital products can be used in the afternoon, showing the correct value. This is due to the high sensitivity of antibodies that respond to a lower concentration of hCG.
Considering that a positive test does not always mean a normal pregnancy and a successful development of the embryo, it is worth undergoing a complete medical examination to exclude possible problems at an early stage.
Interpretation of the results
In digital tests, the result is usually displayed in the form of a word (“pregnant” - “not pregnant”) or plus / minus icons. Standby time is indicated by a rotating hourglass, confirming the performance of the test. The answer appears a few minutes later. This option is much more convenient, but also more expensive.
The performance of the test strip is interpreted by the number of indicator lines. The first line appears when moisture gets in. It indicates the serviceability of the product. The second is not immediately visible, but only after a few minutes. Its absence means a negative answer. However, it must be remembered that the result is sometimes false negative. Therefore, after some time, it is worthwhile to re-diagnose if there are doubts.
It is noteworthy that a positive response with ectopic pregnancy is often possible at an early stage.If after several days the test is repeated, then with a high degree of probability the result will change to negative. Such a metamorphosis is explained by the dynamics of hCG, which in the presence of a pathological process decreases over time. Such a change is an alarm and an occasion to consult a doctor.
Sometimes an intermediate result is possible - the second line is very pale and barely distinguishable. How to interpret this option?
Does a weak second strip indicate pathology
The presence of a second barely noticeable band on the test may indicate pathology. This is due to a low level of hCG during ectopic pregnancy. Antibodies give a response to the hormone, but to a lesser extent than with normal embryo development. However, this is only one of the reasons for this result.
Among others, you can specify:
- diseases that cause hCG growth;
- malfunction of the test itself;
- low sensitivity of the model;
- untimely diagnosis (not enough time has passed since conception, and the hormone has not yet reached the optimal value);
- an excess of urine that has fallen on the indicator strip or, conversely, its lack;
- late fertilization (as a result - delayed menstruation and a lower concentration of the hormone for the estimated duration of pregnancy);
- recent birth, abortion or miscarriage (after each of these events, hCG continues to be produced in the woman’s body);
- the use of medicines with gonadotropin in the composition;
- pregnancy fading - the fetus is inside the uterus, but does not develop, which causes a small production of hCG and a pale pink strip on the test;
- the onset of menopause - during this period, a hormonal malfunction often occurs, leading to an increase in the concentration of the "hormone of pregnant women."
As you can see, an ectopic pregnancy is just one of many other reasons for the appearance of a weak strip on the indicator.
In any case, do not ignore this alarm.
Accurate diagnostic methods
The most reliable diagnostic method that helps to timely determine the incorrect attachment of the fetus is ultrasound. You can do it already during the second week of pregnancy.
The second method is blood donation for analysis to determine the level of hCG.
Ultrasound is considered the most reliable way, since hormonal levels are unstable and often change under the influence of other factors.
Ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous phenomenon. Health and life, as well as the ability to give birth to a baby in the future, depend on its timely establishment and adoption of necessary measures. Therefore, you should be very attentive to your condition and, at the first suspicion, consult a specialist.