The Pit Bull Hulk is recognized as the largest representative of his breed on the planet. Being several times more massive than his brothers, he became a planetary celebrity. This dog became famous as one of the most friendly, affectionate pets, equally adored by adults and kids.
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Description of the pit bull nicknamed Hulk
The breed comes from a bulldog and a terrier. From the first, the pit bull inherited strength and stubbornness, from the second - a very quick reaction, the “cosmic” speed of movement. These features influenced the popularity of the dog among fans of dog fighting, adherents of hunting. And also the breed helps law enforcement agencies of different countries (including America, Russia) in the search for criminals. Due to these features, the distribution of these animals was rather tightly controlled by the US authorities. Even now in many EU countries, such a breed is officially banned. In other countries, it is obligatory to contain its representatives according to strict regulations.
The average size of the dog is as follows: height - 40–50 cm, weight - 15–27 kg. Life expectancy reaches 11–16 years.
The external standards of the breed are as follows:
- rectangular head with a flat skull;
- bulging cheeks;
- high set ears;
- powerful jaws, scissor bite;
- almond-shaped eyes;
- the nose is of different colors, the nostrils are wide;
- Muscular neck
- powerful blades;
- short, slightly sloping back;
- slightly convex lower back;
- a tightened belly;
- chest - medium width;
- convex true and long false ribs;
- short tapering tail that rises to the back (in the excited state of the individual);
- muscular wide hips;
- limbs - long, strong, rounded;
- the dog moves easily and springy, braided walking is not characteristic;
- colors are different;
- the body (except the abdomen) is covered with short, stiff and shiny hair.
The appearance and habits of the Hulk correspond to the characteristics presented. The color of his coat is red. The abdomen is white, there are also small bright spots on the legs. It differs from most representatives of its breed in growth. When the Hulk was 18 months old, his weight was already 80 kg. This is due to the fact that the dog has mastiff genes. The weight of such English dogs can exceed 100 kg.
Conditions of detention and nutrition
Pit bulls are suitable only for the most experienced dog breeders-trainers who can teach a pet implicit obedience and "dog" devotion. City apartment is a great place to keep pit bulls. And yet, without regular active walks, outdoor games, communication with the same animals, pit bulls begin to feel discomfort, can become naughty. For its psychological comfort, the dog should spend a lot of time with the owner and the whole family. In general, pit bulls are socialized animals. However, it is not permitted to leave the dog and children together without the presence of adults.
The largest pit bull in the world, like many pit bull terriers, is attached to children, knows how to protect its owner from dangers and is very hardworking. As a rule, activity overload (within reasonable limits) gives individuals of the breed feelings of peace and friendliness to all people. The Hulk feels very happy when he participates in sports or simply during active communication with his family. Some aggression can be observed in relation to animals of other species. With proper training, such manifestations can be perfectly controlled.
When meeting with small animals or birds, the Hulk triggers hunting instincts. The owners of the Hulk own their own company specializing in breeding and training representatives of guard breeds. Knowledge and experience helped them properly raise a pet. Now a giant dog rarely shows its irritation or hostility, even against small representatives of the fauna.
Pit bull terriers do not get sick so often.
Sometimes they suffer from manifestations such as:
- allergies
- hip dysplasia;
- hypothyroidism;
- aortic stenosis.
Dogs are trained to order from a young age. Kids are considered up to 2 years old. Two to three times a year, the hulk pit bull is bathed, combed thoroughly. His ears always remain clean and dry. As necessary, they rub their eyes, brush their teeth, cut their claws (if they did not grind off). At the age of 2 years, the dog ate from 2 kg of high-quality ground beef per day.
The Hulk is an amazingly peaceful pit bull. The little son of the owner loves to play with a pet, ride on it. True, the use of dogs as horses is, of course, prohibited - can damage the back of the animal. Therefore, such horseback riding is infrequent and certainly under the supervision of adults.
Puppies of the largest pit bull terrier in the world
The largest pit bull in 2015 became the father of eight cubs. The kids were immediately valued at 500 thousand dollars. The value of each reached 55 thousand American banknotes. Usually the price of this breed is 2 times less, but here the size of the Hulk and its unique abilities played a role. Puppies at the time sold out. Photos have spread around the world in which the happy dad gently licks his kids, bathes them with pleasure.
Interesting facts about the giant dog
The hulk became a loving “nanny” for the owner’s son when the child was only a few months old. The owners of the giant claim that he is the first to hear even the baby’s quiet cry and runs up to reassure him.
The Hulk showed himself so non-aggressive and loving pet that his mistress stopped constantly watching his games with the child. And never regretted it.The friendly “tandem” spent most of the day in pleasant communication.
Although the dog weighs 4 times its small owner, the dog always remains caring and kind.
Pit bulls are not only famous for their rather large sizes, but also a large and open heart to people. All the kinsmen were overtaken by the Hulk - a friend, nanny and protector of his big brothers!