A noble and graceful fir plant will decorate any garden plot. It has a wonderful coniferous aroma, unpretentiousness in cultivation and durability. This beauty will perfectly fulfill the role of the New Year tree, which can be decorated annually right in the garden.
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Fir: description and types, nuances of growing
Due to the variety of species and varieties, fir can perform various decorative functions. Dwarf varieties are the highlight of rockeries. The tree looks great in single and group plantings. If the site allows, you can plant a whole alley of fir.
Korean fir
This fir comes from the Korean Peninsula. It is known for the largest number of varieties. There are varieties with green and blue needles of various shapes and sizes.
One of the best are considered varieties:
- Molli - the grade is ideal for small sites;
- Brilliant - over 10 years, its growth will be no more than 20 cm;
- Tundra - has a light green needles, growing slowly, blue cones;
- Blue Emperor with bright blue needles grows more than 2 m in height;
- Silberlocke has a pillow-shaped shape, with age becomes pyramidal, can grow up to five meters in height, needles have a bizarre shape and color;
- Oberon - a dwarf variety not exceeding 30–40 cm in height;
- Blauer Pfiff - needles are dazzling blue, height up to 3 m.
Korean fir is resistant to frost, unpretentious in maintenance, to preserve the bright color of the needles, it is advisable to plant it in well-lit areas.
Siberian evergreen tree
This is the most common species of fir that can be found. It grows not only in Siberia, but also in the Urals, in the north-eastern part of Russia, and is found in China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Siberian fir tolerates severe frosts well, but is unstable to gas pollution, so it can rarely be found in city parks.
Caucasian Fir or Nordman
This fir is sold in open-air garden centers. It is heat-loving, the Caucasus is the birthplace of its growth. Nordman fir does not tolerate frost, but is well adapted to the dry climate of the southern regions.
Decorative plain tree
This fir cannot be confused with any other tree. She is tall and powerful, her needles are thick, up to 7 cm long. The one-color variety is considered the most drought-resistant, therefore suitable for the southern regions, but it tolerates frosts perfectly. This fir is the most sun-loving, therefore planted in the shade or partial shade, it loses its decorativeness and begins to hurt. One of the best is the Compacta variety, with a dense crown. At a young age, it has a conical shape, then grows wide. It grows slowly - at 10 years does not exceed a height of 1 meter.
Balsamic fir
Compared with other firs, this one is considered the most short-lived, lives no more than 200 years. The famous Canadian balm is made from the bark of this fir. It is not suitable for southern regions with a dry climate. One of the best is the variety Nana. This is a dwarf slowly growing variety, the height of an adult plant does not exceed 80 cm.
White or scaled fir
This fir comes from the Far East. At a young age, it has a light, almost white bark. This is one of the few varieties that can be used in urban landscaping; it tolerates gassed air well.
Fraser Fir
This fir is popular as a New Year tree, due to its aroma, resistance to shedding needles and the correct pyramidal shape. This variety prefers a cool climate, has a large varietal variety and has long been known to gardeners.
Tall evergreen tree noble
Noble fir native to North America, grows north of the Cascade Mountains. The height of an adult tree reaches 60 m, life expectancy is 700 years. The crown is cone-shaped, with aging, the tree becomes domed. The needles are bluish-green.
Subalpine fir
This fir has the most beautiful needles - bright and elegant. The tree is loved by florists and landscape designers. In nature, it is found in the mountains of North America. This species can be damaged by spring frosts, but tolerates winter frosts normally. The best variety with bluish needles Compacta is ideal for small areas.
Preparing fir before planting
Planting and caring for fir are not particularly difficult. The most important stage of preparation is the selection of a healthy seedling. It is purchased in specialized garden centers or in stores.
How to choose seedlings
For planting, you need to choose seedlings in containers. They can be planted year round, except in winter.The root system of such plants is well developed, but most importantly, an earthen lump around the roots is preserved, which is very important for coniferous crops.
Mycorrhiza microorganism lives on the roots of fir, which helps the fir absorb moisture and nutrients.
The microorganism dries in 10-15 minutes after exposure of the roots. Therefore, fir seedlings with an open root system cannot be bought - they will not take root.
Site and soil preparation
Fir trees are shade tolerant, but develop better in open, sunny places. They prefer fertile, breathable soil that holds water well.
For planting, prepare the site, dig it up, release it from weeds. To improve the composition of the soil, you can mix two parts of turf land, one part of peat and one part of sand.
Outdoor landing
One of the first conditions for the proper planting of fir is the choice of location. It should be well lit by the sun.
Young firs are afraid of sunburn. When spring comes, the needles may turn yellow and crumble. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to shade the plant on a hot afternoon with burlap, spruce branches or hay.
It is advisable to tie a young fir to a peg so that it is not turned out during a strong wind from the ground.
What time of year to plant a tree
A seedling purchased in a container can be planted in spring, autumn and even summer.
He has a well-developed root system, which during proper planting is practically not damaged.
But it is best to plant a tree in the early spring, before buds open, or in the fall, long before the onset of frost.
Planting Technology
- For fir, you need to prepare the correct landing pit. They dig it out 20 cm wider than the container and 30 cm deeper.
- The root neck of a seedling cannot be buried, it should only be lightly sprinkled with earth.
- At the bottom of the landing hole, you can pour a layer of drainage from broken brick or expanded clay. This is especially important if groundwater comes close to the surface of the soil.
- Drainage from above is covered with a layer of earth, pour 100 g of mineral fertilizer nitroammofoski and mix it with the soil.
- A fir seedling is removed from the container and placed in a prepared landing hole without disturbing the earthen coma around the roots.
- They fill the space in the hole with fertile soil and lightly tamp to fill all the voids.
Immediately after planting, the seedling should be well watered. At least 1 bucket of water is consumed per plant. The soil of the trunk circle must be mulched with peat or pine wood.
Outdoor Fir Care
Growing fir in the garden does not require much effort. This is the most beautiful and grateful plant that responds to the slightest care and attention.
It is important to choose the right kind of tree for planting in your region. Fir needs regular watering, weed removal and mulching of the trunk circle.
The tree does not need frequent top dressing, it is rarely affected by pests.
How to water
Fir does not like excessive dryness and stagnation of moisture, it needs moderate soil moisture.
After planting, a young tree is watered once a week, pouring at least 1 bucket of water. In summer, in hot weather, weekly watering is also advisable. The tree does not like excessive drying of the soil.
Fir is responsive to sprinkling the crown. It can be watered over needles from a hose or watering can. Sprinkling is done in the evening or in cloudy weather.
Soil cultivation and mulching
It is impossible to loosen the soil deeply, since roots located near the surface can be damaged. Around the tree, weeds are removed, the topsoil is loosened after watering and mulched to reduce moisture evaporation. As mulch, sawdust, wood chips or peat are used, pouring them with a layer of 6 to 8 cm.
Fertilizer and fertilizer
When planting fir on the site make mineral fertilizers in the hole. These fertilizers are enough for 2 or 3 years, then the plant needs to be fed.
Fir does not really need fertilizers, as it is an evergreen tree. The best fertilizer for her is a good humus or compost. You can make mineral fertilizer once a year - 30 or 40 grams of nitroammophoski per 1 square meter of the trunk circle. Fertilizers are applied in spring or early fall. You can’t fertilize the tree in late autumn - young shoots that grow will suffer during frosts.
Winter pruning and shelter technology
Fir trees are naturally endowed with a beautiful crown.
As a rule, they do not need pruning.
In the spring, inspect the tree and cut broken or dried branches. This is done in early March, before the sap flow, so as not to harm the tree.
An adult tree does not need shelter, young seedlings before severe frosts can be covered with spruce branches and agrofibre.
Diseases, pests of fir and methods of dealing with them
If fir grows in good conditions, it is not affected by diseases and pests. A tree can become sick after stress - hot and dry summers and rare watering.
Fungal diseases appear on a weakened plant, the root system is sick, the trunk and needles are affected. A diseased tree is treated with systemic fungicides.
If harmful insects that have chosen a tree are visible on the needles or branches, they are treated with systemic insecticides. Repeat the procedure several times until the complete destruction of the pests.
Propagation of an evergreen tree
You can grow a new tree from cuttings or seeds. This process will take a lot of time, a small fir seedling grows very slowly.
Seed method
To collect seeds of a cultivated fir, green cones are also tied with gauze. When the seeds ripen, they will not fall to the ground, and they will not be bitten by birds. The collected material is sown in open ground or in a moist substrate in a container.
Propagation by cuttings
- Cuttings are cut from the branches of last year, they should have an apical bud.
- Slices are treated with a growth stimulant and placed in a moist, light substrate.
- Humidify the soil from a spray bottle.
- You can make a small greenhouse by covering the stalk with a clear plastic bottle or bag.
- When the seedling takes root, the greenhouse is cleaned.
Fir in landscape design: ideas
Fir looks great in the garden. This evergreen plant adorns the infield all year round.
There are several options for planting fir to decorate the garden:
- In the center of a flower bed or lawn, one or several plants can be planted to create a peculiar living sculpture.
- Along the fence or walls of the building for a beautiful background of flowers and deciduous plants. Fir can be planted along with other conifers - junipers or thuja.
- A few firs in a row - to delimit the parts of the garden, create a living alley or hedge.
Some species of firs grow very large, they create a shadow and inhibit other plants in the garden. This must be considered when landing. Currently, there are many miniature and stunted firs that will decorate a small garden and will not even interfere with flowers in the flowerbed.
To make coniferous compositions look attractive, you need to carefully approach the choice of color of the needles and the shape of the crown. You can combine blue and bright green varieties, trees are rounded and conical.
Creating a landscape composition on a personal plot, you need to consider not only the size of adult plants, but also their compatibility with each other. For example, fir does not grow well near spruce, pine and cedar.
Fir is a responsive and patient plant. With proper care, it will delight the owners with a bright color of needles and a wonderful aroma for more than one year.