The judicious use of peach oil always gives excellent results. Therefore, it should be in the makeup bag of every girl.
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Getting oil from peach and its composition
Many people mistakenly think that the product is obtained from peach pulp. In fact, this is not so. Oil is made from seeds that are inside the seeds, using cold pressing and filtration. The resulting liquid has a pale yellow color, a barely noticeable unobtrusive aroma and a delicate texture.
The composition of this oil has many useful substances:
- a large number of vitamins;
- carotenoids;
- fatty acid;
- enzymes;
- micro and macro elements.
In the instructions for use, you can read in detail about how to properly use the oil for different purposes.
Peach oil: useful and medicinal properties
The best hair and face care products cannot be found.
Peach oil helps preserve beauty for a long time:
- heals follicles, improves the structure of hair, stimulates their growth, nourishes and makes them soft, silky and obedient;
- removes dry skin, makes it supple, supple, returns a fresh complexion;
- strengthens nails, gives them a healthy shine, protects and nourishes.
Peach seed oil has a strong regenerating, anti-aging, antioxidant and tonic effect.
Of the healing properties it is necessary to mention the following:
- digestion improvement;
- a positive effect on metabolism;
- rejuvenation of the whole body;
- vascular strengthening;
- lower cholesterol;
- choleretic and laxative effect;
- healing of wounds and burns;
- strengthening immunity;
- removal of salts of heavy metals;
- elimination of inflammatory processes.
This product is used in cooking. It can serve as a spicy dressing in combination with spices or serve as one of the ingredients of complex sauces.
The use of peach oil in medicine
Peach oil is often used for ENT diseases, anemia, weakened immunity, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, urinary and gall bladder, diabetes, conjunctivitis, and hypovitaminosis. For oral administration, it is impossible to take cosmetic or essential oil, you need to buy the necessary product in a pharmacy.
Peach oil in the nose
This simple product perfectly removes the onset symptoms of the disease, establishes normal nasal breathing, removes inflammation, moisturizes the nasal mucosa, and dilutes the discharge. The tool can be used both for children and adults. It is recommended to use from the common cold, even in newborns. For them, 1 drop in each nostril is enough, for adults, the dose increases - up to 9-10 drops daily.
Before use, you need to rinse your nose with saline, so that the product gives the maximum effect.
The properties of the oil and the use for the nose have collected many positive reviews. But they do not recommend using cosmetic oil without treatment, as it may contain pathogens. It must be sterilized in a water bath for 20 minutes, cooled and used as intended.
How to take for throat
With laryngitis and pharyngitis, oil helps to soften an unpleasant sore throat, remove irritation and alleviate the patient's condition. Oil can be poured into a spray bottle and irrigated the throat mucosa several times a day. If there is an inhaler, you can do inhalation 2 times a day. It softens the throat, moisturizes the mucous membranes and makes breathing easier. For inhalation, it is better to use essential oil.
Alternatively, it is recommended to dilute 5 drops of oil in 200 ml of warm boiled water and gargle several times a day until improved.
Ingestion to remove toxins and toxin
Inside, you can use only special organic products. The tool is taken in 1 tbsp. l an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach. Oil has a high calorie content, so those who monitor their weight, or are obese, it is better to abandon this method of purification.
Peach oil in gynecology
This natural remedy is recommended for use in various female diseases. Most often, it is prescribed for erosion, endometriosis and the inflammatory process in the ovaries in the form of douching or tampons.
Use for children's health
Peach seed oil is hypoallergenic, so it can be used even when caring for diaper rash and irritation on the skin of babies. It is also used for teething to reduce itching and discomfort.
Oil can be used for adolescents with the appearance of youthful acne and acne.
Cosmetic peach oil: instructions for use
Peach seed oil is widely used in the cosmetic industry. But you can just buy oil and make different home remedies on its basis, while they will be no less useful and much cheaper than purchased. The cosmetic use of oil is very wide, since it can be used in its pure form, or added to various creams, ointments and shampoos for a greater effect.
For facial skin
To improve complexion, moisturize the skin and saturate it with nutrients, you can from time to time make a mask of these ingredients:
- peach oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
- milk - 2 tbsp. l .;
- honey - 2 tbsp. l
Combine all components, mix until smooth, apply on face and hold for 25 minutes. Then wash your face well. The skin almost immediately becomes smooth, soft, moisturized, and complexion improves.
Peach oil for the face - the first assistant. Especially these masks will be useful for mature and aging skin. Also, oil can be used to care for lips or delicate skin of the eyelids.
For hair
The use of oil has a beneficial effect on brittle, dull, painful and lifeless hair.
You can periodically make a mask for the night from the oil heated in a water bath (1-2 tbsp. Is enough). It is advisable to moisten the hair with water so that it is obedient. Then slightly tilt your head down and gently rub oil into the scalp. If the hair is in very poor condition, you can apply the product to its full length and leave it overnight. In the morning you need to wash your hair well. The frequency of procedures is 1 time in 3 days for 2-3 months. You can add the yolk to the oil and hold such a mask for 40 minutes, and then rinse.
Using peach oil for hair will help to quickly restore to life, overdried and injured curls after painting or curling.
For eyelashes
What a girl does not dream of thick and long eyelashes! To saturate the eyelashes with useful substances, strengthen them and improve their health, it is enough to lubricate them every evening 2 hours before bedtime with a small brush dipped in peach oil.
The main thing is not to do the procedure before bedtime, otherwise the swelling of the eyelids will be guaranteed.
Good results are given by a mask for eyelashes from aloe juice, peach oil and chopped parsley. Mix the components and add a little olive oil. Stir until smooth. Make napkins from gauze, put a lot on them, close your eyes and apply compresses to closed eyelids. The duration of the procedure is ¼ hours.
For nails
To keep your nails strong and healthy, you need to take care of them too. Peach oil is a versatile product that can be used for nail care.
There are 2 use cases:
- apply oil to the cuticle several times a day and at night;
- mix peach oil with orange juice and apply on nails.
After 15 minutes, wipe your hands with a paper towel to remove the residue. After regular use, many note that the nails begin to grow faster, become stronger, and the cuticle, on the contrary, grows much more slowly. It also helps with the formation of barbs.
Contraindications to the use of peach oil
Nowadays, many people suffer from individual intolerance to many products, therefore, before use, you should always conduct a test and check how the body will react to this. this case is undesirable.
The sensible use of peach oil internally and externally helps to get rid of many health problems.