Baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) or sodium bicarbonate is a natural, non-toxic natural remedy. The beneficial properties of baking soda, the use and treatment of many diseases with its help have been known since ancient times.
Experts believe that soda:
- dilutes blood, preventing the formation of blood clots;
- possesses aseptic properties, inhibiting the activity of microbial flora;
- increases alkaline reserves of the body, normalizes acid-base balance, eliminating excessive acidification of the body and thus eliminating the underlying cause of many pathological conditions;
- removes poisons, radioactive isotopes, heavy metals from the body;
- cleans blood vessels of cholesterol layers;
- dissolves urate, cystine and oxalate (acid) stones in the gall bladder, kidneys;
- has a mild laxative effect;
- rejuvenates tissue cells, inhibiting the aging process;
- dissolves deposits in the joints;
- increases the body's immune defense;
- inhibits the activity of malignant processes.
Material Content:
What diseases does it help?
Sodium bicarbonate can be used in the complex treatment of the following pathologies:
- inflammation of the oral mucosa, throat (stomatitis, tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis),
- inflammatory processes in the bronchi, respiratory tract;
- fungal skin infections, candidiasis of the mucous membranes;
- dehydration and intoxication in case of severe poisoning by products, ethyl alcohol, fluorine, salts of heavy metals, formaldehyde, chlorophos;
- purulent wounds;
- dermatological diseases, acne,
- inflammatory and degenerative processes in the joints, including radiculitis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, rheumatism;
- urolithiasis and gallstone disease, since it reduces the acidity of urine, preventing the sedimentation of uric acid;
- acid-dependent diseases, including blood acidity - acidosis, leading to excessive blood density, cancer cell aggression;
- metabolic acidosis (including postoperative acidosis, against the background of diabetes mellitus, infections and poisoning);
- obesity;
- hemorrhoids;
- alcoholism, drug addiction;
- malignant processes;
- toothache.
Baking Soda Treatment
Recipes for internal use
The intake of drinking soda inside is advisable for many abnormal conditions of the body and inflammatory processes.
Some recipes:
- To dry cough turned into a productive wet, put half a teaspoon of soda in hot milk and drink it before bedtime.
- In case of poisoning by food or household poisons, immediate gastric lavage with a solution of 1 liter of boiled water with 2 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate is required. Important! It is forbidden to drink soda in case of poisoning with alkalis and acids!
- With severe heartburn, if there is no pharmacy antacid (Fosfalugel, Almagel), you can use a single solution of an alkaline solution prepared from boiled water (150 ml) and 1 tablespoon of soda. With a diagnosed gastric or intestinal ulcer, it is strictly forbidden to use such a solution to eliminate heartburn.
- If the first symptoms of thrush appear (itching, burning), it is advisable to drink a solution of sodium bicarbonate for 3-5 days, which will reduce the severity of unpleasant manifestations during urination (a teaspoon of 250 ml).
- With an attack of tachycardia (heart palpitations), a cocktail of 0.5 teaspoon of soda diluted in a third of a glass of water, which is drunk in one gulp, can help.
- The development of a headache is often triggered by an upset stomach function. A teaspoon of baking soda, mixed in a glass of warm non-fat milk, neutralizes the activity of hydrochloric acid, which, in turn, will eliminate the pain in the head.
- If you experience nausea when traveling in a vehicle and the “motion sickness effect” is taken in the form of an aqueous solution (0.5 teaspoon Sodium bicarbonate per third cup).
- With the development of acidosis, characteristic of ethanol intoxication (withdrawal state), in order to restore the acid-base balance, in the first 2 hours (with a mild or moderate severity of a hangover), a liter of water with 2 to 5 grams of soda (up to 10 grams, if severe) ) Over the next 12 hours, drink 2 liters of liquid with a total amount of soda - 7 grams. With the development of pain in the stomach due to increased release of carbon dioxide, the amount of soda is reduced to 3 grams per day.
- To make up for lost fluid in severe burns and infections, acute poisoning, shock, bleeding, persistent vomiting, high perspiration, and dehydration, it is recommended that you drink the patient with a solution of a mixture of a liter of boiled water, 0.5 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and salt. The solution is given in 20 ml every 4 to 7 minutes.
Outdoor use
Sodium bicarbonate is often used as an external therapeutic agent for various diseases.
The main cases and abnormal conditions in which a solution of Sodium bicarbonate is used:
Exposure to the skin and mucous membranes of acids, toxic substances (organophosphorus compounds), juice of toxic plants (wolf bast, hogweed) | As emergency home care, the affected areas are treated with a 2 - 5% solution. |
Acute thrombophlebitis, inflammation of hemorrhoids | Every half an hour lotions with a cool solution of sodium bicarbonate (2%) are applied to the affected area. |
Panaritium (acute suppuration of the soft and bone tissues of the finger) | A bath for a sick finger is carried out for 15 minutes up to 6 times a day. A solution of 250 ml of hot water and 1 tablespoon of soda is required. Attention! Consultation with a surgeon is required. |
Thrush (candidiasis) | Washing with an alkaline solution (0.5 teaspoon per half a glass of warm water) of the external genitalia, douching. Sodium bicarbonate kills Candida. Apply no longer than 4 days. |
Purulent wounds, boils | Since soda has the ability to thin a thick purulent secretion, it increases its fluidity and promotes removal. The gauze folded in several layers is abundantly soaked in a solution of 2 tablespoons of Sodium bicarbonate and 250 ml of boiled hot water. A lotion is applied to the abscess for 20 minutes 5 to 6 times a day. |
Bad sweat odor | Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes the acidic environment, which is preferred by microorganisms that cause a heavy smell of sweat. The armpits of the armpits are washed several times a day with soda solution, and the feet in the basin in the morning and evening. The required concentration is 1 tablespoon per 300 ml of liquid. |
Fungal foot lesion | A thick mixture of 1 large spoonful of Sodium bicarbonate and 2 teaspoons of water is rubbed on the affected areas, trying to also treat clean skin. This is done twice a day, keeping the “medicine” on the feet for 20 minutes. After rinsing, the feet are thoroughly dried and treated with baby powder. |
Inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa (stomatitis) of the throat (tonsillitis, tonsillitis), pharynx, upper respiratory tract | Active gargling of the throat and oral mucosa is done up to 6-8 times a day, using a warm solution of 2 teaspoons of baking soda per glass of boiled water. To enhance the antimicrobial action, you can add 0.5 tablespoons of salt and 3-4 drops of iodine (in the absence of allergies!). The solution washes purulent plugs from tonsil lacunae with tonsillitis, disinfects the oral mucosa, eliminates inflammation and relieves pain from aphthae with stomatitis. |
Toothache, flux, gum disease | Showing active mouthwashes with a warm solution prepared in a proportion of 2 small tablespoons of soda per glass of liquid. |
Dry obsessive cough, laryngitis, respiratory failure, pharyngitis, intoxication of the body by inhalation of iodine vapor, chlorine | Inhalations - inhalation of hot vapors of an alkaline solution (3 small spoons per 300 ml of boiling water) 10 - 15 minutes up to 3 times a day. Take extreme care not to burn your airways! |
Itching and swelling from insect bites, chickenpox rash | Multiple treatment (up to 10 times a day) of sore spots with cool water (a third of a glass) with a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate. |
Itching and inflammation in urticaria, pruritus, allergic rashes | Taking warm baths with soda (400 - 500 g). |
Irritation, pain, redness during thermal burns, including sunburn | Soak the multi-layer cheesecloth with a cool solution of 2 tablespoons of Sodium bicarbonate and 200 ml of water, squeeze and put on the burned place. Keep lotion warming, then change it to a new cool lotion. |
Pain with scratches, abrasions, cuts. | Hold on a painful area a cotton pad soaked in an alkaline solution (half a glass of cool water with a tablespoon of soda). |
Excess weight | To gradually get rid of excess body fat, it is advisable to regularly take hot baths with baking soda (400 grams) and salt (200 grams). |
Constipation | To gently cleanse the intestines, they put an alkaline enema. Take a tablespoon of powder per liter of boiled warm water. |
Treatment with baking soda according to Neumyvakin
Professor Ivan Neumyvakin recommends treatment with soda in order to get rid of a number of many pathological conditions, and in his developments gives many recommendations for its proper use.
It is interesting: treatment with soda for non-washin: how to take
The professor advises starting with a minimal portion of the healing substance, taking the powder on the tip of the spoon so that the body adapts. Gradually, monitoring the condition, the dose rises to the optimum - 0.5 - 1 teaspoon. For maximum effectiveness, the powder is stirred in a glass of water or non-skim milk, warmed up to 55 - 60C.Such a solution is taken 1-3 times a day one hour before a meal or 2 hours after it. Then there will be no increased gas formation, and the liquid will quickly enter the intestines without affecting the acidity of the stomach.
Treatment with baking soda according to Neumyvakin oncological processes involves the intake of a composition of 2 spoons of soda per 250 ml of boiled water. The duration of soda treatment is determined by the well-being of the patient, but the optimal regimen is 2 weeks with a break of the same duration.
Treatment of gout with soda using compresses, taking an alkaline solution inside leads to the elimination of pain, inflammation, normalization of metabolic processes.
Common recipes:
- In hot water (2 l) stir 2 tablespoons of soda and 10 drops of iodine. Cool to 42 ° C and use for the foot bath. For a compress, take 2 teaspoons of powder and 5 drops of iodine per 500 ml of water.
- For internal use, make a composition with 3 liters of boiled water, where 3 teaspoons of Sodium bicarbonate, 5 drops of iodine and 40 g of honey are introduced. Drink within 48 hours.
Application in cosmetology
Soda has valuable properties:
- effective in the treatment of acne, pustules, suppressing the activity of microbes and drying rashes;
- relieves inflammation, cleanses the skin from impurities and dead cells;
- softens and dries a little oily skin;
- has a whitening effect.
Despite the advantages of soda, it is suitable for use once a week or even less, which is determined by the type of skin and the severity of defects.
Basic recipes:
- The easiest way is to add a pinch of soda to the gel for washing, mixing them in the palm of your hand. Suitable for irritated, sensitive skin.
- A honey scrub made from a spoonful of liquid honey and soda on the tip of a knife will gently cleanse delicate skin.
- To remove impurities on oily and dense skin, fine salt is mixed with soda (1 to 1), the mixture is diluted with water to gruel, and the mixture is gently rubbed without injuring the skin.
- Mask. Mix 3 tablespoons of fatty kefir, 1 spoon of ground oatmeal, 0.5 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, 4 drops of boric acid. Hold on the face for 15 minutes.
- In the treatment of acne, a thick mixture of water and soda is applied to them, leaving for 3 hours.
- To get rid of excess sebum and dirt - dust, foam, varnish - wash your hair with shampoo where baking soda is added (4 to 1 ratio).
- To add whiteness and brilliance to the teeth, you can simply apply a pinch of soda to the toothpaste on which the brush is coated. Such a soft scrub will remove darkening from the teeth without scratching the enamel, and at the same time perfectly disinfect the gums.
Contraindications and possible harm
Long-term and constant intake of soda in the body can be harmful and lead to unpleasant consequences, since when taking sodium bicarbonate, concomitant diseases should be taken into account. Sodium bicarbonate should be used carefully so as not to cause excessive alkalization of the blood (alkalosis).
Many diseases, contrary to expectations, are able to aggravate with uncontrolled and active use of soda.
Ingestion of sodium bicarbonate is prohibited under the following conditions:
- pregnancy;
- special sensitivity;
- renal failure;
- age up to 5 years;
- gastrointestinal bleeding;
- ulceration of the mucosa of the esophagus, intestines, stomach;
- malignant processes of stage III-IV;
- increased and decreased acidity;
- diabetes.
- diseases in which alkalosis is diagnosed (increase in blood pH).
In addition, the following facts must be considered:
- Acceptance of sodium bicarbonate increases the risk of the formation of phosphate stones.
- Possible violation of the acid-base balance, which can lead to insufficient functioning of the cardiovascular system, disrupt metabolism, cause a rise in blood pressure;
- The irritating effect of soda on the walls of the stomach causes an increase in the production of hydrochloric acid, the appearance of pain, increased gas formation, nausea, bloating and the development of gastritis.
- With low acidity, soda abuse leads to lethargy in the contractile function of the stomach and intestines, putrefactive processes, constipation and diarrhea.
- With increased acidity, repeated use of sodium bicarbonate causes an increase in the production of hydrochloric acid, which leads to even greater intensity of heartburn.
- Brushing teeth with soda more than once a week leads to damage to the enamel and tooth decay.
- As a sodium product, soda enhances thirst and the appearance of edema on the legs, under the eyes, puffiness of the face, especially in pregnant women.
- External use of the product on thin, dry, prone to irritation skin to even more drain the epidermis, causing redness, rash, itching, burning.
It should be understood that the most useful substance, like a medicine, can harm if you exceed the dose, long-term use or certain diseases. Therefore, it is most correct to consult your doctor before using baking soda.
- Alevtina