Among the numerous disorders in the functioning of the joints, such an unpleasant phenomenon as gout stands out separately. And although for the most part it affects older people, no one is safe from the unpleasant manifestations of this disease. Symptoms and treatment of gout have long been thoroughly studied by modern specialists.
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Gout - what is this disease?
Gout is a pathology that affects the patient as a result of failures in protein metabolism and the subsequent jump in the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Additionally, there is a violation of the excretion of this substance by the kidneys, which is exacerbated by salt deposits in the tissues.
Uric acid is excreted as a result of purine base processing. The latter enter the body with food taken, after which they are filtered by the kidneys, and then excreted in the urine. The resulting failures of this process lead to the accumulation of this acid and subsequent hyperuricemia. The indicated state is not actually gout itself, it develops when uric acid interacts with various chemical elements, in particular, potassium-sodium compound. In tandem, they form urates - compounds similar to crystals. Such deposits are the main reason for the development of gout.
Note. Gout on the legs as a disease has created problems for people since ancient times. This pathology was described by Hippocrates, indicating that it is mainly adult men or women who are sick with it.For a long time, gout was considered a disease of the kings - it was precisely the noble persons who suffered from disturbances in eating delicacies and plentiful libations of wine, including the mentioned salt deposition.
A progressive disease is characterized by the formation of cones and granulomas called tofuses. They are located around the joints.
Gout Flow Forms
Doctors distinguish acute, chronic gout and several additional forms of the disease:
- Subacute. Usually only one joint is affected. Pain and swelling is not observed.
- Pseudophlegmonous. She is not characterized by the typical symptoms of gout. In this condition, acute inflammation is observed in the periarticular tissues, the temperature reaches 39 ° C and higher, may be accompanied by chills. This form of the disease usually affects the wrist joints and fingers.
- Rheumatoid-like. Has a long period, can last up to several months. Often the symptoms of such a pathology are similar to the dominant polyarthritis.
- Unsymptomatic. As you might guess, it has a rather mild clinical picture. Pain is often localized in the area of one joint. In some cases, swelling or redness of the tissues is possible.
Causes of the disease
The main cause of gout on the arms and legs is considered to be an excess of uric acid in the body, leading to the gradual accumulation of salt crystals and their localization in the tissues.
The most common factors leading to acid accumulation include:
- Heredity. If the patient's closest relatives have cases of gout, the risk of pathology in himself increases at times. Pathology of the kidneys. The excretory system, which does not work in full measure, complicates the removal of purine bases from the body. Often this situation occurs due to closed lumens in the renal tubules.
Signs and symptoms of gout
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A typical symptom of gout is an attack of gouty arthritis, diagnosed in the area of the big toe, knee or ankle joints.
This attack is characterized by the following symptoms:
- the formation of tofus;
- the growth of bursting, and sometimes pressing pain;
- swelling in the area of the painful joint;
- increased heart rate;
- fever;
- hyperthermia, reaching 39 ° C;
- excessive sweating.
The signs of a chronic form of the disease include:
- deformed joints;
- joint pain
- difficulty moving;
- urolithiasis;
- cystitis.
Gout Treatment
There are several active ways to combat gout: medication, physiotherapy, and folk. Sometimes these methods can be combined. If the above therapy is ineffective, the patient is prescribed an operable removal of gouty tofus.
The principles of drug treatment
The use of medications for exacerbation of gout is considered the most effective method.
Often, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory tablets from the following list:
- Colchicine
- Allopurinol;
- "Indomethacin";
- Naproxen, etc.
An additional remedy for the symptoms of gout is recognized as the external use of preparations on a cream, gel basis, as well as various ointments. They include active anti-inflammatory components. The list of effective drugs of this group includes Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, etc.
Physiotherapy for gout is recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment. Such manipulations contribute to the improvement of cartilage, prevent their decay.
Common methods of physiotherapy include:
- Electrophoresis It creates a therapeutic effect by applying electrical impulses directly to the affected area.Additionally, the procedure improves the penetration into the skin of drugs used externally. Often, they use analgin and novocaine (for pain relief), as well as zinc, sulfur, lithium (for the purpose of stimulating cartilage tissue).
- Mud therapy. A common technique that improves the well-being of patients suffering from manifestations of gout. A detailed procedure carried out in a spa stay contributes to the dissolution of uric acid reserves.
- Ozokerite and paraffin applications. Thermal exposure to problem areas also helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
- Balneotherapy. It is considered the most enjoyable, according to patients, the method of physiotherapy. Typically, patients who are diagnosed with gout are recommended baths with hydrogen sulfide or radon.
Additionally, with gout, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, massage and exercise therapy are used. The effectiveness of the applied methods in a particular case is determined by a specialist rheumatologist.
Gout surgery
Surgical removal of tofus is rarely practiced.
But sometimes there are indications for this procedure:
- vast areas of deferred urate;
- the inability to eliminate growths by alternative methods;
- germination of formation in adjacent tissues;
- deformation and further destruction of the joint.
Note. Even a successful operation to remove tofus does not guarantee the absence of a relapse of the disease. The patient should remember that gout is a condition that will accompany him all his life.
In order to prevent the recurrence of unpleasant symptoms, you should pay due attention to your health, in particular, edit the nutrition system.
The use of folk remedies at home
Recipes of traditional medicine are relevant in the treatment of gout at home.
The most popular of them are:
- Chamomile baths. 2 small pinches of flowering plants pour 1 liter of water, pour a pinch of salt and bring to a boil over low heat. The infused solution is used as a bath, dipping a disturbing joint into it.
- Spruce cone extract. Unopened cones are poured with boiling water (1 tbsp.) And infused for 7 hours. The resulting spruce infusion is consumed in 30 minutes. before meals, 1 tbsp. l
- Matrena infusion. The roots of the plant in an amount of 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and insist. The broth is taken in 0.5 cups at the beginning and at the end of the day.
- The salt compress. 0.5 kg of salt (preferably iodized) is poured with boiling water and boiled, waiting for the final evaporation of water. 200 g of fat is poured into the vessel (petroleum jelly is acceptable). The resulting product is applied to the affected area as a natural compress.
Important. Each of the folk recipes has a number of contraindications. A method that is suitable for one patient can cause significant harm to the health of another, because the individual characteristics of organisms should not be discounted. Given this fact, before resorting to alternative medicine, it is worth obtaining the approval of a doctor.
Features of a Gout Diet
Improving the condition of a patient who notes accumulation of salts in his body, is possible only with careful observance of the diet with gout. It is recommended to limit or completely exclude products that are the source of purines (fatty fish and meat, broths, mushrooms, legumes). If the gout broth is cooked on meat, the latter should be boiled as long as possible - all the purines will go to the broth, and meat is quite acceptable to eat.
- When diagnosed with gout, protein intake is recommended to be reduced.
- Strong drinks (black tea and coffee are no exception) are also banned.
- In contrast, fluid intake should be increased by drinking at least 3 liters per day.
- The amount of salt per day should not exceed 6 - 8 g.
- The daily menu should certainly include fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products.
- Soups can be boiled in vegetables or milk.
- Floury non-edible products may sometimes be permitted.
- Boiled mushrooms and meat are consumed no more than 2 times a week.
Complications of the disease
Patients suffering from gout may experience further complications from the excretory and articular systems. An advanced pathology can provoke the so-called gouty arthritis or even partial deformation of the joint. As for the excretory system, kidney failure, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis can occur.
Renal pathology can lead to arterial hypertension, which worsens the state of blood vessels and the heart.
Gout Prevention
The risk of gout is extremely high for people with physical inactivity, as well as those who abuse alcohol and fatty foods. Also, overweight or arterial hypertension is susceptible to this condition.
The main preventive measures for gout are simple and consist in following a diet, normalized physical exertion, frequent walking in the air, eliminating bad habits and controlling weight.
With increased uric acid in the human body, gout develops with a greater degree of certainty. This joint pathology can bring a lot of discomfort and cause certain complications. Refusal of bad habits and a balanced diet will help prevent an unpleasant phenomenon, often accompanied by acute symptoms. If gout already has a place to be, its therapy should be approached comprehensively, armed with an arsenal of medications and folk remedies and tuned in for physiotherapy sessions in the future.