The sages of the East asserted: “If only everyone knew how useful this herb was, it would be worth it like gold.” Such a high praise was given to the fenugreek plant, whose beneficial properties and contraindications have been known since the time of Avicenna himself!
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Useful properties of fenugreek for women
Fenugreek has a lot of names. Most of all he is known as Helba, literally translated from Latin as “Greek hay” (Trigonélla foénum-graécum), they also know him under “names”: Shambhala, Abish, Fenugrek and Chman. The natural habitat is the Caucasus, Western Europe, the territory of Iran, Turkey. Fenugreek is cultivated everywhere. Why, and what is its use?
Perhaps the main "target audience" on which the benefits of weed is directed are women.
The value of fenugreek is in the unique composition of the seeds, which includes:
- analogues of natural hormones - steroidal saponins;
- amino acid spectrum;
- vitamins (C, B, A) and useful trace elements, among which are potassium and magnesium, phosphorus and sodium;
- alimentary fiber.
Fenugreek has found application in cooking as a spice, and its greens are an invariable component of the famous Suneli hops.
Used "Greek hay" and for medicinal purposes:
- in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- with infections and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
- as a cholesterol lowering agent;
- to improve digestion;
- with slow metabolism;
- as an immuno-strengthening agent (especially during the period of an acute respiratory infection epidemic and flu).
The healing properties of fenugreek seeds have been used for women's health since antiquity, and modern scientific research confirms that this is not in vain.
The plant contains a natural analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen. And this means that both sexual and reproductive functions can be completely corrected by helba.
With regular use of fenugreek, the menstrual cycle is established, the pain ceases to bother during the critical days, and while breastfeeding the baby, milk production is adjusted in the required volume.
How to take helba seeds?
Helba seeds are used for the preparation of infusions and teas, they are crushed and added as a spice to dishes and cosmetics.
The most popular method of brewing fenugreek is a couple of teaspoons per glass of boiling water. The drink is infused for about 10 minutes and they drink a golden aromatic decoction, and some prefer to eat the seeds after. Steamed, they go well with honey.
It's important to know! The use of seeds and decoction of Helba on an empty stomach can threaten with a laxative effect. With a weak stomach, you should definitely take this into account!
The use of medicinal properties for women
The benefits of fenugreek for women's health are invaluable when used properly. How does this weed manifest its properties?
In gynecology
Fenugreek is recommended for women who experience severe pain during menstruation. To alleviate the condition, the reception of the drug begins at the end of each cycle daily. The content of diosgenin and isoflavones in the plant, I exert their estrogen-like effect, weaken menstrual pain and discomfort in the stomach, regulate mood swings and appetite. And by the middle of the cycle, the reception should be stopped, since the aphrodisiatic properties of the plant during the period of ovulation can adversely affect sexual behavior. The fact is that nature already took care of increasing libido during this period, and additional stimulation is unnecessary here.
The use of fenugreek is advisable:
- with polycystic ovary;
- as a therapeutic agent from tumor processes in the body;
- to enhance sexual desire;
- during menopause to reduce unpleasant symptoms.
Fenugreek has also proven itself as an anti-inflammatory agent. Those suffering from vaginal dysbacteriosis, experiencing discomfort from an unpleasant odor, and those who are concerned about the quality of the discharge, should know: douching with helba perfectly helps to relieve these symptoms. Recipe for infusion: a tablespoon of seeds is brewed with a glass of boiling water.
In cosmetology
Nature always stands guard over female beauty, and fenugreek is also in a hurry to help! Regular intake of a drink from the seeds of the plant has a positive effect on improving complexion and purity of the skin, allowing you to delay the appearance of the first wrinkles. Porridge from ground helba seeds is used as a compress for acne and acne, to whiten age spots and remove warts.
The following cosmetics can be prepared on the basis of helba:
- Facial cleansing mask. A teaspoon of ground fenugreek seeds is mixed with two tablespoons of olive oil. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes, trying to avoid the eye area, then rinse with warm water. The procedure is recommended to be repeated every 5-7 days.
- Nourishing face mask. The crushed fenugreek seeds are mixed with raw chicken yolk (for one yolk - a teaspoon of powder). ½ teaspoon of caraway and olive oils are added to the fenugreek-egg mixture, a teaspoon of honey is introduced, well mixed until the consistency is uniform. The mask is applied for 15 minutes, applied 1-2 times a week.
- Infusion for rinsing hair. In case of hair loss, their fragility and dullness, the following recipe is effective: 2 tablespoons of helba seeds are poured with a liter of boiling water and can stand for 10 minutes in a water bath.Then bring the volume of infusion to the original with boiling water, allow it to cool. The filtered liquid rinses the hair after washing.
Helba essential oil is used to activate hair growth, to massage the head, add it to shampoos against dandruff.
When losing weight
Fenugreek is an excellent addition to diets, but it also shows effectiveness simply with proper nutrition. Adding leaves and powder from the seed of the plant makes the dishes sharper, which reduces the amount of salt in them. At the same time, speedy saturation occurs, and the feeling of hunger does not come back soon.
In addition, fenugreek has a positive effect on the figure, as:
- normalizes the digestive tract and improves digestion;
- has a diuretic effect, removing excess fluid;
- restores metabolism and saturates the body with useful trace elements;
- acts as an energy source, energizes.
Half an hour before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of tea from fenugreek. The first reception is in the morning. When the drink becomes a habit, in a couple of weeks the effect will have a positive effect on the appearance, and the arrow of the scales will begin to move down correctly.
Lactation enhancement
Thanks to the natural analogue of prolactin, which is part of fenugreek, the lactogenic effect of the drink from fenugreek seeds is obvious. A tablespoon of seeds is steamed with a glass of boiling water, sweetened with honey (if the baby is not allergic) and take tea 2-3 times a day.
Traditional medicine recipes
The simplest recipe for using fenugreek for medicinal purposes (with acute respiratory infections, vitamin deficiency, to increase immunity) is tea. Helba seeds are fried, in the manner of coffee, in a pan. So that the drink does not acquire bitterness, do not stand the seeds until red, just wait for the appearance of a uniform golden hue. Then they are ground. Brew a drink for 5-7 minutes over medium heat, pour a glass of boiling water with a teaspoon of powder. A little honey and ginger to taste enhance the healing effect of tea.
For sore throats, homemade helba lozenges can be absorbed. To prepare them, melt 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, add a pinch of ground helba, mix and pour into molds for solidification.
With constipation, it is enough to take half a teaspoon of the powder from the seeds of the helba, abundantly washed down with water, at night. The next morning the problem will be resolved naturally.
If you dissolve a teaspoon of ground helba seed in a cup of warm milk, such a drink acts as a means:
- tonic and restorative;
- with ENT diseases;
- lactogonous;
- decongestant.
Such an paste helps with anemia: 100 grams of dates, dried apricots, figs are crushed, 2 tablespoons of ground helba seed and 1/3 cup of honey are added. Store the paste in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. Use before a meal in a tablespoon, washed down with milk, three times a day.
Contraindications to the use of fenugreek
Like any medicine, even of herbal origin, Helbu can be taken only in the absence of contraindications.
These include:
- pregnancy (especially in the first trimester);
- uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
- hormonal imbalance (in particular, high prolactin and estrogen);
- exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- children's age up to 7 years;
- malignant tumors.
In addition, individual helba intolerance is possible. It should be prepared for the fact that the flavor of the spice is very specific, and not everyone quickly gets used to it. This problem can be fixed by adding a little honey or ginger to the drinks.