Enjoying persimmon, many people notice that this tasty and healthy fruit leaves an unpleasant astringent feeling in the mouth. Trying to figure out why persimmons knit, you first need to pay attention to the degree of maturity of the fetus.
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Why persimmon knits in the mouth: reasons
The main reason for viscosity is the incomplete maturity of the fetus. In the composition of unripe berries there is a large amount of tannin. This substance is also called tannic acid. As soon as the tannins come in contact with the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the process of protein coagulation occurs. This gives a feeling of unpleasant viscosity after eating such berries. Plus, tannins cause a decrease in the secretion of the salivary glands and narrowing of blood vessels and blood capillaries, resulting in a feeling of numbness.
In the process of ripening, these substances disintegrate and no longer have a harmful effect on the body.
Tannins are widely used in pharmacology, they have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They prevent the development of oncological diseases, tone all body systems, and promote the elimination of toxic substances. But in this case, they can even cause harm. The tongue goes numb and does not move well, the work of the glands slows down, intestinal motility decreases.
How to ripen fruits at home
To enjoy delicious and sweet fruits, you need to help them ripen.
Natural ripening
The easiest way is to leave the unripe fruit for 7-10 days alone. During this time, he will gain maturity and lose astringent properties.Tannins will partially collapse, and will partially transfer to other forms.
Heat treatment and freezing
One quick way is to freeze for 12 hours and then defrost. During this time, persimmon will lose viscosity, but, unfortunately, it will become soft, not so appetizing and will lose most of the nutrients.
You can simply pierce the fruit in several places with a knife and put it in hot water for 12 hours, periodically heating it. This procedure dramatically reduces the amount of tannins, but does not affect the taste and texture. In some cases, simply dipping the fetus for a short time in hot water.
One of the most original ways is banana. Unripe persimmon fruits should be placed in one package with ripe bananas, while the fruit ratio should be even. The package must be tightly tied and left for 24 hours. During this time, the persimmon will reach normal maturity, since the substances that are released from ripe fruits contribute to the rapid decomposition of tannin. Instead of bananas, you can use ripe apples.
Read also:persimmon
What to do if persimmon knits even after freezing
If the fruit knits after freezing, then in this case it is already difficult to do anything, since the flesh becomes very soft. From such raw materials, you can try to cook jam or use it as a filling for pies. It turns out very tasty cottage cheese casserole with persimmon pulp. This healthy meal is good even for children.
Persimmon goes well with many products, so it can be added to sweet cereals, sauces, pancakes and meat. Soup is even cooked from it, adding pumpkin as the second ingredient. This soup is very bright, fragrant and healthy.
Delicious drinks are also prepared from persimmons, complementing them with turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and other spices. You cannot call them refreshing, but a cup of such a drink on a cold winter day will not only remind you of sunny days, but it will also give you a lot of energy and strength.
How to get rid of astringency in the mouth
If the astringent feeling in the mouth is very annoying, you can get rid of it by rinsing. To do this, prepare a weak solution of soda and rinse your mouth. Leftovers can be carefully removed with a spoon. Do not brush your teeth right away, since the acids contained in the pulp soften the tooth enamel, and it becomes too sensitive to heavy brush movements and can easily be scratched with bristles.
Persimmon varieties that do not knit
An important role is played by the persimmon variety. There are sweet varieties that do not knit at all. But you need to keep in mind that sometimes on the same tree there can be sweet and tart fruits. The berries that are obtained as a result of pollination by insects do not knit at all, and astringent fruits often develop from dustless flowers.
Israeli breeders crossed persimmons of the Korolek variety with an apple.
The new variety got the name “Sharon” and acquired new properties:
- berries have a thin skin;
- the amount of tannins is minimal;
- no bones;
- no viscosity and astringency.
Caucasian and eastern varieties can be tart if the fruits are not ripe enough. Strong berries should not be consumed by people with digestive problems or people who have had surgery on their stomachs.
How to choose a sweet and ripe persimmon
Unripe fruits often look very attractive. They are dense, have an elastic consistency and a good presentation, are easy to transport, but they turn out to be inedible to taste.
Ripe fruits have a deep dark orange or chocolate color, while the brown flesh should be soft, sweet and juicy.
In appearance they are unattractive, they may seem rumpled and spoiled. The peduncle is dark and dry. They do not tolerate transportation, are very demanding on the conditions of detention, so on the shelves you can often find immature persimmons. But it doesn’t matter. Such fruits will easily reach the condition in a warm room. But if you come across ripe berries, do not be afraid that they will be overripe.Overripe persimmons are much tastier and healthier compared to unripe fruits.
Persimmon is a healthy product. Therefore, in the season, you must definitely at least occasionally allow yourself to feast on these delicious fruits. Their use is a good prevention of cancer, diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, persimmon appears on store shelves in late autumn and winter, when the body experiences an acute shortage of nutrients. Therefore, the best means to promote health can not be found.
It is interesting: delicious persimmon jam