The body and appearance of any person in need of care and care. Peach oil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, treats certain diseases and cares for the skin of the whole body, hair, eyelashes and nails. And to learn about all the ways to use an organic product, our article will help.
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Getting oil from peach and its composition
The height of the peach tree does not exceed 5 meters. The fruits of the plant are fragrant, juicy and very healthy. However, the most valuable thing in them is the bones. It is from the bones that an elixir is obtained for the beauty of the face, body and hair, which is also used as a therapeutic composition for the throat and nose.
To obtain oil from peach, mechanical pressing of the raw material is carried out, the product is squeezed, and then filtered.
The finished product has the following properties:
- pleasant aroma;
- delicate structure;
- yellow color, from delicate shades to bright tones.
The use of peach oil is allowed both externally and internally.
The extraction from peach seeds is fortified, natural, consisting of many trace elements (see table 1).
Table 1. The composition of peach seed oil and its effect
Vitamins | Act | Substances | Act |
FROM | Strengthening, enhancing immunity | Carotenoids | Antioxidant |
B15 | Helps to improve the condition of aging skin | Phosphorus | Improving the condition of teeth, nails, mental development, participation in the synthesis of enzymes |
BUT | Restores cell balance | Calcium | Strengthens and improves the condition of nails, hair, teeth and bones |
E | Antioxidant, has a rejuvenating effect | Iron | Promotes skin respiration, maintains hemoglobin level, boosts immunity |
P | Promotes Collagen Production | Phospholipids | Regenerate skin tissue, normalize the state of cells. |
Potassium | Normalization of the digestive tract, improving the elasticity of the ligaments |
Due to its beneficial composition, the product has a beneficial condition on the body as a whole.
Peach oil: useful and medicinal properties
Peach seed extraction has a wide range of applications and has a number of useful properties.
For external use, oil gives tremendous benefits:
- Smoothes scars, scars, stretch marks.
- Promotes wound healing.
- Relieves pain and swelling.
- Regenerates tissue.
- It has a strengthening effect.
- It produces a rejuvenating effect.
- It has an antioxidant effect.
The product has a different effect on a specific area, depending on the purpose of its application. For example, peach oil for the face smoothes wrinkles, gives elasticity and youth to the skin.
The tool also helps to cure skin diseases and burns.
Oil properties when taken orally:
- Improves blood circulation.
- Normalizes metabolism.
- It removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Used for preventive purposes.
- It is used as a diuretic and choleretic agent.
- Lowers cholesterol.
- Strengthens blood vessels.
Oil should be taken 2-3 times a day 1 hour before a meal. You can use it both in cold and in warm form.
The use of peach oil in medicine
A wide range of applications of peach oil affects the field of medicine. With it, you can alleviate the condition of diseases of the otolaryngological sphere, "clean" the body and even improve the health of the child.
Peach oil in the nose
The natural composition can relieve nasal congestion in children and adults. It has no side effects.
And since the organic product is hypoallergenic, it can be used even by newborns.
Peach oil is also used to soften the contents of the sinuses in babies. This is done for a comfortable cleaning process of small nozzles. For hygienic purposes, two drops in one pass are sufficient.
Peach oil in the nose has the following dosage:
- Children under one year old. 1-2 drops in each sinus 3 times a day.
- Children from a year. 3 drops 3 times a day.
- Adults and children over 12 years old. 3-4 drops 4-5 times a day.
Before applying the oil, it is recommended to rinse your nose with saline.
Attention! Peach seed oil is not suitable for oral use. For these purposes, you need a product from a pharmacy or natural goods store.
How to take for a throat?
Peach oil is suitable for gargling. To do this, add 5 drops of “golden” liquid to a glass of warm water and carry out the procedure 5 times a day.
How to apply this treatment to babies who do not know how to gargle? Very simple. The main thing is to treat the child the inner surface of the mouth to neutralize the infection and prevent the development of bacteria. To do this, a bandage is wound on the finger and dipped in oil. Then the throat and oral cavity are processed with a finger.
Peach seed oil can be dripped into the ears for ear diseases.
Ingestion to remove toxins and toxins
To consume the oil inside you will need an organic product from a pharmacy or a specialized store. Apply 1 tablespoon 60 minutes before meals. But most of all the benefits are given on an empty stomach.
The product is very high in calories. Therefore, girls on a diet should be careful in its use.
Peach oil in gynecology
In gynecology, oil is used to treat the following diseases:
- erosion;
- ovarian inflammation;
- endometriosis.
Also, the product is used for prophylactic purposes through douching. The use of peach oil is also prescribed in the form of tampons.
Use for children's health
Peach oil is an indispensable product to help young parents.
The elixir is universal and suitable for solving various problems:
- reduction of itching during teething;
- moisturizing the skin of the baby;
- elimination of diaper rash, dermatitis, prickly heat.
Providing a sedative effect, peach essential oil improves the baby's sleep.
For older children, the product is also used for cosmetic purposes. For example, in adolescence, acne often appears, which will help get rid of squeezed peach seeds.
Cosmetic peach oil in cosmetology: instructions for use
Peach oil is actively used in cosmetology. They make masks, massages with him, strengthen their nails, etc. Learn more about all this below.
For face
Oil produces a rejuvenating effect.
Its regular use has the following effect:
- Wrinkle smoothing.
- Elimination of traces of fatigue. You can apply oil to the skin around the eyes at night - in the morning there will be no annoying bags from lack of sleep.
- Tonic effect. Ice with peach oil and jojoba oil will remove traces of fatigue and give elasticity to the skin. Wipe with ice is recommended every morning. Ice is made simply - a mixture of oils is poured into molds and put into the freezer.
- Nutrition and hydration. Oil can be used in its pure form. You just need to apply it on your face and in half an hour remove the remaining paper towel. You can also add it to creams and face masks.
For example, for an amber mask for oily skin you will need:
- sachet of yeast;
- tomato - 1 pc.;
- peach oil - 10 drops.
- Dilute the yeast with water according to the instructions.
- Remove the peel from the tomato and mash it into gruel. You can use a blender.
- Add yeast and oil to the tomato mass.
- Mix the ingredients carefully together.
Gently apply the mask to the face, avoiding the skin around the eyes, and rinse with water after 15 minutes.
The oil is suitable for frequent use, but you still should not do masks with it more than 2 times a week.
For hair
A peach seed cosmetic product has magical properties for hair. After regular use of oil, curls are transformed, attracting the views of others.
Oil to improve the quality of hair is used in the following form:
- Hair masks. Application - 1-2 times a week. Result: nutrition, shine, growth and hydration.
- Pure hair oil. "Seals" split ends. To do this, they are lubricated daily with a small amount of funds. You can at night.
- Oil in shampoo. You can add a few drops of the product both in the purchased product and in the composition of your own preparation.
To prepare a universal mixture of oils for hair beauty you will need:
- Peach oil;
- Burr oil;
- olive oil;
- liquid honey.
All ingredients are taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. L., are mixed and heated in a water bath. The mask is evenly distributed over the strands and scalp, a cosmetic hat is put on top of all this beauty. After an hour, the composition can be washed off.
For eyelashes
Peach oil for eyelashes has long won the hearts of beauties around the world.
And this is no accident, because the extract of the seeds of sweet fruits favorably affects the cilia, having a number of properties:
- Strengthens the work of hair follicles. Wakes up sleeping follicles, which helps to accelerate growth.
- Nourishes the hairs with vitamins.
- Improves the structure and appearance of eyelashes.
Indications for use:
- Eyelash loss.
- Dull color.
- Unpleasant sensations after using low-quality cosmetics.
- Inflammation of any genesis.
- Traces of fatigue around the eyes.
The use of oil is very simple. It is necessary to take a brush from the old carcass, rinse well, dry it and dip in a squeeze bottle. Apply the product in the same way as mascara.
For nails
Peach oil strengthens the nail plate and softens the cuticle for its gentle removal.
The use of nail oil:
- Caring masks. One tablespoon of peach oil is mixed with capsule vitamin E and applied to the nails and cuticles overnight.
- Baths. Pour a little warm water into the container, add 1 tbsp. l peach pressed and a couple drops of tea tree oil. Dip your fingers in the bath for 10 minutes.
- Massage. The oil is rubbed into each nail with massage movements.
Peach seed elixir improves the structure of the plate, giving the nails a well-groomed appearance.
For body
Peach oil is used in body care in the following cases:
- Massage, including anti-cellulite.
- When removing stretch marks after childbirth.
- To moisturize the skin.
Application consists in applying pure oil to the skin and distributing it on its surface with massage movements. With daily use of the product in the first 14 days you will feel how smooth and supple your skin has become.
The product can be mixed with the usual body cream.
Contraindications to the use of peach oil
Fortunately, peach oil has virtually no contraindications. It is a natural and safe product. If it can be harmful, then due to poor quality through the fault of the manufacturer. However, this is very rare.
But the human body is unpredictable and can negatively react even to a hypoallergenic product. Therefore, you should observe your condition during the first day of admission and only in the absence of negative reactions continue to use this beautiful, fragrant and simply pleasant remedy.