The bee workers present us with many gifts, helping with various diseases of the body and soul. One of them is bee bread or in a different way bee bread, which has been filling us with health and beauty for many centuries. About what bee bread is, useful properties, how to take and will be discussed further.
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What is bee bread
What is bee bread? This beekeeping product is made by bees from pollen, which is influenced by insect saliva, yeast and beneficial bacteria, and since oxygen is completely absent, it turns into a bee bread after a while.
Lactic acid in honeycombs preserves pollen, making it hard. Such a process is the most valuable, filling the bee bread with a large number of useful properties, even more than the original product can offer us, being a natural antibacterial agent.
The benefits of the product are explained by the unique composition, where there are many vitamins - A, P, C, E, K, D and group B (1, 2, 6). A rich amino acid composition, including 10 essential, more than 50 enzymes, micro and macro elements - iron, copper, silicon, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, manganese and others.
Important: for athletes, bee bread is valuable in glutamic acid and a protein in the composition, which helps build muscle.
Organic acids with hormones, as well as rare carbohydrate compounds and heteroauxin, which regenerates cells, are present in the bee bread. In this case, the product is absorbed by the digestive system without residue.
The healing properties of bee bread
The scale and multidirectional healing properties of the bee bread is simply amazing, as it helps to cope with many pathologies and deviations in health, providing a preventive effect.
The product has a positive effect:
- To the work of the entire cardiovascular system, including the normalization of blood pressure.
- On the vegetative-vascular system, normalizing its work.
- On damaged liver tissue, restoring them.
- To harmful substances in the body, including toxins with poisons, removing them.
- The ability of our body to withstand not always the good conditions of the environment in which we live.
- To the immune system, helping to resist diseases and infections.
- To increase the number of microorganisms in the intestine, inhibiting this process and regulating the work of the body as a whole.
- On appetite and digestion.
- On metabolic processes, normalizing them.
- The amount of sugar in the blood, reducing its level.
- On mental and physical performance, significantly increasing them.
- On the male genital area, positively affecting potency and prostate gland, reducing signs of hypertrophy.
- On the separation of urine and bile, stimulating these processes.
- On cholesterol levels, lowering the level.
- The effect of radiation on the body, mobilizing it to confront.
- On organ tissue, activating recovery.
- On the adrenal glands, restoring impaired function.
- On the skin, providing a rejuvenating effect.
- By weight, struggling with excess and helping to gain with his lack.
- Fatigue, quickly restoring spent energy. This quality applies to people who have suffered a serious illness and the elderly.
- On sight, improving it and memory.
Regular use of bee bread will significantly improve the quality of life, increase stress resistance and fill with energy, so lacking in modern life.
What diseases does it help
This valuable bioproduct is indicated for a variety of ailments, and most importantly, it is able to enhance the effect of the drugs taken while taking them. And sometimes even medicines due to perge, their number can be reduced.
So, under what diseases is this beekeeping product shown:
- anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are useful for liver pathologies such as cholangitis and cholecystitis with gallstones. The product’s action is based on cleansing the blood of toxins, regulating metabolic processes and enhancing the activity of liver cells, which helps damaged tissues recover faster. Hepatitis C and B, cirrhosis and tumors with metastases in the organ are also included in the list of diseases that bee bread helps fight;
- ischemia, high blood pressure, angina pectoris and atherosclerosis are the basis for consuming bee bread. This is due to the presence of potassium in the composition;
- the product has a positive effect on the blood system, eliminating anemia, increasing hemoglobin counts, red blood cells and iron;
- the ability of Perga to improve metabolic processes gives reason to use it for such pathologies of the digestive tract in the history of gastritis, colitis, ulcers, dysbiosis, chronic constipation and diarrhea;
- since flower granules are rich in biologically active substances, they are indicated for brain cells, increasing clarity of thinking, memory and attention;
- for the immune system, bee bread is simply irreplaceable, helping to cure flu, ARVI, ARI without complications and quickly recovering the body after surgery or a serious illness;
- with diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2, bee bread is also indicated, due to its ability to normalize the pancreas.
Important: the pork at the same time affects both the disease itself and other problems in the body that are absolutely not related to the main ailment.
In order for the pancreas to become better at producing insulin, protein synthesis and normalization of metabolism are necessary, which is facilitated by enzymes with lipids, amino acids and vitamins in the composition of the product.
Useful properties of bee stew
As mentioned above, bee bread is very useful for any person, even for preventive purposes. Now let's talk in more detail about how and what it affects for different segments of the population.
For men
The product is able to restore the male reproductive system. To do this, you only need to take the product regularly for a month. Indications for its admission are considered diseases such as weak potency, prostate adenoma and infertility. Bee bread is an excellent substitute for the well-known Viagra, but without the presence of stress that accompanies the use of synthetic drugs.
Important: it is mandatory to use only fresh product taken directly from the frame.
For preventive purposes, men who have crossed the 40-year-old threshold are advised to eat 15 g of product every day.
With prostate adenoma, rectal suppositories or propolis ointment will also be required in the anus.
It is interesting: what propolis helps with alcohol
With regular use of bee bread, the work of the entire urogenital sphere will improve, even the mobility and number of sperm cells increases by 5 times. In this case, the problem of early ejaculation will also be solved.
For women
A balanced content of biologically active components helps to endure the hardships of life, stress and age-related changes in the body of a woman.
The iron in the composition renews the blood, which is necessary during monthly bleeding.
Women who are overweight can help to solve this problem. But coupled, of course, with proper nutrition and moderate physical activity.
Bee bread helps to normalize the hormonal background, which helps to restore the menstrual cycle and alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
During pregnancy
The period of pregnancy makes a woman with caution and more thoughtful approach to any products that she consumes daily. Perga is not only possible, but also needs to be eaten in the next 9 months.
The iron in the composition raises the hemoglobin level, and protects against miscarriage with toxicosis in the first trimester, improving overall well-being.
Perga during pregnancy will be an excellent substitute for synthetic vitamin E, sold in pharmacies and prescribed by gynecologists.
The recommended dosage is from 14 to 21 mg per day, not washed down with water, but absorbed in the mouth and preferably on an empty stomach.
For children
For the normal development and functioning of a growing organism, regular replenishment with important elements is necessary. An alternative to animal protein is bee pollen, in which this substance is more than in beef.
Bee bread is often useful for sick children, increasing immunity, hemoglobin counts and the number of red blood cells in the blood, normalizing the level of white blood cells.
For children with allergies, this product is also indicated, at any age. Before eating, the perga should be crushed, and the kids need to chew it carefully, or dissolve it. Reception is shown 20-25 minutes before a meal without the need to drink water.
How to take bee bread
How to take the bee bread, and in what dosage, depends on the diagnosis and other factors that the attending physician is considering, so his consultation is necessary.
With hormonal disorders, including neoplasms, bee bread will be combined with medications prescribed by a specialist.
The main recommendation for such problems is the resorption of 1/3 of a small spoonful of beef in powder state before meals for half an hour. If there is a pancreatic disease, the amount of product increases to a full spoon. Reception should be coursework, at least 3 months.
To strengthen immunity, mix well 1 g of royal jelly with 15 g of bread and 2/3 cup of honey. Take 1 dessert or small spoon on an empty stomach for 30 days in a row. Keep the medicine in an airtight container in the dark and cool.
If you are diagnosed with HIV or have serious problems with immunity, then the amount of the composition you can take can be increased to 60 g per day.
If you have not been able to conceive and bear a child for a long time, then you should try to correct the situation with the help of the bee bread, but two partners must do this simultaneously. This will significantly increase the chances of a positive outcome for the event.
Bee bread perfectly removes inflammation of the oral mucosa, especially that which was acquired directly in the comb. For stomatitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis and other ENT diseases, it is necessary to chew a piece of honeycomb well, which contains from 5 to 7 cells of bee bread. Do this up to 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
If you did not succeed in acquiring the bee bread in this form, take 1/3 of a small spoonful of the medicinal product powder and dissolve in a similar way to the previous recipe. It is possible to be treated in this way until complete recovery.
Recipes from traditional medicine
Traditional medicine offers a large number of recipes with bee bread, helping to effectively cope with many health problems.
Pancreatitis is treated with 1 small spoonful of beef, taken 40 minutes before meals in the morning and evening. The course is up to 2 months.
With benign tumors, it is recommended to consume half a teaspoon of the beef every day before meals 2 hours a day before meals. Thus, you can avoid the operation.
If you suffer from diabetes mellitus, then this product must be absorbed in the amount of 2 teaspoons 3 times a day, similar to the previous recipe.
For the treatment of anemia, take 50 g of bread and 200 honey, adding 800 ml of boiled water in the form of heat. Now leave the drink for 48 hours alone, after which drink up to 100 ml before meals for 1 hour 3 times a day.
During colds, eat 2 g of bee bread three times a day, reduce the dose to children to 0.5 g.
Those who suffer from high blood pressure are recommended to use 1 tsp three times a day. product course up to 8 weeks.
Possible side effects and contraindications
Sensitive people can eat allergies if they eat pork. If this susceptibility is reduced by administering the product, severe anaphylaxis and other acute reactions can be caused, although this is a rare occurrence.
There is evidence of the development of acute hepatitis with photosensitivity after a person ate some bee bread. All this suggests the need for specialist advice before starting to use this beekeeping product.
No contraindications have been identified, but clinically proven safety and efficacy of pergi against pregnant and lactating women do not exist. Although ongoing experiments on rats using the product during their pregnancy indicated a higher birth weight and lower mortality rate.
Observing all the recommendations for the use of bee bread, and visiting a specialist before starting to use it, you will protect yourself from possible negative consequences. Health to you and your loved ones!