Previously, people drank healthy natural beer, made on the basis of yeast. In modern production, the beverage is filtered, increasing its shelf life, which leads to the loss of beneficial properties, and brewer's yeast, a rich source of vitamins and protein, is simply thrown away.

Composition, types and useful properties of brewer's yeast

Now on sale you can find ready-to-drink brewer's yeast. Of particular value to this product is the high-quality protein, which is notable for its easy digestibility and nutrition.

But in the composition of this dietary supplement there are many other, no less useful substances:

  • 17 amino acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • vitamins B, PP, E, D;
  • a large number of minerals.

Due to this, it is often used for medicinal purposes.

The list of useful properties of brewer's yeast is extensive:

  • strengthen the immune system and help quickly eliminate the infection;
  • improve digestion and remove toxins;
  • increase the level of working capacity and saturate with energy;
  • beneficial effect on the skin and hair.

There are a lot of types of yeast, since each producer considers it his duty to produce forms with various additives and organic compounds.

How to choose brewer's yeast?

You can buy regular yeast or any of their options enriched with trace elements:

  • Succinic acid yeast.The best option for athletes, since such a product increases muscle elasticity and prevents the occurrence of pain during reboots.
  • Yeast with iron. They are recommended for use by people suffering from anemia, as they quickly raise hemoglobin levels.
  • Yeast with iodine. This product needs a closer look at people with a thyroid patient. It normalizes the production of necessary hormones.
  • Yeast with sulfur. This fortifying agent is used in the treatment of diabetes, to slow down aging, strengthen nails and hair, and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Yeast with zinc. Increases resistance to diseases, protects the body from the negative effects of harmful substances, improves the general condition of a person.
  • Yeast with calcium and magnesium. Well established in high physical and psycho-emotional workloads, diseases of the cardiovascular system, osteoporosis caries and bone injuries.
  • Yeast with selenium. It improves physical and mental activity, normalizes the work of the endocrine glands, and fights against inflammatory processes.

All of these varieties can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription at an affordable price.

The main indications for use

Indications for use a lot:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine glands;
  • skin problems;
  • heart and vascular disease;
  • colds, SARS;
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • stress, strong physical and mental stress;
  • radiculitis.

The product is recommended for use when working in hazardous industries in order to neutralize the effects of toxic substances on the body.

Yeast has a beneficial effect on the body with dermatoses, colitis, low acidity of the stomach, intestinal cramps and insomnia.

It is interesting: instructions for the use of brewer's yeast with sulfur

Weight gain beer yeast - instructions for use

This secondary product of the beer industry is an effective way to solve the problem of underweight. It absorbs a huge amount of nutrients from other components, has a beneficial effect on metabolism and chemical reactions in the human body. Due to this, body weight is normalized. Yeast contributes to a set of muscle mass, provided training in the gym.

Tablets, powders and liquids are on sale.

Tablets are taken according to the instructions - from 8 to 15 pieces per day, powder - 1-2 tbsp. l

Liquid yeast for weight gain is used to make drinks, for example:

  1. Take a few slices of brown bread, cut into slices and dry.
  2. Pour in hot water and leave for 3-4 hours.
  3. Add 45 grams of yeast, mix, strain.
  4. Bring to a boil, cool and add another 5 grams of yeast.

Leave the drink in a warm place overnight. Drink 0.5 tbsp. before eating, sweetened with honey or sugar if desired.

To use yeast, you need to eat right, but not overeat. Be sure to drink plenty of water - at least 2 liters. It is advisable to perform physical exercises so that the mass builds up at the expense of muscles, not fat deposits.

Yeast improves metabolism and improves appetite. Therefore, you need to lead an active lifestyle and eat right. Otherwise, you can even get extra pounds.

How to use yeast to get rid of acne?

To get rid of acne, you need to take the yeast inside. They are able to restore the normal balance of the intestine in a short time, and this, in turn, is directly related to the condition of the skin. Regular use of yeast will help remove acne, improve complexion, and make skin firm and smooth.

For the treatment of acne, it is best to use preparations with zinc or sulfur. The instructions indicate how often and in what quantity to use them. Yeast should only be used before meals, in 20 minutes, so that food is better absorbed.

Acne most often appears on oily skin.To normalize the secretion of sebum, you can make masks: for 100 ml of kefir, take 10 g of raw material and mix well. Apply the resulting mixture to the face and hold for 20 minutes.

Acne yeast is an effective remedy, you just need to know how to use it correctly.

Brewer's yeast with sulfur - detailed instructions

This drug is a natural vitamin-mineral complex. It has a lot of useful substances and vitamins, and the high sulfur content contributes to the normal metabolism, improves skin condition.

The supplement is most often produced in the form of 0.5 g tablets. Adults and adolescents take 3 tablets three times a day before or during meals. The duration of the course is 4 weeks.

The drug is most often prescribed as a biologically active food supplement, a rich source of vitamin B and sulfur.

What is the benefit of dietary supplements for hair?

In home cosmetology, these additives are used very actively, as they are available to every woman, easy to use and give a noticeable effect. The drug can be taken both internally for healing the whole body, and externally as a component for the preparation of therapeutic masks.

In case of hair loss, you can undergo treatment with brewer's yeast with selenium or zinc. They are taken in 3 tablets before main meals for 30 days.

To get rid of dandruff, you need to do masks every 3-4 days. For 200 ml of kefir, take 1 tbsp. l dry raw materials and leave in a warm place until it ferments. Apply a lot to the hair and skin, wrap it with a film and wait ½ hour. Rinse well with warm water.

To stimulate hair growth, you can try to make a nourishing mask. It is necessary to squeeze the juice of one large onion, dilute 1 tbsp. l yeast in the same amount of warm water and mix everything. Add 0.5 tsp to the mixture. castor and burdock oil. Apply to hair, wrap with polyethylene and a towel. After ½ hour rinse with warm water.

Brewer's yeast in tablets - what helps?

Brewer's yeast in tablets improves the general condition of the body.

In addition, they:

  • make up for the lack of minerals;
  • stimulate the digestive tract;
  • remove dandruff, promote hair growth;
  • stabilize the nervous system;
  • increase disease resistance;
  • normalize sleep, eliminate insomnia.

They are often recommended to drink to people who have had surgery for faster recovery.

Possible side effects

The list of side effects is pretty short:

  • exacerbation of chronic forms of disease;
  • hypervitaminosis with excessive use;
  • allergic reactions.

In very rare cases, weight gain is possible, since yeast accelerates metabolic processes.

Produced drugs: list

Nowadays, many varieties of brewer's yeast produced by different companies are produced. In addition, each drug is designed to solve a specific problem.

Most often, these dietary supplements are released in the form of tablets or powder. The use of tablets allows you to avoid problems with overdose, since the instructions specifically indicate the amount of their intake at a time. The powder is recommended for those people who have difficulty swallowing tablets.

The following drugs are considered the most popular:

  • Event;
  • Eco-mon;
  • Osokor;
  • Bioterra;
  • Nagipol 2.

These additives are enriched with various useful substances, so if necessary they can be used to improve the body.


Although brewer's yeast is useful in many ways, there are still nuances to consider. People who suffer from gout, flatulence, chronic renal failure should not take the drug.

Use caution if a person has an individual intolerance to one of the components of the product or a tendency to yeast infections and dysbiosis. Particularly careful should be women who often suffer from thrush.

Pregnant women, nursing mothers should weigh all the pros and cons of such a decision.The fact is that during this period, immunity is weakened and there is a risk of developing dysbiosis. Children under 3 years old are not allowed to take the drug.

Nobody doubts the benefits of brewer's yeast, however, they are only a vitamin supplement and addition to the main treatment. It is not worth hoping that taking yeast alone can relieve the disease.