The condition, which is commonly called poisoning, is an acute process caused by harmful microorganisms and toxic compounds that enter the gastrointestinal tract from the outside. This happens due to a violation of the principles of personal hygiene and the use of products of inadequate quality or with an expired shelf life. Consider the principles of treating food poisoning at home.
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Types of Food Poisoning
All foodborne poisonings are classified into microbial and non-microbial, in accordance with the type of pathogen condition pathogen.
- In the first case, malaise occurs under the influence of pathogenic microbes trapped in the digestive tract. This occurs as a result of neglecting the rules of hygiene or eating dishes prepared in unsanitary conditions. And also acute intoxication of the microbial type can provoke products that have left the permissible storage period or were stored improperly.
- Non-microbial, toxic poisoning, provoked by chemical or plant poisons. A painful condition arises as a reaction to food containing a large amount of synthetic additives, drugs and other toxic compounds, as well as eating potentially dangerous mushrooms or berries.
Attention! If there is a suspicion that the poisoning was provoked not by bacteria, but by toxins, home therapy is not recommended. The patient needs emergency professional help.
Symptoms and signs of food poisoning
The reaction to toxic substances occurs shortly after they enter the gastrointestinal tract, and proceeds quite rapidly. Symptoms in children and adults are similar, but for each age category has its own characteristics. Consider in detail the symptoms of the development of a pathological condition.
In adults
The first time after the ingestion of pathogenic bacteria or toxins into the body, poisoning manifests itself with mild weakness, belching and nausea.
Then the condition goes into the next stage, characterized by such symptoms:
- repeated vomiting, giving short-term relief;
- pain and pain in the stomach;
- diarrhea
- aching muscles, joints, and temples;
- a jump in temperature, sometimes quite significant;
- irregular blood pressure;
- a breakdown.
Later, due to repeated vomiting, dehydration symptoms appear. The patient has increased sweating, and he complains of bouts of severe dizziness.
In children
The reaction to food poisoning in a child occurs faster than in older people. At first, the baby looks tired and tired, and often sweats a lot.
Then the following symptoms join these signs:
- bouts of nausea;
- repeated vomiting;
- pain in the abdomen;
- diarrhea;
- increase in temperature indicators.
In the next stage, signs of dehydration appear. It is expressed in pallor and dry skin, general weakness, and in some cases convulsive attacks join these symptoms.
Attention! Do not hesitate to call the "Ambulance" if blood is found in the feces and vomit of an adult or child, as well as in situations where the patient raves or periodically faints.
First aid in case of poisoning
If symptoms of food poisoning are found in the child and in the adult, treatment should be started immediately.
First aid measures for intoxication include:
- Cleansing the stomach. To do this, you need to drink a warm solution from a glass of water and a teaspoon of soda or add a few crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to the liquid. If vomiting does not occur, lightly press on the tongue at the base. It is better not to do this with your fingers, so as not to introduce an additional infection, but to take a clean teaspoon.
- Replenish fluid volume. As a result of profuse vomiting, dehydration can occur, and in order to avoid this, it will be necessary to water the patient with unsweetened, slightly brewed tea, a decoction of chamomile or boiled water.
- Restore salt balance. Salts do not allow water to quickly leave the body, therefore, with food poisoning, the use of rehydration solutions with potassium, sodium and chlorine is indicated. The most popular of these types of drugs is Regidron. It is sold in the form of a powder that must be diluted in boiled water before use.
- Remove toxic compounds from the body. For these purposes, it is advisable to use enterosorbents. For food intoxication, activated charcoal or Smecta is indicated.
Attention! Do not give the victim medications for diarrhea and drugs that block vomiting. The goal of treating food poisoning at the initial stage is to get rid of toxins, and taking these medications will prevent this.
Home Food Poisoning Treatment
After the patient was given first aid, the body needs to be restored within 5 to 7 days. The duration of this period depends on the severity of the poisoning.
How to cure food poisoning in an adult
In the recovery period after food intoxication, the following measures are necessary:
- Reception of enterosorbents. Poisoning substances must be completely eliminated from the body in order for permanent improvement to occur.
- Treatment with enzyme preparations.After poisoning, it is necessary to reduce the irritability of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and for these purposes, treatment with Mezim, Festal and similar medicines is indicated.
- Probiotic therapy. It is needed in order to restore normal microflora in the intestine. As part of the treatment, drugs containing strains of beneficial bacteria are prescribed.
- Sparing nutrition. The first 24 hours after the onset of a reaction to toxic substances, the patient is better to refuse any food, and then carefully introduce into the diet porridge of rice in the water, unsweetened tea, drying or biscuit cookies. Fatty, fried or salty foods are strictly prohibited.
- Full rest. Since a person experiences weakness due to poisoning, often accompanied by dizziness, bed rest is indicated in the recovery process.
If the patient has a high temperature, and pains in the stomach torment, it is permissible to use analgesics and antipyretic drugs.
Self-treatment of a disease in a child
A fragile children's body reacts to toxins quite violently, and poisoning among babies is not uncommon. For this reason, every mother needs to know what to do in such cases.
After first aid, you need to deal with the problem with the following methods:
- give the baby sorbent drugs, strictly observing the recommended dosage;
- replenish the body with fluid and electrolytes, using the solution "Regidron";
- restore intestinal microflora with the help of probiotic preparations;
- feed the child cereals in the water and other safe food;
- water it with boiled water, unsweetened tea and a decoction of chamomile;
- at elevated temperatures give an antipyretic.
The medication schedule and the list of necessary medications should be discussed with the pediatrician, and not self-medicated.
Attention! At home, you can treat children older than 3 years. A young child with signs of intoxication is better to be hospitalized.
What can not be done
In order not to aggravate the situation during poisoning and not cause harm to health, it is forbidden to do the following:
- take drugs that stop vomiting or diarrhea;
- drink raw, not boiled water;
- eat in the first 24 hours after poisoning;
- during the week to eat heavy foods, sweets, as well as carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
- arbitrarily take antibiotics if it is a microbial form of the disease;
- self-medicate in situations where the measures taken do not bring relief.
Attention! When providing first aid, it is forbidden to induce vomiting if the person is unconscious. And also such actions can not be performed by women in a state of pregnancy.
Disease prevention
It is not difficult to prevent food intoxications and other intestinal problems if the following rules are observed:
- Follow personal hygiene recommendations.
- Check expiration dates and storage conditions of products.
- Do not eat food whose quality is in doubt.
- Avoid dishes based on meat, poultry or fish that have not undergone proper heat treatment.
- If necessary, have lunch outside the house to choose proven catering points.
- Use disposable paper towels in the kitchen and regularly replace fabric towels.
- Change sponges or napkins for cleaning dishes in time.
Compliance with these recommendations will help reduce the risk of food poisoning and the appearance of concomitant health disorders.
It is important to understand that intoxication associated with unsanitary conditions and the consumption of food of dubious quality can be extremely dangerous. Such a disease can not only "knock out" for several days, but also lead to death.