After birth, the development of all organs of the baby continues, and the range of gastrointestinal tract capabilities is slightly expanded only by 4-6 months of life. Before this age and after, you can give the tool "Plantex" for newborns, saving babies from colic. Painful intestinal cramps occur against the background of immaturity of the digestive tract, accompanied by crying and disturbed sleep of the child.
Material Content:
Composition of Plantex for newborns
Plantex Tea is a preparation that contains an aqueous extract of fennel fruits and an essential oil derived from the seeds of a plant. The product is available in the form of dry granules of light brown color, easily soluble in water. Fruit extract in 1 dose of the drug contains at least 250 mg, essential oil - 2.4 mg. The total mass of granules in one bag is 5 g.
Grass, fruits and essential oil obtained from raw materials have a sweetish taste, pleasant aroma.
The physiologically active substances of fennel are transferred to the Plantex composition:
- essential oil containing a sweet-smelling trans-anethol ether with a sweet taste;
- fenhon - terpenoid, an antiseptic that gives a camphor smell;
- lactose and glucose are simple carbohydrates;
- carotene - an antioxidant, a precursor of vitamin A;
- tocopherol - an antioxidant, a form of vitamin E;
- ascorbic acid - antioxidant, vitamin C;
- calcium, iron, potassium - macro- and microelements.
Glucose and lactose increase the secretion of gastric juice, promote digestion.The tool "Plantex" generally stimulates appetite, has a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal motility. The medicine has few contraindications and side effects.
Why is the drug prescribed?
If a baby consumes the so-called front milk, rich in carbohydrates, but poor in enzymes and proteins, then his food is poorly digested, gas formation intensifies. Digestive problems in newborns arise for other reasons. Breast babies suffer from colic, bloating and pain when switching to other types of food. Flatulence, cramping and diarrhea in a child can be a consequence of food intolerance.
The effect of the use of "Plantex":
- antimicrobial;
- antispasmodic;
- carminative;
- diuretic;
- sedative;
- choleretic;
- immunostimulating.
Phytopreparation is used as an antispasmodic of plant origin. It is prescribed for newborns for the treatment and prevention of digestive disorders. The drug is given to a child with convulsive pain in the intestines and indigestion, including intestinal colic. The tool is used to prevent digestive disorders when switching from breastfeeding to mixed nutrition, artificial mixtures.
The active ingredients of the herbal medicine eliminate spasms in the intestines and soothe the baby.
Fennel is a traditional component of carminative fees and teas for children and adults, pharmaceuticals for the treatment of flatulence, dyspepsia. Fruit extract and essential oil help to remove gases from the intestines before they are absorbed into the blood. In addition, "Plantex" is used for constipation, to increase appetite. The components of the drug have a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn, enhance peristalsis.
Pediatricians also prescribe a phytopreparation for mild food poisoning. Seed extract and fennel essential oil exhibit bacteriostatic activity against Escherichia coli, Candida fungus, staphylococcal infection. Anethol and fenhon neutralize toxins. Tea made from Plantex granules relieves abdominal pain, makes up for loss of fluid and minerals with loose stools, vomiting. You can add a few grains of sugar and table salt to the solution.
Instructions for use
Plantex should be bred in full accordance with the description that is attached to the package of the drug. Tea is given to babies from 2 weeks of life after feeding and in between meals.
How to dilute the drug
Granules are poured from a single-dose sachet into a bottle or cup. Then add warm boiled water with a volume of 100 ml (½ cup). Then shake the bottle or stir the contents in a cup until the powder is completely dissolved.
Dosage regimen
A newborn should only be given freshly made tea from one bag of granules and 100 ml of water. "Plantex" has almost no taste, is well tolerated by infants and older children.
The official instructions for use do not mention that for a newborn baby, 100 ml of tea per day is a lot. You can use half the granules in a bag and 50 ml of water at a time, dividing the powder into 2 to 3 doses.
The optimal daily volume of a solution to prevent intestinal colic in a newborn is 50 ml.
- For a child aged 2 to 3 to 12 months, you can increase the dose to 10 g, that is, give a solution of 2 sachets in two or three doses throughout the day.
- Children older than 1 year and up to 4 years old are recommended to make tea from the contents of 2 - 3 bags.
- If Plantex is taken by a nursing mother, then she can drink a solution of several sachets in compliance with a dosage of 5 g per 100 ml of water.
Signs of an allergy to Plantex in newborns
The course of treatment usually lasts 1 month without interruption. The baby's digestion, appetite, and stool should improve during this period. Occasionally, gas formation intensifies, flatulence is exacerbated. There are other signs of an allergy to the drug as a whole or its individual components.
Symptoms of unusual individual sensitivity include a rash on the cheeks, arms, and legs, throughout the body. The most dangerous signs of allergies are swelling of the tongue, larynx, bronchospasm, and blue lips. These cases require immediate medical attention.
Contraindications and side effects
Plantex is not recommended for children who have malabsorption of simple glucose and galactose carbohydrates (malabsorption syndrome). The same rule applies with galactosemia, a deficiency of the lactase enzyme in the body. The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to any of the components of the herbal preparation.
There is a so-called cross allergy to related plant species. For fennel, this is garden dill, celery, carrots and coriander. In the presence of individual intolerance to one of the plants, others are also not used in nutrition and treatment.
Plantex analogues
Phyto tea “Dill water” (fennel + anise) is also used as a carminative.
The infusion of fennel fruits has the same effect. To prepare homemade dill water, you need 1 tbsp. l dried seeds and 250 ml of boiling water. Brew raw materials and insist 40-50 minutes. The solution is filtered and given to the newborn 0.5 - 1 tsp. 15 minutes before the next feeding.
Other analogues of “Plantex” - drops “Espumisan baby” and “Sub Simplex” - have a stronger carminative effect. The preparations contain antifoaming agent simethicone, which destroys gas bubbles in the intestines. “Espumisan” and “Sub Simplex” are not complete analogues of the “Plantex” remedy. The herbal preparation has a milder and more versatile effect on digestion and the entire body.