People call the queen of cereals pearl barley, reminiscent of their species selected pearls. At the same time, barley kernels are filled with a large number of elements important for our health. Therefore, today's agenda will be pearl barley, the benefits and harms to human health.
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Perlovka: beneficial properties for the body
The head of the table for our distant ancestors was pearl barley, since its useful properties have been known since ancient times.
This is due to the high content of nutrients for our body in it.
- Dietary fiber is engaged in the regulation of intestinal motility and its microflora, combating pathogenic bacteria and viruses, effectively relieving constipation. Regular use of the cell will also cleanse the body of harmful substances, including radionuclides.
- The benefits of pearl barley extend to the stomach, perfectly eliminating foci of inflammation. This product is especially useful in the form of a decoction for people who have undergone abdominal surgery.
- The β-glucan polysaccharide is responsible for removing harmful cholesterol and the normal functioning of the circulatory system, including cleansing the blood of unnecessary elements. This has a preventive effect against the appearance of blood clots, varicose veins and atherosclerosis.
- The low glycemic index of porridge allows it to be eaten by those who suffer from diabetes.
- Silicon acid in cereals has a positive effect on the manifestations of a disease such as urolithiasis, splitting stones and removing sand.
- A natural antioxidant such as retinol (vitamin A) accelerates cell regeneration, cleanses the liver and replenishes its structure.And thanks to the ability of the vitamin to strengthen the protective membrane of the body, regular use of the product will help you to easily transfer the lack of vitamins during the off-season.
- Vitamin E (or tocopherol) has a positive effect on the respiratory system, freeing organs from tar and mucus. It effectively helps to cope with pneumonia and asthma, bronchitis and colds.
- Amino acids in the composition, in particular, lysine, are “responsible” for the condition of the lens of the eye, its strength, for vision in general, and lubrication of the eyeball.
- People suffering from pathologies of the cardiovascular system, or prone to those, must definitely include this cereal in their diet. After all, he adjusts the work of these organs, improving blood viscosity and preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques.
- Porridge is indispensable for women. It helps maintain the beauty of hair and skin due to the presence of youth vitamins A and E.
Important: barley very quickly saturates, which protects against overeating, and this is important for those who want to lose weight.
- Athletes and people who are used to leading an active lifestyle can also use pearl barley dishes to good use. The protein in the composition helps to quickly restore strength and build muscle. And in combination with nuts and dried fruits, you will saturate your body with vitamins and minerals.
- Older men and women porridge is useful ability to suspend the aging process. And if it is cooked in milk, then it helps to stop the manifestations of diabetes.
- Men working in heavy manufacturing, or who have received any kind of injury, must definitely include a cell in their diet, because it relieves spasms and eliminates inflammation.
- For menopausal women, with the regular inclusion of pearl barley in the diet, the risk of developing breast cancer is minimized.
- During lactation, young mothers due to the use of porridge will feel a significant increase in milk in their breasts.
Barley has another important ability - to provide a preventive effect against the development of pathologies of the genital area in both men and women.
The benefits and harms of barley during pregnancy
The benefits of pearl barley for the body of a pregnant woman is also due to its rich composition. It is important not to overeat this product so as not to cause negative consequences.
Subject to moderation, pearl barley and other pearl barley dishes can positively affect a woman's body during gestation.
- Protecting the body from toxins and toxins, removing excess fat deposits, what fiber does.
- Normalizing metabolic processes, which is possible due to the presence of phosphorus.
- Forming the correct skeleton in the baby, giving energy and helping to produce enough hemoglobin.
- Normalizing blood flow and boosting immunity.
- Improving the appearance and quality of hair, teeth and skin.
- Beneficially acting on the nervous system and fighting the "bad" cholesterol.
- Protecting against viral infections and positively affecting cardiac activity.
Barley also has an anti-allergenic property, protecting against various negative reactions to products, due to the large amount of protein in the composition.
Porridge for a pregnant woman can be harmful only in case of overeating, which will slow down the digestive system with all the ensuing consequences.
Weight Loss Application
For all the usefulness of the product, keep in mind that its calorie content is very high - per 100 g 315 Kcal, of which 268 belongs to carbohydrates.
Processed barley grains have proven themselves as a product that helps to lose a certain amount of kilograms. The result always depends on strict diet.
It is important to drink at least one and a half liters of fluid throughout the day. And before you go on a pearl diet, it is advisable to clean your body.
Barley diet
To lose weight with barley grains, you can not limit yourself to foods, including spices, herbs and vegetables. You can stuff it with pepper or cook stuffed cabbage with it. It is permissible to eat porridge with mushrooms and meat - it all depends on your addictions and imagination.
But you have to forget about:
- sweets;
- canned food;
- muffin;
- sausages;
- pasta;
- sweet soda;
- alcohol.
Take note of a couple of options for barley diets. They are not only effective, but also beneficial for the stomach.
- Diet for 5 days. Porridge should be cooked in water without adding any oils and salt. In the evening, it is allowed to eat up to 200 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of not more than 1%.
- A 7-day diet is more diverse than the previous one and easier to read. In the morning, swimming in the water without spices and fat, with the addition of steamed prunes or grated green apple. For lunch - vegetable salad with lean meat or fish. For the evening, prepare yourself 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with a glass of kefir.
Read also:how to cook pearl barley porridge
Barley fasting day
For one fasting day, cook porridge without spices and butter and eat only it up to 8 times a day in small portions. This will save you not only from excess weight, but also from stagnation in the intestines.
Application in cosmetology
Thanks to vitamins and minerals, pearl barley is very beneficial for the skin in the form of tonics, scrubs or masks. Such products moisturize, elasticize the epidermis and relieve fine lines.
To prepare the mask, cook the cereal in milk, let it cool and apply to the problem area for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. Such a procedure should be carried out every 3 days, which guarantees an excellent result.
How to cook pearl barley to keep good
Pearl barley has a special structure, therefore, to preserve all the useful substances, it is important to prepare it correctly.
It is interesting:how to cook barley in water
- For example, if you want to cook porridge with milk, then soak the cereal in water for 3-12 hours. After that, pour it into milk preheated to 40 degrees and let it boil. Now turn down the heat and cook another 5 minutes without a lid. Think everything? And no! Put the pan in a water bath for another 50-90 minutes - the porridge will “reach” and become simply delicious!
- On water, porridge is cooked in the same way, with preliminary soaking and after boiling it stews on fire for up to an hour. At the last stage, wrap the pan with a warm cloth and let it brew for about another 30 minutes.
It is a long soaking that reduces the cooking time, which maximally preserves the useful elements of cereals.
Contraindications and possible harm
Although the benefits of pearl barley are obvious, this “coin” has another side:
- The high content of gluten in pearl barley prohibits its use by people who have a history of a disease such as celiac disease.
- The combination of fiber with gluten negatively affects the digestive system, which can cause flatulence, constipation and obstruction.
- Children can introduce porridge into the diet from 3-4 years.
- To digest pearl barley, an increased amount of gastric secretion is produced, and therefore it should be used with caution for those who suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcer or high acidity.
Otherwise, like any product, barley should also be consumed in moderation even by absolutely healthy people. This ensures excellent well-being and maximum benefit from the product. Health to you and your loved ones!