Among the most insidious diseases, doctors include those ailments whose development is asymptomatic. For example, the general symptoms of pneumonia in adults may be absent if the disease proceeds in a latent form.

Due to late treatment, the treatment of patients with similar pathologies is complicated by the neglected nature of the state of their respiratory system. Frequent and fatal outcomes.

Causes of pneumonia without fever and cough in adults

Pneumonia is a disease of the respiratory system in which there is inflammation of the lung tissue, damage to the alveoli and the formation of a large amount of exudate in the tissues of the organ.

Under certain conditions, the development of pneumonia can trigger viruses, bacteria or fungi.

In most cases, damage to the lung tissue occurs against the background of:

  • low immunity. The decrease in the body's defenses occurs as a result of poor nutrition, poor environmental conditions, violation of the regime of work and rest, and the use of antibacterial drugs;
  • history of severe respiratory diseases - untreated inflammation, chronic infections and their complications gradually weaken the immune system, involving the main body systems in the pathological process;
  • taking medication suppressing the cough reflex and sputum discharge - the accumulation of pathogenic microflora in the body contributes to the development of infection;
  • antibiotic treatment to which the pathogen has developed resistance - this is possible with the use of drugs without a doctor’s prescription.

In elderly patients, a latent form of pneumonia can develop against a background of a sedentary lifestyle. Low respiratory activity leads to stagnation of blood in the lungs and promotes the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.

In some cases, the development of a latent form of pneumonia can be caused by several etiological species at once, which greatly complicates the diagnosis of the disease.

About seven million people die from pneumonia each year.

Symptoms and signs of pneumonia

Unlike traditional types of pneumonia, the latent form is not accompanied by coughing, chest pain and fever. The only way to detect the disease in time is to pay attention to indirect signs characteristic of its course.

Doctors recommend immediately contacting a pulmonologist if the following symptoms of pneumonia are found in an adult:

  • shortness of breath, especially during periods of physical activity, including walking;
  • painful spotted cheeks;
  • jerky breathing with a characteristic whistle;
  • chest pain with sudden movements and turns;
  • general weakness and drowsiness;
  • decreased or loss of appetite;
  • difficulty trying to take a deep breath;
  • frequent bouts of thirst;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased sweating.

As the disease develops, cough, soreness in certain parts of the chest, and severe thirst may appear.

The listed symptoms cannot be regarded as the basis for accurate diagnostic findings. Often minor health deviations can be manifestations of colds or viral diseases.

Men suffer from pneumonia three times more often than women.

Features of the course of the disease

Latent pneumonia is classified as atypical, that is, a disease whose development is characterized by the absence of typical signs of a clinical course. At the same time, atypical pathogens can be bacteria, fungi, or simple unicellular organisms - pneumococci, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, legionella, various types of viruses, including influenza viruses, etc.

The starting point of the mechanism of pneumonia origin is considered to be the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into lung tissue.

The pathways of microbes in the body can be different:

  • bronchogenic - the result of inhalation of pathogenic flora from the environment;
  • hematogenous - the spread of infection through the bloodstream;
  • lymphatic - pathogens infect the body, moving along with lymph.

Once in a favorable environment, infectious agents begin to multiply actively and gradually affect tissue sites located outside the respiratory bronchioles. This is the development of one or more foci of inflammation.

Among the factors contributing to the development of pneumonia are smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, heart disease, bronchi and lungs, as well as a long time in a horizontal position.

Studies show that some forms of pneumonia can be a consequence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Diagnostic methods for latent pneumonia

It is not always possible to establish the latent form of pneumonia through visual inspection, due to the absence of visible symptoms of the disease. Therefore, pulmonologists apply a complex of diagnostic measures, both basic and additional.

The main diagnostic measures include:

  • blood tests - general to determine the quality of blood composition, and biochemical, to evaluate the work of internal organs;
  • sputum culture - to determine the type of pathogen;
  • Gram analysis of sputum helps to establish or exclude the bacterial nature of the pathology;
  • chest x-ray is the most informative method for diagnosing all types of pneumonia.Allows you to detect inflammatory foci in the lung tissue and assess the degree of their change;
  • computed tomography is a method of detailed visualization of the respiratory organs.

As additional diagnostic procedures, doctors use electrocardiography, urinalysis, bronchoscopy and biopsy of the lung, pleural cavity and pleura.

Final diagnostic conclusions about the type and nature of pneumonia can be made only after a thorough study of the data obtained through the study.


Features of therapeutic effects in latent pneumonia are determined by the degree of development of the disease and the presence of complications. The basis of therapy is medication with antibiotics and physiotherapeutic procedures. However, surgery may be necessary to improve the patient's condition.

Drug therapy

The choice of drugs for medical treatment is carried out individually, taking into account the specifics of the patient’s body and provides for the achievement of the following tasks:

  • complex effect on the causative agent of the disease;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes - anti-inflammatory drugs (fluoroquinolones, penicillins, macrolides, carbopenems);
  • restoration of respiratory functions, cleansing of the bronchi and sputum removal - expectorants (Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Eufillin), ointments for grinding;
  • increased immunity - immunomodulators, vitamin complexes;
  • elimination of symptoms - taking antipyretic and analgesic drugs.

Patients with pneumonia are contraindicated in physical activity and physical activity.

The minimum treatment course for SARS, according to the WHO protocol, is 14 days.


The use of surgical intervention in pneumonia is indicated in cases of the development of such severe complications as an abscess, lung gangrene, pleurisy, empyema.

Surgical intervention involves the installation of drainage systems for patients, which ensure the outflow of purulent contents from the lungs, as well as the removal of necrotic tissue.

Folk remedies for pneumonia

With skillful use, traditional medicine can effectively help treat pneumonia. According to pulmonologists, the use of folk remedies is relevant only in combination with traditional therapeutic measures.

Among the most effective traditional medicine:

  • thyme infusion - Two tablespoons of herbs in a glass of boiling water. Insist four hours. Take half a cup three times a day;
  • drink from figs. Two fruits are boiled in a glass of milk for several minutes. Take a serving after a meal;
  • decoction of Ivan tea. A teaspoon of grass is brewed in a glass of water, kept for about an hour. Take two large sips three times a day before meals. Course 10 days;
  • syrup from pine buds. Young pine buds are sprinkled with sugar in a glass container, covered with gauze, and kept for several days in the sun, periodically shaking. Take a tablespoon three times a day. Store in a dark place. Shelf life one year;
  • compress of cottage cheese or potatoes. A small portion of warmed cottage cheese or hot boiled potatoes is mixed with honey and laid on the chest before bedtime. Then they carefully wrap themselves up and drink a cup of sweatshops tea (with linden or raspberry). In the morning, remove the compress, take a shower and change clothes. If yellow or green spots appear on the curd after the compress, this is a sign of severe pneumonia;
  • aloe with honey. Grind a few aloe leaves and mix with an equal amount of honey. Take a spoonful before meals;
  • nuts with honey. Ground nuts are mixed with an equal amount of honey. Take a spoonful before meals.

Despite the general effectiveness of folk remedies, it is impossible to completely cure pneumonia with their help.The recommendations of traditional healers should be considered as additional measures to improve the patient's condition.

Consequences and complications of the disease

The likelihood of complications with latent pneumonia is quite high, since the diagnosis is confirmed in the later stages of the disease.

In most cases, advanced forms of the disease lead to damage to the bronchopulmonary and cardiac systems:

  • decrease in lung volume;
  • the formation of sclerotic areas in the lung tissue;
  • pleurisy development;
  • the formation of voids in the lungs;
  • accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity.

Against the backdrop of AIDS, tuberculosis and other serious pathologies, latent pneumonia is complicated by the development of sepsis and multiple organ failure. In 35% of cases, patients with such complications cannot be saved.

A favorable prognosis of the disease is possible only with intensive treatment with appropriate antibacterial drugs with subsequent preventive support of the body.

Preventative measures

Even after a full recovery, patients need to maintain a good condition in order to avoid a relapse of pneumonia. The main preventive recommendations of pulmonologists are a healthy lifestyle.

To do this, you must:

  • give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • provide balanced nutrition by introducing more fruits and vegetables, seafood, greens, as well as nuts and seeds into the diet;
  • normalize the microclimate in the house - ventilate the rooms, regularly do wet cleaning;
  • to limit contacts with sick people - in public transport, at work;
  • keep fit and stable weight;
  • take care of a timely and full sleep;
  • refuse self-medication, consult a doctor on time and undergo an annual examination.

There are also special preventive measures - vaccination is indicated for patients with a weakened body, as a way to increase resistance to pneumococci.

Any medical measures should be carried out only on the recommendation and with the full control of doctors. The accuracy of the implementation of medical recommendations is the key to complete recovery and restoration of strength.