A native of China, Chinese cabbage has gained worldwide recognition. It is rich in useful substances, you can cook a lot of delicious and at the same time low-calorie dishes from it. This vegetable is also used in folk medicine, and even in cosmetology. However, there are contraindications to its use and use. So, what are the benefits and harms of Chinese cabbage?
Material Content:
Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of Beijing cabbage
There are few calories in Beijing cabbage - only 15.7 kcal per 100 g. If you stew or fry the vegetable, this figure will increase slightly to 19 kcal.
The composition of 100 g of this cabbage also includes:
- 1.2 g of protein;
- 0.2 g of fat;
- 3.3 g of carbohydrates.
In addition, Beijing contains sugar, dietary fiber and water. And also vitamins: A, B, C, E, K, PP, lutein, betaine. It also contains trace elements: iron, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium.
Thus, including Beijing cabbage in the diet, a person receives a whole complex of substances he needs, but he does not gain weight.
Benefits for men and women
The benefits of Beijing cabbage for humans are invaluable. This is emphasized by all nutritionists. Moreover, they say that this vegetable is included in the daily menu of the inhabitants of the East, who are famous for their longevity.
Thanks to Beijing, fat is burned - so this type of cabbage is popular with people who want to lose weight.
What else is the positive health effect of eating Beijing cabbage expressed:
- The digestive system improves. In this case, there is no irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
- Lysine, which is part of Beijing, dissolves foreign proteins, helps to eliminate toxins.
- Vitamin A slows down the aging of the body, normalizes metabolism and hormonal levels.
- B vitamins have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, strengthen the nervous system, and help to survive stressful situations. Immunity becomes stronger, blood counts improve.
- Vitamin C, in addition to strengthening immunity, promotes a quick recovery from colds.
- Vitamin E is not in vain called the elixir of youth. Skin, hair, nails become healthy, look good.
- Vitamin K strengthens the walls of blood vessels, is responsible for the normal coagulation of blood.
The complex of microelements contained in Beijing cabbage also has a beneficial effect on the body. The blood sugar level comes to the optimal level, the hormonal system functions without failures, the mental activity improves, cholesterol level decreases, the digestive tract activates
Weight loss application
Beijing cabbage, both fresh and after heat treatment, contributes to a quick sense of fullness. This effect for the human body is provided by its constituent fiber and microelements. Calories when consuming salads, first and second courses of cabbage enter the body very little. This valuable quality Peking people use those people who want to find a slim figure.
It is also known that while following a diet, the body especially needs vitamins and minerals. And in the leaves of Beijing cabbage, vitamin C is contained in almost 2 times more than in the popular white cabbage.
And finally, fiber, getting into the intestine, prevents the rapid absorption of fats and carbohydrates, due to which a person gains weight. Motility is also accelerated, and toxic substances are eliminated from the body in time.
Use in traditional medicine
The beneficial properties of cabbage have been known for many centuries. At home, Beijing, in China, it is used in the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers, various skin diseases, benign seals in the mammary glands. The vegetable helps with insomnia and bronchial asthma.
With regular use of Beijing cabbage:
- neurosis and headaches recede;
- the body is rejuvenated;
- blood composition improves;
- sugar level is reduced, which makes cabbage a valuable product for diabetics;
- vessels are cleared, which slows the development of atherosclerosis;
- the level of acidity is normalized;
- people cease to torment constipation;
- a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals enters the body.
We offer some of the most popular recipes using Beijing cabbage.
- With insomnia. 150 - 200 g of leaves pour 1.5 - 2 glasses of water, put on a small fire, bring to a boil and cook for a quarter of an hour. Strain and drink before bedtime.
- With mastopathy. Introduce shredded cabbage salad seasoned with vegetable oil into the daily menu. You can also make chest compresses from grated Beijing cabbage mixed with flour and honey. Leave overnight.
- With eye fatigue. Mash boiled cabbage leaves, mix with olive oil and make a compress for ever. You need to keep 15 - 20 minutes.
Peking cabbage is especially useful to eat raw in late winter and early spring. At this time, the body is deficient in vitamins, and Peking preserves them better than most other vegetables.
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What vegetable is useful and harmful for children
All the useful properties of Beijing cabbage - the presence of vitamins, minerals, fiber - will benefit children. Moreover, now a significant percentage of babies are overweight. In this case, such a dietary product will be indispensable.It is also recommended to give it to those who suffer from diabetes mellitus or have thyroid dysfunction.
However, very young children need to introduce Beijing cabbage into the diet gradually. You should start with vegetable purees made from potatoes, carrots, zucchini. Cabbage for kids is preferable to cauliflower. Beijing is not recommended to be given until the child reaches the age of 1.5. And as with any new product, the growing child must be introduced to it carefully, checking whether an allergic reaction occurs.
You should not give cabbage to those children who suffer from intestinal colic. It is also not recommended to combine Beijing with dairy products - this can cause digestive upset.
Useful properties of Beijing cabbage during pregnancy
Folic acid and vitamin E, which are part of Beijing cabbage, are extremely useful during pregnancy. They contribute to the fact that the fetus will form without pathologies, and the future mother will not have a miscarriage.
In addition, pregnant women often suffer from constipation, and sometimes excessively quickly gain weight, which contributes to the development of complications. Eating Beijing cabbage will relieve these problems.
It should be remembered that fresh Beijing is healthier than the one that has undergone heat treatment, and it also contains fewer calories. But in any case, it will not be out of place to read the cookbooks, write out the recipes you like, and enter the Chinese cabbage on the menu at least 2 times a week.
Contraindications and possible harm
- Since Beijing cabbage contains a significant amount of citric acid, it is undesirable to take it to those people who suffer from gastritis with high acidity. Otherwise, unpleasant symptoms may worsen.
- Rarely, but there is an allergy to Beijing. Redness and itching are what allergy sufferers may encounter.
- If one of your problems is flatulence, constant bloating, then eating cabbage will cause especially severe colic. And even more so it is impossible to combine Beijing with kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and whole milk.
Today, Beijing cabbage can be seen in almost every grocery store. Use this wonderful vegetable for good health, but do not forget that everything is good in moderation.