Pneumonia in rats most often occurs in late autumn, winter or early spring. The disease develops rapidly and at the extreme stages not only affects the lung tissue, but also leads to metabolic disorders, digestive disorders and severe cardiovascular pathologies. In advanced cases, the death of the animal is inevitable. Therefore, all owners of domestic rodents need to know how the disease manifests in order to provide timely assistance to the animal.

The causes of pneumonia in rats

The causes of pneumonia in rats

Inflammation of the lungs may be of a viral or bacterial nature. In the first case, the causative agents of the disease are paramyxoviruses, and in the second - pneumococci. Rapidly multiplying in the body of the animal, they cause the development of pathological processes in the respiratory system.

The reasons for the increased activity of pathogenic microorganisms are not only hypothermia or weakening of the immune system. Vitaminosis, malnutrition and the maintenance of an individual can provoke a painful process. Often, pneumonia develops as a complication of a runny nose or bronchitis.

And since the infection can be transmitted by airborne droplets, one of the common causes of pneumonia in domestic rodents is contact with a sick animal. So, the female infects rat pups immediately after birth, and the pets kept in a heap are sick much more often than those who live alone.

Interesting fact! Wild rats very rarely suffer from pneumonia, while among their decorative relatives the disease is very common. Scientists have not yet determined the causes of this phenomenon.

How quickly the disease develops, symptoms

How quickly the disease develops, symptoms

To suspect that the pet is unhealthy, an attentive owner will be able at the very beginning of the disease. In the early stages, pneumonia is manifested by changes in behavior:

  • the rodent becomes lethargic and does not move much;
  • the food remains untouched, as the appetite disappears with pneumonia in the rats;
  • the animal spends most of the time in the house, avoids contact with people and does not respond to the nickname.

Then the symptoms of pneumonia increase, the body temperature rises, the mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint, breathing becomes frequent and difficult, wheezing can be heard. Coughing and mucous discharge from the sinuses join these signs.

The severity of manifestations depends on the form of the disease. Pneumonia is divided into acute and chronic. In the first case, it develops rapidly and proceeds against the background of vivid symptoms. Acute pneumonia is not treatable, the animal dies after 3-4 days.

The chronic form of the disease occurs in 75% of cases and does not proceed so violently. Symptoms may subside and then reappear. If help to the rodent is provided on time, recovery takes about 2 weeks.

Treatment of pneumonia in a pet

Treatment of pneumonia in rats is aimed at suppressing the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. For these purposes, antiviral drugs and antibiotics are used. In some cases, the latter is replaced by sulfonamides. Medicines are selected individually, taking into account the age of the rodent and related diseases.

Attention! Many owners make a mistake - arbitrarily cancel potent drugs immediately after the pet's fever subsides. In such situations, the disease subsides for one to two days, and then manifests itself with the same strength and entails complications. To avoid this, it is important to conduct a full course of treatment: give antibiotics for a week, and sulfa drugs for 3-5 days after normalizing the temperature.

Expectorants and antispasmodics are used to restore the respiratory system. And in order to improve the general condition, immunomodulators, glucose and ascorbic acid are prescribed.

The body of a sick individual needs vitamins. Veterinarians recommend not only giving animals special complexes, but also diversify their nutrition. It is worth adding fresh vegetables and beans (carrots, cabbage, beets and green peas) to the rat's diet, as well as greens (dandelions, young nettles). In addition, it is important to provide the pet with enough water and ensure that it is always fresh.

The cage containing the animal needs to be cleaned daily. Ammonia vapors that are released from the bowel movements can irritate the respiratory system, and this will aggravate the situation. If other individuals are contained with the diseased rat, they must be isolated to prevent the spread of infection.


To protect domestic rodents from pneumonia and other diseases of the respiratory system, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • keep animals warm, avoid drafts;
  • when ventilating the room, remove the cage to another room;
  • ensure that the pet's diet is balanced, give vitamins-rich foods and special complexes.

At the slightest sign of ill health, you cannot postpone a visit to the clinic. It is better to contact a ratologist - a specialist in rodents. Quick and qualified veterinary care will help to avoid premature death of a pet.