Drinking a diet for 7 days is a simple and quick way to adjust weight without tiring workouts.
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The basic principle of a drinking diet for a week
The main principle is that during the program it is allowed to eat only liquid food. The reviews of those who have passed the technique are completely mixed. Some say that the system really helped them cope with being overweight, and they continue to eat mostly liquid foods. Other people did not like the program, and they could not reach the end of the plan.
Drinking a weekly diet is not just quick weight loss, but also a healthy body. Liquid food perfectly cleanses the digestive tract from toxins, and a healthy and clean intestine is the key to the health of the whole organism.
Features and essence of the technique
During the week, only liquid and mashed potatoes will enter the body. A lot of fluid contributes to the complete cleansing of the small and large intestines, as well as the genitourinary system.
Within 7 days of the diet, the blood and vascular system will be cleansed. There is a complete purification of all body cells. Such intensive slag removal helps to throw up to 5-7 kg in a short time.
Pros and cons of diet
The human body is designed so that it urgently needs solid food. Therefore, sitting only on broths and juices with milk, it is possible to harm KZT. Often on a drinking diet, people suffer from diarrhea. Often appearing weakness and dizziness, sharp headaches and even fainting are all a huge minus of the program.In addition, dieting is associated with a high risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially from the gastrointestinal tract and the heart.
But the main plus of this technique is the complete cleansing of the body, and, accordingly, in the rapid weight loss. The ideal solution if you cannot sit on liquid food for a week is a drinking day of unloading.
The diet is very effective: the very first day after its start, you can notice the first results. Also, during weight loss, there is a sharp reduction in the volume of the stomach, which in the future will allow it to be saturated in small portions.
Also, food is quite cheap, and this is undoubtedly a huge plus.
Allowed and Prohibited Products
What foods are allowed, and which ones are taboo on a diet?
Unlike other programs, there is no specific menu for weight correction for drinking.
This means that everything that can be drunk is allowed, but never chewed. Of course, in order not to harm your body with one-sided nutrition, your table during weight loss should be as diverse as possible.
The following foods should form the basis of a nutrition plan:
- fresh milk and liquid yogurts, kefir, whey, smoothies;
- meat, fish and also vegetable broths;
- Tea coffee;
- juices and nectars.
It is advisable to reduce sugar intake in terms of nutrition. If it is impossible to drink unsweetened tea and coffee, then they are allowed to add natural honey.
However, the system does not permit all liquid products. So, alcohol should be completely eliminated. Alcohol is prohibited on almost all methods of weight correction, and drinking is no exception.
Until now, although the program was developed far from yesterday, nutritionists are debating about some products on the menu, for example, smoothies. A number of smoothies are quite liquid and easy to drink, and some need to be eaten with a spoon. Therefore, there is such a rule: very liquid smoothies are allowed, but in the form of mashed potatoes are prohibited on the diet. This principle also applies to first courses: although soup is a liquid dish, only puree soup is allowed, and it should be very liquid.
The following products are completely excluded from the drinking diet menu:
- meat in any form;
- all flour;
- mushrooms and also legumes;
- nuts
- cottage cheese, cheese;
- sausages;
- canned food;
- eggs
- seafood.
You can not drink soda, sweetened stewed fruit and juices containing sugar, rich milk. You should also completely abandon for 7 days from sauces and ketchups.
Detailed menu for 7 days
The secret to drinking diet on her menu. In fact, every day of the program is a small mono-diet, unloading 24 hours on a specific product.
1 day
The first day should be spent on milk. It should be non-fat milk without fillers. It is allowed to drink up to 1 liter of kefir or milk, a cup of yogurt.
2 days
The second day should be spent on broths. Cook the vegetable stock. You can cook a light soup puree. The amount of food eaten is not limited.
3 days
The third day of the diet is spent on juices. It is advisable to prepare fruit and vegetable drinks yourself. The volume of juice consumed per day is not limited.
4 days
The fourth day of the tea diet. All teas are allowed - black, green, hibiscus, on herbs. You can add lemon or some milk to tea drinks.
5 days
The fifth day of the diet should be spent on liquid oatmeal jelly. The latter is allowed to be replaced with fruit.
6 day
The sixth day of the diet should be spent on compotes of raw fruits or berries, dried fruits. It is forbidden to add sugar to drinks. If desired, you can put a little honey.
7 days
Repeats day on dairy products.
Quitting Drinking Diet
The menu is quite strict and many do not stand up, terminating the program. And it is very important to get out of such a rigid, one-sided nutrition plan. The exit from the drinking diet must necessarily be very neat and smooth, because the body has experienced tremendous stress throughout the week.Incredible efforts and a complete rejection of gastronomic pleasures can be crossed out, immediately gaining weight after a sharp weight loss.
During the first 7 days after the end of the program, a certain diet should be observed. Gradually, cereals and cottage cheese begin to be introduced into the diet. It can be buckwheat porridge with milk and cottage cheese casserole with rice.
On the second or third day after leaving the program, a little low-fat fish is added to the diet. It is advisable to boil it, or at least bake it in the oven.
Only from the fourth to fifth day can boiled meat appear on the table. After a week, you can return to the long-familiar eating plan, but strictly control the amount of sweets eaten, flour and fat.
Nutritionists have developed a program to exit strict diets, the diet of which is unbalanced.
First 3 days
Breakfast consists of 200 g porridge. Lunch and dinner are drinkable.
Next 3 days
Drinking breakfast. For lunch, 200 g of porridge. Dinner consists of fruits.
Next 3 days
Free breakfast. Lunch consists of fish or meat, and dinner consists of fruits or vegetables.
Last 3 days
Food is arbitrary.
What results can be achieved?
A diet plan aims to dramatically reduce weight, which gives stunning dietary results. Strictly observing the rules of the program, you can easily lose about 7 kg of weight per week.
Many women note that after leaving the diet, they felt a pleasant lightness throughout the body and a surge of energy. This is due to a thorough cleansing of the body in a liquid diet.
Like any other strict mono-diet weight correction, drinking has a lot of contraindications. In no case should the program be followed by people who have at least the slightest health problems. This technique was developed only for completely healthy people. Even such a short period of the program before its start requires the permission of the attending physician. The ability to lose weight dramatically on a liquid diet, which is unbalanced and unhealthy, should be primarily considered in terms of possible health complications.
It is strictly forbidden to adhere to the program when:
- pregnancy, lactation;
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system;
- mental disorders;
- kidney and liver diseases;
- endocrinological diseases;
- weak immunity;
- any exacerbations of chronic disorders;
Children's or old age is also a direct contraindication to diet.
Children and adolescents under 21 years of age should not adhere to a liquid nutrition plan.
In adolescents, the psyche and physical health have not yet fully formed. They are most susceptible to all the likely negative effects of the program. The most serious side effect that is very likely at this age when following a liquid nutrition plan is anorexia. The diet ration is very tough, and does not fit a young, not yet strong body.
What to do in case of a breakdown?
The diet on this diet, as mentioned above, is very tough, so disruptions are not so rare. In order not to break loose and go through the program to the end, you need to constantly motivate yourself. For example, on the refrigerator, you can stick stickers with the desired weight written. The dress is one size smaller, a beautiful swimsuit for a vacation at sea, hung in a prominent place - this is also an example of excellent motivation to continue the diet. Many women are constantly weighed or measure their volumes in order to see the results and convince themselves not to refuse what has been achieved.
In the event of a breakdown, do not despair. You can not aggravate the situation by eating food. First of all, you need to weigh yourself and compare your weight before starting the program with the achieved for those few days that managed to hold out. To return to your dietary plan, you should first use fat-burning foods, such as grapefruit juice or green tea.Active hard work, exercises and even air walks will help to return to the diet and start it all over. Finally, if you go all the way to a drinking diet you can’t afford it, consider alternative weight loss programs and choose a less rigid one for yourself.
Drinking diet is a very strict methodology, but, having gathered willpower into a fist, it can be sustained.