Today, gouty arthritis is considered one of the most unpleasant diseases, since it is completely impossible to cure it. Signs of gout are accompanied by severe pain in the joints and their swelling. If you do not deal with treatment, this can lead to their complete deformation.
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Gout - what is this disease?
Gout is a joint disease caused by the deposition of uric acid salts. At different times, the disease was called the “disease of vices,” “the disease of kings,” “the disease of aristocrats,” or “the disease of geniuses.” At one time, the disease arose only in higher circles, and the reason for this was the excessive consumption of alcohol and food.
Gout has the appearance of peculiar growths that occur on the arms and legs, while uric acid levels in the body increase significantly. The growths (they are also called "tofus") tend to burst, and white crystals of this acid appear in their place.
As a rule, gout occurs over the years. In childhood and adolescence, the disease is diagnosed in isolated cases. In men, the first symptomatology occurs after 40 years, in women after 50. After 60 years, gout is detected in 97% of the adult population. The disease is most often found in men, as their uric acid level is always much higher than in women.
Forms of flow in men and women
As practice shows, 8 out of 10 patients are characterized by an acute form of the course of the disease.It is accompanied by severe pain. In addition to the fact that redness is observed in the affected areas, sometimes a cyanotic edema also appears.
To date, there are several stages of the course of the disease:
- Subacute - clinical signs are very mild, pain is absent (there may be only slight redness).
- Pseudo phlegmonous - weakening of the immune system is observed, the temperature can rise even to high levels. Other symptoms include weakness, aches, and chills.
- Chronic - periods of remission are characteristic of it. In moments of calm, the symptoms are almost not noticeable. But with each subsequent relapse, all the signs are manifested with even greater force and bring the patient a lot of unpleasant sensations.
All those signs that we indicated are characteristic only for the initial stage of each form. If you do not deal with timely treatment, then the disease can be accompanied by severe inflammation and acute pain.
Causes of the disease
As we have already noted, the main reason for the development of the disease is an increase in the amount of uric acid. Crystals of urate are deposited in the body. During crystallization, sodium urate settles in the smallest particles in the joints, which can ultimately provoke their complete destruction.
What is the reason for the increase in uric acid:
- Improper medication, in particular, those that interfere with the normal functioning of the kidneys.
- Regular consumption of products saturated with purine bases.
- Obesity.
- Renal failure.
- Lead poisoning.
- Hereditary factors. If you eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle, the disease will proceed in a latent form. Any negative effect can provoke its progression.
- Psoriasis.
- Diabetes.
Signs and symptoms of gout
Be sure to pay attention to the first signs of gout, since the disease can very quickly go from the acute to the chronic stage.
- Redness and swelling of the joint.
- In an inflamed place, the skin is stretched, they acquire a brilliant shade.
- In the affected area there is a pressing pain, especially it is severe at night and in the morning.
- Due to the fact that the temperature rises, the diseased joint becomes hot.
- Joint immobility is observed.
Gout treatment at home
Treatment of gout is possible both with medicines and folk remedies. Among the most popular are the following recipes:
- Fish-based compresses. Divide the fish fillet into 10 equal slices and send it to the freezer. Defrost one serving every evening, apply it to the affected joint. The compress should be wrapped on top with a plastic bag and, for example, a sock. Leave it overnight.
- To prepare the next mixture, you will need a pack of butter and a glass of wine alcohol. Melt the oil in a container and remove all foam from it. Add the second ingredient and set fire to the mixture. Wait for all alcohol vapors to burn out. Rub the resulting product into problem areas.
- Activated carbon. Using a coffee grinder, grind about 0.5 cups of coal, add a little liquid and a tablespoon of flaxseed. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, it should become porridge. The tool is applied to the affected joints.
Gout is almost always treated at home. In addition to folk methods, medication is also required. Most often, colchicine preparations, immunostress and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. In severe cases, intravenous administration of drugs may be prescribed. An agent such as Allopurinol affects the functioning of xanthioxidase. It helps to prevent the deposition of microcrystals of salts.
Features of a Gout Diet
It is completely impossible to cure gout, but there is no need to panic right away.There are several methods that help reduce the number and intensity of exacerbations.
One of these is the diet:
- In the daily diet must be present soup from vegetables, low-fat fish, dairy products with a low percentage of fat, pasta, cereals. All dishes should be prepared either in vegetable or in butter. You can use dill. Daily rate of eggs - 1 pc.
- From fruits you can eat citrus and green apples, from berries - everything except raspberries. Almost all dried fruits (except raisins only), honey, nuts and seeds are also allowed.
- Of the drinks, it is better to choose teas, compotes, fruit drinks, natural juices, decoctions of herbs.
During the diet, fasting days are allowed and even recommended. This will allow to establish metabolic processes. One option is a diet of rice and apples, which are consumed throughout the day.
For gout, the following foods are not recommended:
- offal and meat;
- mushrooms, meat broths;
- fried fish;
- legumes;
- canned food;
- alcohol and coffee;
- salted cheese;
- chocolate and other sweets.
Complications of the disease
If you have been diagnosed with gout, it is imperative to start timely treatment, adhere to a diet and be regularly examined by a specialist.
If these measures are neglected, this can lead to unpleasant consequences:
- One of the most common complications is uric acid deposition. Over time, it is deposited in the tissues surrounding the joints. Such deposits are reminiscent of nodules in shape, they are located either on the legs or along the ankle. A large amount of uric acid can corrode bone tissue. There have been cases when nodules reached the size of a golf ball and resulted in disability. This complication is most often observed as a result of inadequate treatment.
- Arthritis. At the first stages, an inflammatory process develops, which is characterized by pain. Then the deformation of the foot occurs.
- Gout of the legs can lead to deformity of the thumb. There may be sharp pain attacks, redness, swelling or fever.
Another unpleasant consequence is urolithiasis of the kidneys. It develops as a result of an increased concentration of salts.
Gout Prevention
In order not to provoke another attack of gout, you should adhere to certain preventive measures:
- It is necessary to monitor the calorie intake of meals, it is better that there are more fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. Eating bread is allowed from wholemeal.
- The daily amount of fluid consumed should be increased to 2.5 liters. Water supports kidney function and dilutes the concentration of uric acid in the blood.
- Try to give up alcohol, as it increases the crystallization of uric acid.
- It is necessary to limit the amount of salt consumed.
Also, do not exclude sports. To prevent the disease, brisk walking, swimming, cycling or gymnastics are suitable.