Many are interested in the question of why Muslims do not eat pork. The first thought that comes to mind is that the pig is considered an "dirty" animal. And this is true, and not only in Islamic culture, but also in Judaism.

The ancient origins of the meat ban

For the first time, a ban on cooking pork as a food appeared in Judaism. In this, the oldest of all monotheistic eastern religions, God was forbidden to eat the meat of many unclean animals. After fifteen hundred years, the Prophet Muhammad, revered in Islam, by the will of Allah, also declared the pig unclean. Now millions of Jews and Muslims even shudder at the thought of pork dishes.

Reasons why Muslims should not eat pork

If you ask any legitimate Muslim why he doesn’t eat pork, he will answer that this prohibits the Koran, and he does not need any more research and arguments. People from other religions are trying to figure out the reasons for such a taboo.

More rational reasons why Muslims should not eat pork look like this:

  1. Hot climate. Everyone knows that pork spoils very quickly. At high air temperatures, the processes of decay and accumulation of cadaveric poison started very, very quickly. In ancient times, the Arabs, going on a campaign, often took pig meat with them, but since it quickly deteriorated due to the heat, soldiers often died because of it.
  2. The notorious omnivorous and unscrupulous pig. This animal can even wallow in its own excrement.This behavior is due to the fact that it does not have the ability to excrete sweat and cool the body, and in the conditions of the hot climate of the East, the animal has no way to do it in any other way than to smear in the mud or its own secretions. Therefore, the higher the temperature, the more dirty the animal will be. Due to illegibility in food, meat can contain a large number of parasites, which, when ingested, can cause many different diseases.

Now they believe that many deaths from the use of spoiled and parasite-infected pork just served as the reason for the ban.

In ancient times, there was no talk of any refrigerators and freezers, especially in hot climates. Therefore, many died from poisoning by the spoiled meat of an "unclean animal." Religious people believed that since they die from the consumption of such meat, it means that there is something diabolical and unclean in it.

Legends and parables about the ban

Now scientists are interested in analyzing this topic and trying to understand what provoked the ban on pork in Islam.

The most common versions:

  • Climate conditions not conducive to breeding this pet. Pigs need pastures and rivers, but not desert or mountainous terrain, which is familiar to the inhabitants of the Middle East. Goats and sheep are much better suited to such conditions. Moreover, keeping pigs was not very profitable: except for meat, they did not give wool or milk, they could not be used for agricultural work, like cattle. It was economically disadvantageous, but people were always interested in the meat of rare animals. Therefore, there was an excellent way out - a religious taboo for eating pork.
  • Religious beliefs associated with totem animals. It is believed that the pig was a totem animal in some tribes, which is why they could not eat it. She was worshiped, deified, and protected in every way. However, it is not clear why, when changing beliefs, a long-standing ban on the use of totemic animals for food was still preserved.
  • Superstition. Pig with its erratic sexual and eating habits and a huge love of dirt unwittingly caused a negative perception among many. The appearance of the animal, soiled with dirt and excrement, caused disgust. It was believed that this animal is a kind of symbol of sloppy, dirty and licentious people. For this reason, many were afraid to eat pork, as they thought they would become owners of the same negative qualities.

There is even a legend that Allah turned the wicked into pigs and monkeys, so the meat of these animals became forbidden.

Does everyone support this taboo

A Muslim is allowed to eat prohibited foods in only one case. This is the absence of any permitted food whatsoever, because of which a person may die or become ill. In this case, he can eat some forbidden dishes in order to maintain his strength and survive.

Other prohibited foods in Islam

The food prohibitions in Islam are quite diverse. Religion forbids the use of blood, meat of animals that have died by their death (as a result of illness, old age, fire, drowning, trauma, electric shock). Such meat is considered carrion and it is strictly forbidden to eat it.

The animal must be killed consciously for slaughter or during the hunt, in order to be able to squeeze blood from it.

Even the slaughter of animals in Islam is approached with particular care.

Living creatures must be hacked in accordance with all the rules:

  • they should not be sick or pregnant;
  • they should not experience suffering during slaughter (with the right slaughter, the animal dies almost painlessly);
  • other animals should not see the death of their brethren.

Unclean animals are primarily referred to as pigs, as well as many omnivores and predators.

Quranic interpretation

The Qur'an has direct prohibitions on eating specific foods.About the taboo on pig meat is mentioned several times, this food is considered nasty, unclean and harmful. But also indicated are cases where a faithful can eat something forbidden due to hunger.

Even modern studies confirm that pork meat dishes can often contain a considerable amount of parasites, which can be salted and cooked. K, too, pork is very long and hard to digest. Therefore, even people who are skeptical of various religious prohibitions should not abuse the meat of this animal.