Pertussin Syrup has been used for many years to treat cough in adults and children. How to take the medicine, which is part of the syrup, are there any contraindications for taking - this information will be useful to many.
Material Content:
- 1 Pertussin - cough syrup: release form, composition
- 2 Pharmacokinetics and indications for use
- 3 What cough to take syrup: with dry or wet?
- 4 Pertussin - cough syrup: instructions for use and dosage
- 5 How many days do you need to take syrup for children and adults
- 6 Is it possible and how to drink Pertussin syrup during pregnancy and lactation
- 7 Drug Interactions with Other Drugs
- 8 Contraindications, side effects
- 9 Analogues of the drug
Pertussin - cough syrup: release form, composition
This medicine has been tested by more than one generation, it is affordable and effective in action. The product has a thick texture, brown color and a pleasant aroma.
The syrup contains two active substances that complement each other:
- creeping thyme extract (thyme) - 12 g per 100 g of the drug;
- potassium bromide - 1 g in 100 g of syrup.
In addition, ethanol (or ethyl alcohol) and sugar syrup are present.
Syrup is produced in glass bottles (50, 100, 125 ml), packaged in cardboard boxes. In the package, in addition to the drug and instructions, there is a dispensing spoon.
Pharmacokinetics and indications for use
Pertussin's action is based on the properties of its active components.
The principle of the drug:
- It liquefies sputum due to the production of a special substance that reduces the viscosity of mucus.
- It stimulates expectoration, helps to remove sputum from the respiratory tract (lungs, bronchi, trachea).
- It softens the cough, suppresses the cough reflex.
- Kills pathogenic microbes.
Doctors prescribe syrup according to the indications in case of such diseases:
- flu;
- ARI;
- bronchitis (acute and chronic, obstructive);
- tracheitis, tracheobronchitis;
- pneumonia;
- pharyngitis;
- whooping cough;
- laryngitis;
- cystic fibrosis;
- bronchial asthma;
- tuberculosis.
The complex effect of Pertussin allows you to suppress cough, remove sputum and get rid of bacteria that cause inflammation of the respiratory tract.
What cough to take syrup: with dry or wet?
How does the medicine affect a cough of a different nature? If cough is accompanied by sputum, it is necessary to use a remedy to alleviate the condition. The indication for taking Pertussin is a wet cough. The drug dilutes the mucus and removes it from the respiratory tract.
Can I use syrup for dry cough? There is no single answer to this question.
Some doctors are categorical: they prohibit the use of Pertussin, since it is ineffective. With this type of cough, there is no mucus, treatment should be carried out with drugs with a different effect.
According to other experts, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the course of the disease. If necessary, when the cough is dry, but it is necessary to reduce the number of seizures, so as not to injure the internal membranes of the respiratory tract, the use of syrup will be appropriate.
Pertussin - cough syrup: instructions for use and dosage
In order for the drug to more effectively affect the body, it is necessary to follow the instructions when using it.
Basic rules of application:
- Intended for oral use.
- Syrup should be drunk after eating. High sugar can worsen appetite if you take the medicine before eating.
- The daily dose of the drug must be evenly divided into 3 doses.
- People whose professions are associated with the need for a quick reaction (especially drivers) should take Pertussin with caution. Alcohol, which is part of the syrup, can cause unwanted effects.
- Diabetes patients should consider the amount of sugar in the syrup (82%).
Read also:instructions for use pertussin syrup
For adults
How to take Pertussin Syrup for adults? The daily dose of the drug is 45 ml (3 tbsp. L.), Divided into 3 doses.
In this case, you should monitor the reaction of the body. If the condition does not improve within 5-7 days, you should consult a doctor to correct treatment.
For children
Dosage of the drug for the treatment of cough in young patients:
- from 3 to 6 years - 7.5-15 ml for 3 doses;
- from 6 to 12 years old - 15-30 ml, divided into 3 times;
- older than 12 years - 30 ml in 3 doses.
Children under 6 years old should breed Pertussin in boiled chilled water.
Firstly, it is possible poisoning with bromide, which is part of the drug. Secondly, ethyl alcohol irritates the mucous membrane of babies and negatively affects the nervous system.
In rare cases, when the benefit of the drug is more than potential harm, pediatricians prescribe syrup to patients from 1 year, not exceeding the dose of 7.5 ml per day.
You can not decide on the use of Pertussin. You must follow the doctor’s instructions regarding the choice of the drug and its dosage.
How many days do you need to take syrup for children and adults
On average, a therapeutic course with Pertussin lasts 10-14 days. It is possible to reuse the drug, but only as directed by the attending physician. Otherwise, unwanted side effects may occur.
Is it possible and how to drink Pertussin syrup during pregnancy and lactation
Since the composition of the drug includes ethyl alcohol, doctors do not recommend taking it while carrying a child or breastfeeding. Syrup negatively affects the development of the fetus and the baby who is breast milk.
The use of Pertussin during pregnancy is possible in isolated cases, if there is an urgent need. Now such situations are rare, because there are similar drugs in their action, safer for women in a special situation.
Drug Interactions with Other Drugs
Pertussin is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with drugs that block cough reflexes. The principle of action of these funds is the opposite.
Thyme liquefies sputum, which should come out with the help of reflex movements of the bronchi. And antitussive drugs (Sinekod, Libeksin, Terpinkod) reduce the number of spasms necessary for the rapid withdrawal of mucus, affecting the receptors. Sputum accumulates, stagnates in the bronchi, causing the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. Thus, the inflammation is aggravated, complications of the disease occur.
In special cases, complex treatment with Pertussin and antitussive drugs is possible. But at the same time, it is necessary to divide the time of taking these funds.
Contraindications, side effects
Doctors do not prescribe the drug if there are such contraindications:
- individual intolerance to the components of the syrup;
- decompensated heart failure;
- arterial hypotension;
- pathology of the liver and kidneys;
- atherosclerosis;
- pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
- anemia;
- head injuries;
- severe disorders of the central nervous system;
- alcoholism;
- violation of the absorption of sugar;
- children under 3 years old.
Treatment of patients with diabetes is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
Therapy with Pertussin in rare cases causes side effects:
- nausea;
- bouts of vomiting;
- heartburn;
- skin rash;
- itching
- hives;
- edema.
If you use the syrup for a long period, an overdose of potassium bromide is possible - bromism.
Symptoms of this condition are:
- cyanotic rash on the dermis;
- conjunctivitis;
- runny nose
- gastroenterocolitis;
- apathy, depressive disorders;
- heart rhythm failure;
- motor impairment;
- weight loss;
- insomnia;
- decreased libido;
- general breakdown.
Analogues of the drug
Pertussin has no synonyms - drugs that contain the same active active ingredients.
There are expectorant medicines that are similar in effect:
- Hounded. The drug is based on the extract of the collection of medicinal plants: alpinia, paprika, abrus, ginger, fennel, etc. It is produced in the form of candies and syrup.
- Linkas. The herbal preparation contains more than 10 active components (adatode, cordia, marshmallow, jujube, long pepper, onosma, licorice). The drug is sold in the form of syrup or lozenges.
- Dr. Mom. The composition of the drug includes basil, licorice, turmeric, ginger, elecampane, aloe and other plants. There is syrup and lozenges for resorption of cough.
- Prospan. The active substance is ivy leaf extract. Available in the form of tablets and syrup.
- Mukaltin. Marshmallow root extract has an expectorant effect. The drug can be bought in the form of tablets.
- Codelac Broncho. Mucolytic and expectorant drug (tablets), which includes ambroxol and thermopsis extract.
- Eucabal. The drug consists of extracts of plantain and thyme. Available in the form of syrup and balm.
You can not decide on the use of analogues of the drug.
The unique composition of the syrup allows it to effectively fight diseases associated with cough.