Excessive thinness is no less significant problem than obesity. It’s just to increase kilograms on purpose is much more difficult than throwing away excess. Weight gain beer yeast is an affordable dietary supplement. It helps to solve the problem of leveling the hormonal background. Imbalance in the function of endocrine glands is becoming the most common cause of underweight.

Composition, types and useful properties of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is obtained by pressing and drying microbial cells. After such procedures, they lose their activity, but retain all the useful components.

Brewer's yeast is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

1 g of brewer's yeast contains about half of the valuable protein similar in composition to the animal. The product is considered very nutritious.

Mainly brewer's yeast make up for the lack of B vitamins (B1-B7, B12), which are involved in almost all metabolic processes.

In the presence of these substances in the blood, the content of high density lipids decreases, including lipoproteins, which include cholesterol. The synthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids is normalized. Redox reactions are accelerated. Metabolism resumes, hormonal levels return to normal.

Brewer's yeast has a positive effect on intestinal function. They are a breeding ground for the growth of beneficial flora. They help normalize the absorption of substances, improve the absorption of food.

B vitamins are responsible for the endocrine system. Brewer's yeast supplement speeds up tissue repair processes. Reception of dietary supplement strengthens nails and hair, improves skin.

The supplement is dispensed from pharmacies in powder form to prepare a drink and tablets for oral administration. Forms and types of yeast differ in the constituent excipients.

How to choose brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is a dietary supplement.

Manufacturers produce brewer's yeast with various additives:

  • with selenium to strengthen nails and hair, as well as eliminate skin rashes;
  • with iodine to normalize the thyroid gland;
  • with succinic acid to improve cerebral circulation, etc.

All funds work approximately the same, therefore for weight gain you can take both yeast with additives, and ordinary without additional properties.

The greatest attention should be paid to the form of the drug. Tablets are most convenient to take. They are easier to dose. However, special nutritious drinks can be prepared from the powder.


The tool helps to normalize the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

The classic drug of domestic production. Affordable. For 100 tablets, you will have to give no more than 250 rubles.

Read also: instructions for the use of brewer's yeast with sulfur

Acts as a restorative. Positive effect on the processes of assimilation of food. Normalizes the functions of the digestive tract. Increases the body's overall resistance to negative influences.

Eco plus

Not a cure.

Ekko Plus brewer's yeast is produced with additives: calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, vitamin C. Also present in the classic version.

They are used to restore the body, strengthen and compensate for the deficiency of missing elements. Available in convenient plastic packaging of 60 or 100 pieces. The price for a box starts from 160 rubles.


An excellent remedy against aesthetic skin problems, as well as internal diseases.

Tablets are packed in plastic tubes of 100 pieces. The price for packaging is in the range of 150-200 rubles. The manufacturer produces specialized yeast: for hair and nails, to strengthen immunity, against acne, etc. However, they all have a similar principle of action.


Recommended as a biologically active food supplement.

Evicent products are supplemented with sulfur. Tablets are packed in cardboard boxes of 60, 100 pieces. The starting price for the supplement is 220 rubles.

In general, it does not matter which company the product will be selected for weight gain. The effectiveness of the drug does not depend on the types of additives included in its composition. When choosing, it is worth focusing on individual characteristics - do not take tablets containing components that can cause an allergic reaction.

Weight gain beer yeast - instructions for use

Tablets are taken after meals. Some manufacturers recommend drinking them with food. The daily dose is 2-3 g and it should be divided into 2-3 doses. Drink 2-3 tablets at a time.

Before use, consult a specialist.

The usual course of treatment lasts 30 days. To continue taking the drug, you need to take a break per month. If there is a confident positive trend, treatment can be resumed in the same sequence.

The drug in the form of a powder is dissolved in water. The daily dose is from 7 to 10 grams. This amount must be divided into three stages. Dilute the powder in 100 ml of water before immediate use and drink with food or immediately after a meal. The course of treatment is also a month.

For people living in adverse environmental and climatic conditions, to maintain metabolism at a normal level, it is necessary to carry out 3 preventive courses per year.

Which are better for women and men

For men, regular brewer's yeast without additives is useful.They are used in professional sports to build mass.

The microbial cell is 35% composed of a protein of a similar composition to the protein that forms the muscle tissue of a person. This complex of amino acids increases endurance, promotes the formation of one's own protein, and positively affects the level of male sex hormone. Accelerates the production of insulin and helps the absorption of glucose.

Source of vitamins of natural origin.

Men add yeast to protein shakes and regular foods to quickly build muscle.

Brewer's yeast with selenium and zinc helps to enhance women's health. Trace elements positively affect reproductive function, stimulate the production of their own hormones.

It should be remembered that dry yeast is a natural product obtained by processing microbial cells. And vitamin supplements are chemically synthesized substances containing by-products and capable of provoking allergic reactions.

Which yeast is better to choose: pure or with additives - decide with your doctor. Before taking any drug, it is advisable to find out from the analyzes whether in reality some elements are missing. An excess of vitamins can provoke much stronger reactions than their lack.

Recipes using powdered brewer's yeast

For the preparation of nutritious drinks, live brewer's yeast is used, which during the activation process form even more useful elements. In particular, carbohydrates are fermented and proteins are converted into available amino acids.

For a daily portion of the drink, they spend 100 g of dried yeast, the same amount of dried black bread and the zest of half lemons. The whole mixture is poured with two glasses of boiling water and infused for 8 hours.

Powder yeast is prescribed for people with poor appetite and digestive problems.

At the end of fermentation, the drink needs to be filtered. Eat four times a day in half a glass after eating the main meal.

Traditionally, a sweet drink is prepared to build mass. A tablespoon of powdered yeast is mixed with an equal amount of sugar. Pour the mixture with half a glass of filtered water. Leave alone for an hour until the formation of a white foam.

The drink can be consumed unfiltered. It is drunk half a glass three times a day after about half an hour the field of each meal.

Beer yeast for weight gain in tablets

Brewer's yeast in tablets is an autolysate. In other words, dried cell fragments. They practically do not contain whole microorganisms, but retain all the beneficial substances.

Safe for digestion.

The autolysate is not able to cause fermentation in the intestine, so it is the least dangerous for digestion.

Brewer's Yeast Nutrition

In response to yeast intake, appetite often rises. For nutrition to benefit, it is necessary to properly build it. Increase the total calorie content of food by adding more complex carbohydrates, protein and unsaturated fatty acids to it.

During the diet, simple sugars found in sugary drinks, pastries, and white bread should be avoided. Do not eat too fatty and fried foods, as there are a lot of high-density fats that are poorly processed by the body. Their accumulation contributes to the formation of body fat.

Possible side effects

When using autolysate, i.e. non-living brewer's yeast, side effects are extremely rare.

There are side effects.

Sometimes they describe the appearance of such reactions as:

  • hives;
  • itching
  • skin rashes.

All this indicates individual intolerance or hypersensitivity. In the absence of allergies, yeast is well tolerated.

The tablet form is the most convenient and safe type of brewer's yeast. Using a simple dietary supplement, you can significantly improve your health, adjust hormonal metabolism and adjust your weight.