Pie Kurnik has a rich centuries-old history. Delicious chicken coops have always been served on the royal table. In different regions of Russia, there are culinary secrets of the kurnik, which were closely associated with folk customs. For example, this cake was a real highlight of the wedding table. It symbolized wealth and prosperity for the future family. This cake was also baked for religious holidays - Easter, Trinity.
Where did its name come from? It is believed that this is due to the filling with chicken. However, some sources claim that he got his name because of the steam that came out of the hole in the top crust of the pie.
As soon as this pie was not stuffed - not only chicken meat, but also porridge, nuts, sauerkraut, eggs, berries and even fish.
Material Content:
Classic oven in the oven
A delicious and fragrant chicken coop according to this recipe was once prepared by our grandmothers. A hearty pie will always be a welcome guest at the family table.
Product Set:
- 300 g chicken;
- 550 g of flour;
- a glass of sour cream;
- 6 eggs of category C1;
- 180 g of premium oil;
- 160 g of rice;
- salt;
- soda;
- spice.
Cooking the dough. Shake a couple of eggs with salt, pour sour cream and put warm soft butter, cut into pieces. Stir everything into a total mass. Slightly adding flour, knead the dough.
Making the filling. Boil four eggs, rice. Cut meat, eggs, salt and season with spices.
We make a cake. Make two cakes of dough, one place in a baking dish. Spread the rice evenly, spread chicken and eggs on top of it. Cover with another cake and cover the edges.
We bake a pie. Place the chicken in the oven for 40 minutes. The temperature regime is 200 degrees.
With the addition of potatoes
In the henhouse, rice can be replaced with potatoes, the pie from this will not lose at all.But you will have the opportunity to diversify the filling, bake a henhouse with chicken and potatoes.
Take for the test:
- 150 g sour cream;
- 150 g of premium oil;
- category C1 egg;
- 2 cups of flour;
- salt;
- soda.
Take for the filling:
- a pair of chicken legs or chicken breasts;
- 3 potato tubers;
- onion head;
- 50 g of premium oil;
- chicken yolk;
- salt;
- spice.
Cooking the dough. Blatter the egg with salt. Pour sour cream, grind with soft butter. Pour flour and knead a light plastic dough.
Making the filling. Grate potatoes with large holes. Cut the meat into cubic pieces. Shred onion, mix with meat.
We make a cake. Divide the dough into two different-sized pieces. The smaller is the lid, the larger is the bottom and sides of the pie. Roll out a large piece and lay out in the form. We distribute the filling in layers, each time we season with our favorite spices, salt. The bottom layer is potatoes, the next is meat. Roll out the second piece of dough and cover it with the contents. Connect the edges, make a small cut in the center of the upper crust. Brush the cake with raw yolk.
We bake a pie. We put the chicken pot into the heated oven, increase the temperature to 200 degrees, the baking time is an hour.
Cooking in a slow cooker
The kurnik turns out great in a slow cooker. It is easy and convenient, because you do not have to constantly monitor the process. Simply dial the appropriate program and leave the kitchen to complete other household tasks, saving time and energy.
Take the following set:
- 350 g of meat is approximately one chicken breast;
- a pound of flour;
- 2 eggs of category C1;
- 100 g of premium oil;
- half a glass of sour cream;
- 3 tbsp. l sunflower oil;
- 2 tbsp. l cold water;
- 3 potato tubers;
- onion head;
- Art. l Sahara;
- soda;
- salt;
- pepper.
Cooking the dough. Two-thirds of the oil is mixed with sour cream. Pour salt, sugar, break eggs, add vegetable oil. Then add two tbsp. To this mixture. tablespoons of very cold water and mix. Next, a little roll of flour, knead the dough. The formed lump is closed with polyethylene, placed in a cold place for thirty minutes. This dough is stored in the cold for a long time. Therefore, it can be prepared in advance and used as necessary.
Making the filling. Boil potatoes in advance and cool. Dice cut potatoes, chicken, onion. Season with pepper and salt.
We make a cake. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide into two parts - one less, the other more. The one that can no longer even be rolled out, but immediately placed in the multicooker bowl. Moreover, it is not necessary to lubricate the bowl, since the dough itself is quite oily. Using your fingers, spread the dough on the walls and the bottom to a height of about five centimeters. On this layer, first lay the potatoes, then the onions, then the meat. Crush the oil onto the surface of the filling. From the other part of the dough, blind the pie cover, cover it and cover the edges.
We bake a pie. We turn on the slow cooker in the “Baking” mode for an hour. When this time has passed, open the lid and turn the cake over. This must be done so that the crust is well baked. Set the same mode for an additional 20 minutes.
Puff pastry
You can take frozen puff pastry for this pie. This will greatly facilitate cooking. The variant of the kurnik turns out to be unusually tasty, so it is possible to bake it to the festive table.
Take the following:
- a pound of puff pastry;
- 350 g of chicken meat;
- bulb;
- 3 potatoes;
- 50 g of premium oil;
- egg yolk;
- salt;
- pepper;
- water.
Cooking the filling. Onion chop. Cut the potatoes into thin strips, and the meat into slices. Pour a couple of tablespoons of water, mix everything, season with spices.
We make a cake. Divide the dough into two parts. One will be the bottom, the other - the top. The top will require a little less dough. Roll out the bottom crust, lay it in a shape so that it is enough for the sides. Spread the filling evenly on the bottom. Cut the butter into small pieces, lay them on the surface of the filling.Roll out the part of the dough that remains, to get a workpiece for the upper crust. Cover it with the filling and pinch the edges.
We bake a pie. Baking time up to 50 minutes, temperature - up to 200 degrees.
Pie according to the old Russian recipe
Old Russian kurnik is a special pie. The antiquity of his recipe is confirmed by historical data. It was such a pie that often stood during festivities in the chambers of Russian tsars. It looked unusual - it was a fairly high cone, on top of which there was a hole. The cake was served hot, so usually from this hole, like from the mouth of a volcano, there was fragrant steam.
In this type of chicken coop amazing filling. These are layers of cereals, mushrooms, meat, vegetables, which were also separated from each other inside the pie by pancakes. And on top was a delicious crust of unleavened dough. An old Russian recipe for a kurnik pie came to our days, of course, not from the royal table, but quite acceptable in modern conditions.
Take these foods to make pancakes:
- 150 ml of milk;
- Art. l lean oil;
- category C1 egg;
- a glass of flour;
- Art. l Sahara;
- salt.
Take to prepare puff pastry:
- 150 g of premium oil;
- half a glass of water;
- a glass of flour;
- egg;
- Art. l sour cream;
- lemon acid;
- salt.
The composition of the filling:
- a pound of chicken - fillet;
- 150 g of mushrooms;
- 2 eggs of category C1;
- 100 g of cheese;
- half a glass of rice;
- 50 g of premium oil;
- 2 tsp flour;
- salt;
- pepper;
- dill.
We bake pancakes. Blatter the egg in milk, pour salt, sugar, flour, stir. Oven in a very hot pan, slightly greased with vegetable oil. Get about 5 pancakes.
Chicken stuffing. Dice boiled meat, add salt and pepper. Part of the broth left in advance for the sauce.
Mushroom filling. Wash, chop and stew the mushrooms in a saucepan, salt and pepper.
Rice Filling. Boil rice, season with butter. Boil the egg, cool, chop. Finely chop the dill. Combine everything with rice. Season with salt and pepper.
Grate the cheese.
Making the sauce. Slightly fry the flour in the cow's butter, add the broth and heat.
Cooking puff pastry. Dissolve salt, citric acid in water, pour this solution into flour, knead the dough. Then set it aside for 15 minutes, rest. Next, roll out a layer, the thickness of which should be half a centimeter. Put lukewarm, melting oil, smear it all over the reservoir, without touching the edges. Roll the dough four times, roll it out again, only a centimeter thick. Keep in the cold for 15 minutes. Remove and repeat the procedure two more times.
We make a cake. Distribute the puff pastry into two parts so that one is enough for the bottom with sides, and the second - on the pie cover. Place the first crust of dough in the mold. On it is a pancake. Then put half of the rice filling on it and pour a little sauce. Each filling should be slightly flavored with sauce.
Put the second pancake on top, on it - chicken stuffing and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cover with another pancake, and put the mushroom stuffing, and the rest of the cheese on it. Lay out the fourth pancake, on top of it - the second part of the rice filling, which must be closed with the fifth pancake. Finally, it's time to close the cake with a lid from a smaller layer of dough. Pinch the edges, and if there are still pieces of puff pastry, you can fashion jewelry from them and place them on top of the cake. Combine the egg with sour cream, and grease the surface of the henhouse.
We bake a pie. The temperature regime is 180 degrees, the baking time is an hour.
From pancakes with chicken and mushrooms
This is a traditional version of a pancake pie with chicken and mushrooms is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent, even the most sophisticated gourmet will praise him. The combination of the taste of mushrooms, tender chicken and pancakes is so good that such a chicken will want to cook not only for Shrovetide.
Take the following for pancakes:
- half a liter of milk;
- 2 eggs of category C1;
- a glass of flour;
- a couple of tbsp. l vegetable oil;
- salt;
- sugar.
Take the filling products:
- a pound of chicken - breast, chicken
- a pound of mushrooms, better than champignons
- 250 g of cheese;
- 3 eggs of category C1;
- large onion;
- a couple of tomatoes;
- greenery;
- garlic;
- salt;
- spice;
- sour cream.
We bake pancakes. Lightly beat the eggs with sugar and salt, pour milk, vegetable oil. Pour in flour. Mix everything, breaking the lumps. Oven pancakes in a special pan. Pour the liquid dough into the middle of the heated pan with a ladle, then, taking it by the handle, distribute the dough on a hot surface with a hand motion. After a few minutes, when the lower part of the pancake is fried, pick it up gently with a spatula and turn it over to fry the other side.
Making the filling. Cut the meat into pieces and fry. You can fry already cooked meat. Wash and cut the mushrooms, chop the onions, mix with the mushrooms and stew it all in a pan, covering with a lid on top. Boil and chop eggs. Grate cheese on a coarse grater. Chop the onion, chop the garlic. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices. Eggs with onions and garlic should be mixed together.
We form a pie. Place the pancake at the bottom of a large dish. Lay a layer of meat on it, then lay a layer of tomatoes, sprinkling it with cheese. Close everything with the next pancake. Then lay out the mushrooms. Close the pancake and lay the meat. Layers need to be alternated to your liking, as you like. Grease the top pancake with sour cream, sprinkle with cheese. Place the pie in a slightly preheated oven for a couple of minutes so that the cheese melts and turns pink easily. There is another option - put it in the cold. After a couple of hours, it is perfectly saturated.
Quick lazy chicken
You can make a chicken pie in the oven very quickly. Any chicken meat - breast, chicken legs or drumsticks is perfect for him. Cut off the bones. In this case, you should know that white meat is less juicy.
Take the following for the test:
- 4 tbsp. l mayonnaise;
- 4 tbsp. l sour cream;
- 2 eggs;
- a glass of flour;
- soda;
- salt.
Take the following for the filling:
- chicken - two thighs and half a breast;
- 500 g of potatoes;
- salt;
- pepper and spices.
Cooking the dough. Mix mayonnaise with sour cream and egg, salt, pour soda. Gradually introduce flour, stirring the lumps. The dough is liquidish, with a consistency similar to sour cream.
Making the filling. Cut the meat into slices, onions into half rings, potatoes into slices. We do not mix prepared foods, but salt and sprinkle with spices.
Making a cake. It can be baked both in the form and in an ordinary frying pan without a handle. Lubricate the mold with oil, pour the dough so that it covers the bottom. Lay on it first layers of potato, then onion, then meat and cover everything with a layer of potatoes. After that, fill everything with the second half of the dough.
Bake kurnik - 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
From shortcrust pastry
This kurnik is from the "guests on the doorstep" series. It can be done very quickly, the composition of the products is always found in the refrigerator. A stove made of fresh sour cream is good, but if it is not there, even one with an expired shelf life will do. When exposed to high temperature, all bacteria die, so this dough is completely safe.
Take the following for the test:
- 250 g of premium oil;
- egg;
- 1.5 cups sour cream;
- 600 g flour;
- Art. l vinegar
- soda;
- salt.
Take the following for the filling:
- 2 legs or 4 legs;
- bulb;
- 2 potato tubers;
- 60 g of premium oil;
- black pepper;
- salt.
Cooking the dough. Blatter the egg with salt, pour sour cream and melted butter, stir. We also send slaked vinegar to this place. Now it’s the turn of flour. Sift it in advance, then pour a little into the mass, kneading the tender dough. We cover the container with the dough with cling film, leave for 35 minutes.
Making the filling. Separate the meat from the bones, peel the potatoes, cut both into small cubes. We chop the onion and send it to the container with meat. We fill the filling with melted butter, sprinkle with pepper, salt.
We make a cake. Separate one third from the total piece of dough, this will be the top crust of the pie. We roll both parts. Large - stack in shape, forming the sides. We distribute the whole filling into it.On top we cover with the second, smaller part of the rolled dough and close the edges. In the middle of the upper crust we make an incision.
We bake a kurnik. In a preheated to moderate temperature oven put the pie and bake for 35-40 minutes.