Charlotte is a gentle, simple and popular dessert. Sandwich cake with apples turns out to be very tasty - a light sourness emphasizes the delicate taste of shortcrust pastry. This recipe will change the familiar notion of famous pastries.
Material Content:
Classic shortcake with apples
Charlotte made from shortcrust pastry with apples, prepared according to this recipe, will make you spend a little more time than preparing ordinary baked goods. But the result will justify the time spent.
- flour - 250 gr;
- oil drain. - 125 gr;
- yolk - 1 unit;
- sah. powder - 60 g;
- vanillin;
- baking powder - 1 tsp.
- sweet and sour apples, sliced - 1 kg;
- sugar - 50 gr;
- cinnamon - 4 gr;
- dry powder - 20 gr.
We mix apples with other components of the filling, put in the oven, cook at 150 degrees. for half an hour. Stir the apples after 15 minutes of cooking, again at the end of baking. Leave to cool.
We combine flour with bulk products. In a blender bowl, mix the flour mass with butter. We continue the process for several minutes, then add the yolk, mix again. The mixture looks like a big wet crumb. We cool it for half an hour in the refrigerator, tightening the container with a film - so that the dough does not air.
We cover the form with parchment, put half of the dough on it, slightly tamp. We spread apples, cover with dough. Bake at 180 degrees. 45-50 minutes. Allow to cool for about 15 minutes in the form, after removing, sprinkle with powder.
On a note. If necessary, butter can be replaced with margarine.
How to cook a magnificent charlotte?
Lush charlotte is made from batter - it fits well, creating a porous, delicate texture of the pie.
- 4 eggs;
- 3 sour apples;
- ½ lemon;
- stack Sahara;
- stack flour;
- 50-70 gr drain. oils.
First, rinse the apples, remove the middle with the seeds from them. Divide into small cubes. Put everything in a glass / plastic bowl, sprinkle with juice from the cut lemon fruit and mix with a spoon to distribute it evenly - the procedure will help preserve the whiteness of apples. One apple can be left for decoration - cut into thin slices.
Prepare the dough: combine the dry ingredients, beat eggs into them, work with a mixer for several minutes - you get a lot of creamy consistency. Pour apples, mix with a spoon or spatula.
Cover the mold a little with oil. Pour the dough, put thin plates of apples on top. Put to bake at 180 degrees. for half an hour or even forty minutes. If there is an upper heating, in the end you can turn it on for 3-5 minutes, so that the upper part of the charlotte is browned.
Open apple pie
An open shortcake with apples is not much different from a regular shortbread pie. We suggest changing the filling a little.
- lemon;
- 3 apples
- cinnamon;
- sugar;
- egg;
- 4 tbsp. l apricot jam;
- a portion of the finished shortcrust pastry.
The cake is cooked very quickly, so it is recommended to immediately put the oven to heat up.
Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. We clean the washed apples from the core, cut into thin slices, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar (to taste), fill with juice and mix by hand. Juice will not let the apple slices darken.
We distribute the dough along the bottom of the prepared form with a height of 4-7 cm, manually forming small sides. Spread evenly plate of apples. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees. Grease the finished cake with jam.
The cake is very delicate, thin. Such a pie is sometimes also called Viennese.
A simple recipe for kefir
Kefir pies are very lush, porous, since the dough on a fermented milk product very quickly fits.
- 2 eggs;
- stack Sahara;
- a pinch of salt;
- stack kefir;
- vanilla and cinnamon (optional);
- 1 ½ stack flour;
- ½ tsp soda;
- 1 ½ table. l fast. oils;
- flour for powder form;
- a couple of apples.
Beat the apple and sugar mass with salt. The mass will greatly brighten.
We introduce kefir and spices, we work out with a mixer for several minutes. Sift flour and soda into the liquid mass, mix well with a whisk / spatula. Pour in the oil, mix.
Rinse apples, peel and cut into thin slices.
Lightly smear the form with oil, sprinkle evenly with semolina - it will help you easily remove the finished cake. We spread apples, pour dough. We bake a cake at 180 degrees. within 40 minutes.
Before serving, if desired, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.
How to cook from sand crumbs?
Shortcrust pastry can be prepared using flour or butter biscuits. In this recipe we suggest trying a pie, the base of which is prepared with crumbs of cookies.
Tasty recipe:pie with apples from puff pastry
- oil drain. - 2 tbsp. l .;
- apples - 3-4;
- sugar - ¾ glass .;
- water - ¼ glass .;
- starch - 1 tbsp. l .;
- a mixture of 5 spices - 1 tsp;
- lemon. juice - 2 tsp;
- salt is marine. - ⅛ p. l
- sugar cane. - ⅓ glass .;
- Butter cookies - 4 units;
- almonds / hazelnuts - ⅓ glass .;
- oil drain. cold. - 3 table. l .;
- salt - ⅛ tsp;
- orange juice. - table. l
- flour - 1 glass .;
- chopped walnuts - 1 table. l .;
- sugar - 1 table. l .;
- oil drain. and rast. - 1 tbsp. l .;
- salt is marine. - a pinch;
- water - 3-4 table. l
Pour all the dry ingredients for the dough into the blender's container and scroll for several minutes to make the mixture homogeneous. After putting the sliced cream and pour the vegetable oil. Work a few minutes with a blender - as a result, the whole mass should become like crumbs. Then put in a separate bowl and, gradually pouring water, knead a bowl of dough. Wrap it with foil and send it to the refrigerator to cool slightly.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Heat butter in a saucepan. Rinse, peel and cut the apples into medium cubes.Spread them and a quarter cup of sugar in butter, boil for seven minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
Mix water with starch so that the mass becomes homogeneous. When the apples soften a little, pour in the starch, mix and boil for a minute. Next, add all the components of the filling. Boil another five minutes - the mass will slightly thicken.
Prepare the topping: chop the almonds and hazelnuts very finely with a knife, crumble the cookies with a rolling pin, mix with all the other ingredients and mix well.
Pull the chilled dough out of the refrigerator, roll it into a round layer and put it into a mold. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put a small sheet of parchment on the dough sheet, pour a little cereal and bake for several minutes - the dough will lightly brown. Croup is needed so that the bottom of the base does not rise too high. Remove paper and groats, put the filling on the base, cover with topping and bake for a third of an hour.
With sour cream
A juicy, slightly wet cake is obtained on a dough with sour cream.
- 5 large apples
- cinnamon (optional);
- 1 stack flour;
- 1 stack Sahara;
- 1 stack sour cream;
- large egg;
- ¼ tsp soda;
- tsp baking powder.
Rinse the apples under running water, remove the grains with membranes and, if desired, cut the peel. Cut the fruits into thin slices, sprinkle with cinnamon as desired and spread out evenly into the cake pan.
Beat the egg a little, then add sugar and beat again until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mass is increased in volume. Next, put the sour cream, once again go through the mixer. Pour dry products, work with a mixer for several minutes.
Pour dough over apples. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.
On a note. Mistresses lay apples in different ways: someone prefers the fruit to be at the bottom of the pie, others in the middle, and others like it from above. It is worth noting that when laying apples on top, it is recommended to cut them into thin slices - the cake will look neat, the fruits will act as decorations.
In a slow cooker
- 2 average apples
- 4 eggs;
- stack Sahara;
- oil;
- 1.5 stack flour.
Separate the proteins and beat with sugar in a lush foam. When the consistency becomes lush, more or less thick, we introduce one yolk at a time, without interrupting the process of working with the mixer. The result should be a moderately dense mass resembling thick sour cream.
Sift the flour into the sugar-egg mass, mix with a spatula. The mass will become even thicker, but the dough will be liquid.
We’ll wash the apples, cut the core with seeds and cut into slices or a cube - according to personal preference.
A multi-cooking container is lightly greased with oil, pour dough into it, sprinkle with apple slices on top. Select the “Baking” mode, close the lid, set the time to 45 minutes.