Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. This disease is painful for a person in both acute and chronic form. Constant pain, debilitating nausea, periodic vomiting ... Without adherence to the regimen, with the help of medications alone, it is impossible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. On the other hand, proper nutrition in pancreatitis will significantly accelerate the moment when a person stands on his feet.
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Features of nutrition for pancreatitis
Table 5 P is designed for those who suffer from pancreatitis. If the patient is aware of the role of the diet in inflammation of the pancreas and will adhere to the prescribed diet, his gastric juice will be produced in moderation, and the work of the pancreas will gradually improve.
- Food should be consumed in small portions: 50 - 100 g at a time. Overeating increases the load on the stomach.
- It is better to eat more often - 5-8 times a day.
- Appetizing fried potatoes will have to be abandoned, as well as other dishes cooked in a pan.
- Smoked goodies are also not for the patient. Like a variety of pickles.
- You should love boiled vegetables, stew, a steamer will become a true friend.
- Everything that is in the heat of the heat or from the refrigerator is also contraindicated. It is desirable that the food has a temperature of +25 - 50 ºС.
- It is important that a person suffering from pancreatitis, receive a sufficient amount of protein with food, the amount of carbohydrates and fats should be moderate. Otherwise, hepatosis and diabetes can be threatened.
First, the food is served in liquid or mashed form.Over time, with the improvement of the patient's condition, it can simply be crushed.
Diet is recommended to adhere to at least 6 - 8 months.
But in the future, it is advisable not to use fatty, spicy, smoked, irritating the digestive tract dishes, as well as vodka, wine, beer. Otherwise, pancreatitis will resemble itself with endless exacerbations.
What can I eat with a diet
Coming to the grocery store, you can safely put in the basket:
- fresh, not too sour cottage cheese;
- kefir with a small percentage of fat content;
- fermented baked milk;
- varied yogurt;
- feta cheese.
You need to choose lean meat, lamb and pork; it is better to prefer chicken and veal tenderloin.
- Vegetable soups will not cause aggravation (it is advisable to wipe them before serving). Broths and fish soup are allowed to be made only from low-fat varieties - respectively - meat and fish.
- Cutlets, meatballs with boiled rice, meatballs, which will be a good addition to the first dish, are quickly prepared.
- Baked fruits, sweet (not sour) stewed fruits and jelly are also useful.
- White bread crackers can be cooked with a toaster and snack on if you really want to eat.
- Oatmeal (from instant flakes), buckwheat or rice porridge in water or with milk can be on the patient's table every day. Groats should be well cooked.
- Green tea, with a little sugar, is drunk without restriction.
- Rosehip broth is a real doctor. It is rich in vitamin C, it can usually be drunk even when the disease has worsened.
Particular attention should be paid to fats. You can use real butter (not margarine) and sour cream.
Fully or partially restricted products
It is advisable not to eat even during remission:
- Fatty foods. The exception is only high-quality oil in moderation.
- Dishes cooked in a pan. These include, for example, scrambled eggs and fried potatoes.
- Pickles, smoked and pickled. It happens that even a small amount of them is enough to provoke an attack.
- Acidic juices such as orange or plum.
- Smoked sausages.
- All kinds of canned food.
- Sweets, pastries.
- Spicy seasonings - mustard, horseradish, pepper, vinegar.
- All types of alcohol. This even applies to beer.
It is very important that a person regularly receives the right amount of protein.
Menu for pancreatic inflammation
Drawing up a specific menu depends on whether a person suffers from an acute or chronic form of the inflammatory process. Naturally, the menu with exacerbation of pancreatitis will be more limited.
In chronic pancreatitis
Even with such a serious illness as pancreatitis, nutrition can be tasty and varied. We offer sample menu options.
The first:
- In the morning. A piece of lean meat (boiled or steamed). Green tea.
- Between breakfast and lunch. Oatmeal in water or skim milk. Tea.
- For lunch. Lean soup (but not mushroom). Pike perch cutlet with mashed potatoes. Green tea.
- Between lunch and dinner. Baby food - 1 jar.
- Dinner. Stew (you can use carrots, zucchini, pumpkin). Compote.
- Before bedtime. A glass of yogurt.
- Breakfast. Hard boiled egg (protein only). A piece of braised fish. Tea.
- Between breakfast and lunch. Cottage cheese (you can use baby food).
- Dinner. Boiled potato soup with a teaspoon of sour cream per serving. Veal cutlets. Apple or strawberry jelly.
- An afternoon snack. Low-fat cheese, dried white bread. Green tea.
- Dinner. Steamed chicken meatballs, buckwheat. Tea.
- Before bedtime. A glass of kefir.
- Breakfast. Omelette. Fruit tea.
- Between breakfast and lunch. Crackers, cheese, sweet fruit.
- Dinner. Puree chicken soup stewed with carrot and onion zucchini, dried fruit compote.
- An afternoon snack. Pears
- Dinner. Fish casserole, souffle, green tea with honey.
- Before going to bed: applesauce (baby food).
- Breakfast. Fine cereal porridge. Lean meat (stewed or boiled). Juice.
- Between breakfast and lunch. Omelette. Oven baked fruit.
- Dinner. Lean fish ear. Casserole - vegetable or meat. Fruit jelly.
- An afternoon snack. Fat-free cottage cheese, tea with honey.
- Dinner. Fishcake with pasta. Rosehip broth.
- Before bedtime. Dairy dish - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir - to choose from.
- In the morning. Meatballs - "hedgehogs" for a couple. Oatmeal with milk. Tea.
- Between breakfast and lunch. Apple or pear yogurt.
- Dinner. Vegetarian cream soup. A small piece of boiled fish with a side dish of vegetables. Milk jelly.
- An afternoon snack. Baby food - cottage cheese.
- Dinner. Milk porridge with butter. Sweet jelly.
- Before bedtime. A glass of yogurt.
Different options are easy to compose on your own.
In acute form of the disease
The first days of acute pancreatitis, the patient does not eat food. Complete fasting is prescribed. Only mineral water is not forbidden.
Usually, in this case, they buy Borjomi, Essentuki No. 17 at the pharmacy. Rosehip broth, in the amount of 1 - 2 glasses, will also be useful. If the disease is characterized by frequent bouts of vomiting, the patient is forbidden to drink, droppers are prescribed.
On the 3-4th day, when the person’s condition stabilizes, he is gradually transferred to diet No. 5 P. They begin to give liquid and semi-liquid dishes, and then porridges of a viscous consistency.
The patient can be offered:
- Mucous soups, for example, are very good rice.
- Pounded porridge.
- Jelly (fruits of them should not be served to the patient).
- Vegetable light soup.
In a few days, protein food will be a valuable supplement:
- Steam omelet without yolks.
- Souffle or casserole of meat, sea fish.
- Skim cheese.
Also give mashed potatoes from vegetables or sweet fruits, boiled porridge in skim milk, baby food.
Exacerbations of pancreatitis can be successfully avoided. It is important only to comply with the prescription of doctors and not go beyond the diet. It should be remembered that the temptations that are found everywhere, with problems with the pancreas are categorically contraindicated.
It refers to:
- Sushi and pizza.
- Citrus
- Chips and nuts.
- Hot dogs and other fast food.
- Butter baking.
- Salou.
Follow a diet and be healthy.