The benefits and harms of pearl barley are not the subject of heated debate. Most of us relate to this product, to put it mildly, cool, and consider it rather as part of a diet. But few people know how much really valuable is hidden in this croup.
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Barley: beneficial properties for women
Nutrition is the key to beauty and health. In order to maintain a radiant appearance: strong bones and teeth, glossy hair, toned skin and a cheerful spirit, you need to consume a huge amount of useful elements every day.
Pearl barley is a complete product containing many substances necessary for the female body.
It satisfies part of the need for B vitamins, which are necessary for normal blood formation and regular renewal of epidermal cells.
The condition of the skin, digestive organs and nervous system depend on the timely intake of nicotinic acid in the body. Only 100 grams of pearl barley provides this need by 18%.
Pearl barley contains the necessary phosphorus, cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum and chromium. Minerals strengthen bones and teeth. Their presence ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system and heart. Trace elements are responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system, the production of sex hormones and normal fat metabolism.
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Pearl barley contains most essential fatty acids. It is a full-fledged power source, so it often serves as the basis for a mono-diet. On the diet of pearl barley, the body is least likely to lack any substances.
Regular consumption of pearl barley helps to cleanse.Among cereals, pearl barley is a leader in fiber content. Plant fibers not only remove all excess from the intestines, but also create favorable conditions for the development of beneficial bacteria.
In folk medicine, the infusion of barley is used as a medicine against chest tightness. A decoction of the cereal itself is considered a strong milk product. It is useful to drink after childbirth to establish lactation.
Benefits and harm during pregnancy
What are the benefits of barley for pregnant women? Women in position can use it as a vitamin supplement. Despite its not very pleasant taste, pearl barley is one of the richest in the content of trace elements and amino acids. It has everything necessary for the normal development of the fetus, trace elements, vitamins and fatty acids.
Fears about the inclusion of pearl barley in the menu can only be associated with a high content of vegetable protein - gluten. True intolerance to this substance is found in no more than 1% of the world's population. If a pregnant woman is not one of these persons, then barley dishes will not pose any danger to her.
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The attitude to gluten in the world at the moment is ambiguous. Some scientists believe that the use of this vegetable protein increases the likelihood of developing diseases of the joints and heart in the future. Others, on the contrary, note that against the background of the exclusion of gluten from the diet, immunity decreases and the balance of the intestinal flora is disturbed.
Weight Loss Application
Barley is an ideal product for weight loss. It contains a minimum of fats and easily digestible sugars.
The cleavage of one polysaccharide molecule requires more energy than is released after its decomposition.
Pearl barley diet promotes fast and effective weight loss. Its advantage is that it does not deprive the body of the basic useful elements. On a pearl barley diet, you can easily get rid of several kilograms without sacrificing the beauty of the skin and the strength of the bones.
Pearl barley diet
There are two ways to lose weight with pearl barley. The first is very complicated. This is a mono diet. It must be observed within 5-7 days. There is only pearl barley porridge without salt, butter, sugar and any seasonings.
Boiled cereals should be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the evening, she is soaked in cold water. Drain in the morning, add water again and cook for half an hour.
Boiled barley replaces the entire diet. In addition to it, you can drink weak green tea and clean water.
Drinking regimen must be observed. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. The liquid along with fiber cleanses the intestines from accumulated decay products. Helps to remove toxins and normalize metabolism.
Maintaining such a diet is not easy. But the effort expended will surely pay off with good results. With a mono diet you can adjust the figure, get rid of the abdomen and "ears" on the hips, say goodbye to edema and tighten the oval of the face.
A less strict diet allows you to include unsweetened fruits, low-fat meat and fish (chicken, beef, cod), low-fat dairy products, vegetables, nuts, eggs. Meat and other ingredients should be boiled, baked or steamed, without the use of oil and salt. Allows to season food with spices and balsamic vinegar.
You can drink water and green tea. Be sure to consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day.
Fruits such as apples, grapefruits, kiwi are allowed. From more sugary: strawberries, peaches and melons should refrain. It is necessary to completely eliminate salt, sugar and any confectionery. It is allowed once a day to eat a small slice of dark chocolate.
The pearl barley menu may look like this:
- breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese and a handful of prunes;
- afternoon snack - banana and 5 walnuts;
- lunch - barley porridge, 100 grams of steamed fish, vegetable salad: cabbage, cucumber, carrots;
- dinner - barley porridge with an apple and a glass of fat-free kefir.
You can achieve the maximum effect on a pearl diet in 7-10 days. However, nutritionists do not see anything wrong with observing it for longer.
Pearl barley unloading day
Fasting day is the mildest version of the diet. It was invented just in order to instantly get rid of everything superfluous, quickly cleanse the body. Give him a little break so that he can once again begin full work.
Unloading days on barley are arranged no more than 1-2 times a month. At this time, they eat only boiled cereal without spices, salt and oil. Food should only satisfy hunger. With the amount you should not overdo it. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to drink pearl barley.
A glass of cereal is poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water. This mixture is infused over low heat for 20 minutes. The broth is filtered and consumed throughout the day as the main drink.
How to cook pearl barley to preserve the benefits?
The value of any food cereal is that, regardless of the method of preparation, it retains the maximum benefit. Despite the long heat treatment, barley does not lose its basic properties. No matter how much it is cooked, most of the valuable elements will still remain in the cereal.
Barley is better to soak overnight in cold water, and cook in the morning. In order not to lose part of the substances along with the decoction, the cereal can be baked. To do this, it is necessary to fill it with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and put it directly in a heat-resistant pan in the oven. At 160 ° C, the porridge will languish for about an hour and a half. She will turn out very friable. It can be served as an excellent side dish for low-fat stews and fresh vegetables.
There are no strict contraindications to the use of pearl barley dishes. In rare cases, this product may cause allergies. Around the world, only one in a hundred suffers from gluten intolerance. These people are forced to adhere to a special diet and refuse cereals containing contraindicated protein.
Barley stimulates digestion, irritating the gastrointestinal chemoreceptors. Therefore, it should not be abused by people suffering from high acidity of the stomach. Also, due to the high fiber content against the background of problems with intestinal motility, pearl barley may cause gas formation and constipation.
Barley groats are definitely needed by the female body. Cereals keep youth and beauty. They support the reproductive system in tone. Slow carbohydrates and fiber cleanse the body and help correct the figure.