The human body is a well-coordinated mechanism, the functioning of which is impossible if at least one organ or system fails. And if one can strengthen the state of health as a whole with the right way of life or playing sports, then only the corresponding nootropic drugs are able to “improve” the work of the brain. The first representative of this most effective group of medicines today is Piracetam, the indications of the use of which are given in this material.

Composition and release forms

For the first time, such a nootropic drug was synthesized in 1964, leading a group of drugs that can stimulate brain activity and influence the mental functions of a person. The drug was created on the basis of pyrrolidone, has a pyrrolidine core, as well as subsequently synthesized substances of the racetam group. It is actively used in the therapeutic treatment of disorders of a neurological, psychiatric and narcological nature, and is also used to enhance brain activity and the formation of neural connections.

On sale you can find a medicine under the brand name Piracetam, which is available in several dosage forms. Intravenously, the drug is prescribed for inpatient treatment, for which there is a solution in ampoules and vials on sale. And there are also Piracetam tablets used orally.The suspension for droppers and injections is transparent, has 1 ml of 200 mg of piracetam, as well as additional components (sodium acetate, water, non-concentrated acetic acid).

The capsule of the drug contains 400 mg of the active substance, including 3 mg of silicon dioxide. In addition, individual components are used for the body of the capsule itself (dyes, titanium, gelatin, etc.), which do not affect the therapeutic effect. In pharmacies, the medicine is sold by prescription in packs, which contain up to 10 plastic blisters (10-30 capsules) or up to five ampoules.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

The medicine is absorbed from the digestive tract into the bloodstream completely (98%) and in a short time.

A single dose of 2 grams of the drug provides in the blood:

  • maximum concentration in half an hour (similarly with intramuscular injections);
  • a constant indicator is noted 3 days after the start of the course (with regular use).

Eating increases the time to achieve maximum results. The active substance is not metabolized, it is excreted unchanged by the urinary system completely 30 hours after administration.

A positive therapeutic effect is achieved due to the ability of piracetam to bind to phospholipids and form complexes. This helps to restore the membranes in the cells and their functions, which improves the connection of brain neurons and their blood flow, accelerates microcirculation and makes the metabolic conditions for the central nervous system more favorable.

Indications for use by children and adults

Nootropic drugs enhance the activity of the brain, provide its protection. It is believed that regular medication in this group prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia, and also protects against external aggressive influences.

A medication is used if the patient has:

  • psycho-organic syndrome;
  • memory loss;
  • lack of concentration;
  • general breakdown;
  • emotional changes for no reason;
  • Alzheimer
  • senile dementia;
  • alcoholism;
  • skull injuries.

Piracetam is included in rehabilitation therapy after strokes if the patient has sickle cell anemia, as well as a decrease in motor and mental activity. Pediatricians recommend giving Piracetam to children along with the vitamin complex to increase learning and concentration, as a result of which children have improved memory and increased mental activity.

Instructions and dosage Piracetam

It is recommended to use the capsules of the medication for oral administration during meals or on an empty stomach, drinking plenty of fluids (most preferably with distilled water). In order to avoid problems with sleep, you should take the last appointment a day no later than 5 pm.

The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor, but the daily norm is 30-160 mg per 1 kg of weight. The course of treatment is based on a gradual decrease: in the first days, 800 mg per day, and then the dose is reduced to 400 mg.

And also there are special parameters for taking the medication:

  1. Elderly patients with the psycho-organic syndrome are prescribed 4.8 g per day, divided into three doses.
  2. In post-traumatic syndrome due to coma, the initial dose of the drug is from 9 to 12 g / day, and maintenance therapy is 2.4 g / day for 21 days.
  3. With alcoholism, Piracetam is prescribed in the amount of 12 grams for 24 hours, during the syndrome, withdrawal drugs, but 2.4 g are prescribed as maintenance therapy after complete cleansing.
  4. To support and enhance brain activity, children from 5 years old are recommended to take a capsule 3 times a day for 14-50 days.

Usually, the course of treatment takes from two weeks to six months, depending on the reaction of the body. If necessary, therapy can be prescribed again after a short time interval.

During pregnancy and lactation

Detailed studies on the effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman and her child were not conducted for humane reasons, in connection with which there is no exact data on this issue. However, it is safe to say that Piracetam passes through the placental barrier and is found in breast milk. Despite the fact that animal studies have not found a pathogenic effect (both direct and indirect) on the development of ectopic pathologies, the drug is not indicated during pregnancy.

Since Piracetam passes into breast milk, you should refrain from taking it during lactation. If the use of the product is necessary, then it is necessary to feed the newborn with milk mixtures during the course of treatment.

Drug interaction

Piracetam often becomes only part of the general drug therapy, so it is important to know with which drugs it can be combined.

Consequences of the combined administration of Piracetam:

  1. With thyroid hormones - insomnia and confused consciousness are noted.
  2. With Acenocoumarol, a decrease in platelet aggregation, the occurrence of blood viscosity, is possible.
  3. With antipsychotics - reducing the risk of extrapyramidal disorders, enhancing the effects of therapy.
  4. CNS stimulating drugs - there is a possibility of strong nervous excitement.

Combining Piracetam with other medicines is possible only on the recommendation and with the permission of the attending physician.

Piracetam Compatibility with Alcohol

Studies have shown that the presence of alcohol in the patient’s body does not reduce the concentration of the active substance in the blood. At the same time, taking 1.6 grams of the active agent also does not reduce the concentration of ethanol molecules in the blood plasma. Based on such data, it can be said that the simultaneous administration of Piracetam and alcoholic beverages do not reduce the overall therapeutic effect.

Nevertheless, scientific studies have shown that ethanol molecules destroy neural connections, therefore, regular intake of alcohol in large quantities generally reduces mental activity. Thus, alcohol only exacerbates the problems with brain activity, which is designed to level Piracetam. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend lowering the intake of alcohol or abandoning it altogether.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The drug is allowed to be used by adults and children from 3 years old if they have contraindications. In addition to possible allergic reactions to the drug and its components, the patient may have other reasons to refuse to take it.

Among them, the following pathologies are possible:

  • Huntington's chorea;
  • cerebral hemorrhages;
  • impaired renal function.

And also injections of Piracetam should not be done during the psychomotor agitation of the patient.

Restrictions on the use of the drug will also be:

  • hemorrhagic conditions;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • surgical operations in the last two months.

With caution, it is necessary to take Piracetam for patients who have been prescribed anticoagulants and acetylsalicylic acid. Otherwise, side effects are possible: bleeding, nervousness and irritability, anxiety and hallucinations, nausea or diarrhea.

If the patient is not adhered to, the patient may experience symptoms of an overdose, including diarrhea with blood and increased side effects. AT in this case, immediately rinse the stomach and take absorbent funds as well as spend symptomatic therapy.

Analogues of the drug in tablets and injections

The substance piracetam is contained in a number of nootropic medicines, which are its structural analogues.

Among them:

  • Memotropil;
  • Nootropil;
  • Lucetam
  • Fezam.

There are also representatives of the racetam group, similar to Piracetam in their therapeutic actions.

These include:

  • Pramiracetam
  • Phenotropil,
  • Aniracetam.

Replace Piracetam with analogues only after consulting with your doctor.Otherwise, therapy may become ineffective or cause side effects.

Piracetam is an excellent medication whose action is aimed at enhancing brain activity. The preventive focus of the drug is very relevant for people at risk for Alzheimer's and senile dementia.