Nowadays, these small spotted testicles can be found in almost any store or market. But they do not have many admirers, unlike chicken eggs. This, of course, depends primarily on a higher price, but also on ignorance of how they can be useful to our body. Therefore, it makes sense to talk in detail about how to take quail eggs, the benefits and harms of these products, and about which diseases it is advisable to include in the diet.
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About the benefits of quail eggs
Before you start talking about the benefits of quail eggs, it would be useful to consider their composition:
- Protein per 100 g - 12.8 g, fat (cholesterol) - 11.4 g, and carbohydrates only about 1 gram.
- Amino acids and vitamins - PP, B, A, C, D and E.
- Micro and macro elements - iron with manganese, zinc with selenium, copper with potassium, phosphorus with calcium and sodium with magnesium.
Despite their modest size, such eggs contain more cholesterol than chicken eggs (600 and 540 mg, respectively). But otherwise, this product can be much more useful than its larger "colleagues."
This small spotty product can help the body after radiation exposure. It helps to eliminate the consequences of failures in the nervous system and protects a person from the effects of stress. Quail eggs strengthen bone tissue, participating in the process of skeleton formation, which is a good prevention of scoliosis.
With regular use of the product, metabolic processes are accelerated, the cholesterol level is normalized, which comprehensively positively affects the body.Quail eggs are especially useful for people aged because they help reduce joint pain and improve hearing and vision. And due to the presence of tyrosine in the composition of the substance, eggs protect against the appearance of dark spots on the skin, making it healthy and beautiful.
For men
The invaluable benefits of quail eggs are the positive effects of phosphorus on the prostate gland. Weak potency will become normal with regular intake, as they contain a lot of protein, which has a stimulating effect on the male sex. To achieve the desired effect, you only need to drink 1 egg every morning on an empty stomach.
For women
Quail eggs can effectively improve complexion and strengthen hair, solving the problem of even baldness. The product is indicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers - the beneficial effect extends to both the mother and the baby. And during pregnancy, it helps to tolerate toxicosis and prevent miscarriage.
Important! Quail eggs can cause allergies, so before you start to eat them, do not forget to consult a specialist.
If you had to undergo radiotherapy or surgery, it is recommended that quail eggs also be included in your daily diet. Do not forget to wash them thoroughly with warm water just before use.
It is interesting: how to cook quail eggs?
For children
The beneficial effect of this product in relation to the growing baby organism extends to mental development, immunity and memory. With their regular inclusion in the baby’s diet, his physical abilities will increase and his vision will improve.
Even for children, quail eggs are useful as a preventive action against the development of various kinds of diseases. And the pure protein in the composition helps the small body to fully develop.
Quail shell - good
Not only the internal content of the quail egg is good for our health, but also the external shell. It has a lot of calcium, and easily digestible by the body. This element is important for the strength of bones, nails and hair, and therefore eggs can be recommended for use to maintain the health of the skeletal system, speed up recovery after an injury, or to prolong the beauty and youth of hair with skin.
In addition to calcium, the shell contains several other important elements that are actively involved in metabolic processes:
- preservation of the integrity and elasticity of blood vessels - the "care" of molybdenum;
- normalization of hemodynamic processes in our body is a matter of nickel;
- Zinc quickly heals wounds and the smallest damage to the skin;
- normalizes the water-salt balance of magnesium.
A shell of quail eggs in the form of a powder with all its useful ingredients is quickly absorbed by the body without causing a negative effect, which is important for people prone to allergic reactions.
Egg intake
Opinions about the norm of use, cooking methods and dishes are many. For example, babies are encouraged to start giving quail eggs from half the yolk per day, gradually increasing the amount by 3 years to 2 pieces. Older children under 10 years old can already have 3 eggs, and up to 18 years their number can be safely increased to 4. But do not forget about the possibility of an allergic reaction, even despite the dietary nature of this product.
Adults can eat up to 6 pieces of spotted eggs per day. Pregnant women and older people should be advised by the physician who observes them.
How to take
The opinion of most doctors agrees that it is advisable to eat at least 1 egg per day raw and on an empty stomach. If in this form it is unpleasant for you to use it, then you can subject it to heat treatment. The cooking time should not exceed 5 minutes, which will preserve all its useful qualities.
Before sending the testicle into the pan, remove it in advance from the refrigerator and let it lie down at room temperature for a couple of minutes, then wash it with hot water. If this is not done, then due to temperature changes, the delicate shell may burst.
Raw eggs
There are different opinions about whether quail eggs are carriers of viruses. Some experts say no, because the bird's body temperature is 42 degrees, while others believe that salmonella can be on the eggshell and therefore they are not recommended to eat raw.
There is also information about the best absorption of iron in the composition of this product after heat treatment. So you decide how to use them.
Quail Eggs Recipes
The simplest and most affordable recipe for making quail eggs is to fry croutons with them:
- Cut the bread into slices up to 6 mm thick and use any convenient shape to cut the figures out of them.
- In the middle of the figure, you need to make a notch and place a raw egg there.
- Prepared forms should be placed in a frying pan, pre-oiled, salt and send to the oven.
But an interesting cocktail for men - combine 3 quail eggs fresh with 30 g of high-quality cognac and the same amount of mineral water. Such a blend contributes to the faster absorption of important elements from the product. For children, they prepare a similar drink with juice instead of cognac.
Try to cook a delicious and healthy salad with salmon and quail eggs - 10 pieces will require 300 g of boiled fish, a bunch of salad, cucumber, Parmesan cheese (100 g), onions (1 pc.) And cherry tomatoes (10 pieces). Dressing consists of 2 tablespoons of honey, the same amount of mustard, soy sauce and vegetable oil.
It is worth paying attention to the wonderful recipe of Russian cuisine. Boil 7 potatoes in a peel, then peel them and divide into 2 halves. Cut off the top and make a depression in the middle. Inside, put the quail eggs grated, grate them with spices and sprinkle with cheese and herbs. After that, put the dish in the oven until a golden crust forms.
What diseases is recommended for use
The use of quail eggs for the human body also extends to certain diseases, from which they help to get rid faster:
- high blood cholesterol;
- pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
- bronchial asthma.
They also cope well with intoxication. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to use 1 egg every 6-7 hours.
The product is indicated even for diabetes, since it normalizes blood sugar. But the allowable amount should be set by your doctor.
Contraindications and possible harm
Why are quail eggs harmful? Virtually nothing. Danger is possible with excessive consumption, which can cause heaviness in the stomach, discomfort and bloating. If children overeat this product, then they may have an allergic reaction. Do not forget about the possible risk of infection with salmonellosis.
Contraindications to the use of quail eggs apply to liver disease and obesity - the product is very high-calorie, so with a strict diet they should be eaten with caution so as not to aggravate the situation.
If you properly store and include this product in your diet, it will only benefit your health and body without any harm.