Chili pepper is a “fiery” fruit of a tropical shrub that has long been famous for its pungency. We used to think of it as a spicy spice. But not everyone knows that the spectrum of action of this plant is much wider.
Material Content:
The chemical composition and calorie content of chili peppers
Those who count calories will be pleased to know that this indicator in burning pods is quite modest - 40 kcal per hundred grams.
The chemical composition of the vegetable:
- protein - 1.87 g;
- carbohydrates - 8.81 g;
- fats - 0.44 g;
- dietary fiber — 1.5 g;
- folic acid - 23 mcg.
Pepper contains a non-trivial vitamin complex (A, C, E and K). Burning pods are also rich in micro and macro elements. Among them are sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc.
In the composition of the pulp of the fetus, there were also no phytonutrient compounds:
- carotene, beta-carotene;
- cryptoxanthin;
- lutein-zeaxanthin.
Chili pepper: useful and healing properties for the body
What is the benefit of chili peppers?
It turns out that its severity has the most beneficial effect on the body:
- Strengthens the cardiovascular system. This is facilitated by the capsaicin contained in the pods, a substance that helps lower blood cholesterol and protects the heart. Capsaicin also helps dissolve fibrin, which affects the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. It has been observed that in countries where pepper is eaten in large quantities, the risk of heart attack and stroke is reduced in comparison with other parts of the world.
- Helps resist cancer.The very capsaicin is able to destroy cancer cells without affecting healthy units. It is for this reason that Mexicans and Indians are less susceptible to some types of cancer. After all, their food consists mainly of spicy food.
- Helps prevent and relieve headaches and migraines. The indispensable capsaicin tried here too. Chili relieves pain in the head and sinuses.
- Prevents the occurrence of gastrointestinal problems.
Chile is also detrimental to bacteria that cause gastritis. Eating pepper reduces the risk of ulcers by more than 50 percent.
But! If a person already suffers from gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of hot pepper is contraindicated for him.
Benefits for women
Any woman wants to look beautiful and well-groomed. Unfortunately, often on the way to this goal, unaesthetic cellulite tubercles become an insurmountable barrier. Chili pepper helps get rid of this problem. On its basis, many anti-cellulite preparations have been developed. Their action stimulates a rush of blood to problem areas. As a result, the fat cells of the orange peel break down.
In addition, due to its "ability" to irritate the skin, chili peppers are part of home and store products to accelerate hair growth.
What is useful for men
Hot pods are also useful for the stronger sex.
He gained his popularity among men due to the following properties:
- Improvement and restoration of potency. Hot pepper tincture helps to solve sexual problems.
- Increased testosterone. It is this hormone that gives courage, determination and increases activity.
- It has a positive effect on the liver. Pepper is especially recommended for men who like beer and other alcoholic drinks. Regular consumption reduces the harmful effects of alcohol on the liver.
- Prevents baldness. It is known that men go bald earlier and more intensively than women. Tincture of chili will help strengthen the bulbs and prevent hair loss.
Useful properties for the elderly
Red chilli is a product of centenarians. Experts have found that people who regularly eat it live on average 10 years longer than those who do not like this product.
The burning pod gives a charge of vigor and energy, eliminates chronic fatigue, which is important for people of advanced age. In addition, chili helps to combat multiple diseases, which in old age are usually abundant.
Tip. Before eating chili, you should consult your doctor. He will objectively assess the health status of an elderly patient and give recommendations on the amount of consumption of the product.
Areas of application of red chili peppers
Hot pods can be eaten - this supplement will add spice and spicy flavor to the dish. At the same time, pickled chilli is very popular among gourmets.
Pods are actively used to combat various diseases, as well as for cosmetic purposes.
Benefits in traditional medicine
The use of chili inside is recommended for the following problems and diseases:
- angina;
- asthma;
- anemia;
- flu;
- atherosclerosis;
- immunodeficiency;
- hepatitis;
- epilepsy;
- allergy;
- insomnia;
- oncology.
For external use, a pepper patch, warming options for ointments (relevant for arthritis, radiculitis and joint pain) are suitable.
- Hot pepper for colds. An excellent recipe for treating colds in adults is to take 100 g of pepper powder. This drink can be prepared on your own. In a bottle of quality vodka, just throw a pod of chili pepper. The solution is infused for a week in a dark, cool place.
- Alcohol tincture with radiculitis. 2 hot peppers pour 400 ml of ammonia and send to infuse in the dark for 2 weeks, shaking the container daily. Rub the tincture into the affected areas.
- Chile from a heel spur. To get rid of the problem, just put a small piece of pepper under the heel. Next, put on a sock and walk in it until the pain stops.
Dieting Chili Peppers
The ubiquitous capsaicin is ready to help everyone who wants to lose weight. It promotes the oxidation of fats, which speeds up their burning.
Chile raises body temperature, thereby speeding up the metabolism. In addition, in small quantities, pods suppress hunger. However, this is relevant only for those who are not used to spicy foods. Large doses of chili, on the contrary, contribute to increased appetite.
Anyone who wants to lose weight will be interested in Los Humeros slimming coffee recipe. With the help of this drink, named after an active volcano, the metabolic processes of the body are accelerated.
Essential Ingredients:
- water 100 ml;
- coffee - 2 tsp;
- chili - a quarter of the pod;
- cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
Cooking method:
Pour coffee into a cezve, pour cold water, add cinnamon and bring to a boil. Remove coffee from heat, leave for 5 minutes and add pepper. After a couple of minutes, the drink is considered ready.
How to use in cosmetology
- An excellent option to improve the health of curls will be pepper tincture that strengthens hair. The first step is to chop 1-2 pods of hot pepper. Then add 200 g of vodka. The mixture is insisted for a week in a dark place. Also, the finished product can be bought at the pharmacy. Rub the tincture into the hair roots, rinse off after an hour.
- Pepper mask with burdock oil. To prepare a miracle mask, you need to take pepper tincture, burdock oil and water in an amount of 2 tbsp. l each ingredient. All components mix and rub the mask into the roots of the hair. Wrap head in cellophane, wrap with a towel. Wash off hair after 60 minutes.
Contraindications and harm
Despite all its obvious benefits, chili can do harm.
The following contraindications are available for its use:
- gastric or duodenal ulcer;
- gastritis;
- pancreatitis
- liver disease
- bowel disease;
- pathology of the kidneys.
Small burning pods invariably guard the beauty and health of a person. The rich composition of the vegetable allows you to successfully use it not only in cooking, but also in traditional medicine, cosmetology and in other areas.