The spider mite that appeared on cucumbers leads to a decrease in crop yield, damage to its root system, shoots and foliage. The pest is characterized by resistance to chemicals. In the article you will find information on the most effective methods of eliminating this pest.

What is a spider mite

The spider mite belongs to the class of arachnids, it is resistant to insecticides. This is a fairly small pest, usually its size does not exceed 1 mm. He lives on the underside of the leaf, and its presence can be determined by small dots of light shade on this part of the plant. If a strong pest infection has occurred, then it is found on the surface of the entire leaf and on the stems that are wrapped in a barely noticeable cobweb.

Individuals breed at temperatures from 12 degrees. Under unfavorable living conditions for them, the female pest hides in a shelter. Her life processes slow down, and during this period she can do without food for a long time. After the conditions become more favorable, the female quickly comes to life. At this time, it begins to rapidly absorb a large amount of food and multiply.

Signs and symptoms of lesions on cucumbers

The presence of a pest can be determined by the following signs:

  • cucumbers cover uncharacteristic white dots;
  • the culture leaf turns white, pest colonies are visible on it, there are places from punctures of a light shade (after the lapse of time, the affected area will become colorless);
  • if an extensive infection has occurred, the leaf of the culture turns yellow and subsequently dries;
  • culture stops growing;
  • a web is visible on the plant.

The tick can provoke diseases of cucumbers, against which the plant is depleted and even dies.

Plant Treatment

It is necessary to start pest control measures when detecting initial signs of infection. Chemical preparations and folk remedies help fight him. With the help of insecticides, when the infection just happened, the causative agent of the disease can be quickly eliminated, but if used incorrectly, chemicals can harm humans, animals, and poison the crop.

Folk methods, in the main, perform only a deterrent role.

Agrotechnical methods

Using agricultural methods, you can get rid of the spider mite, prevent the incidence of cucumbers and prevent the spread of the pest. It is best to start the fight with the tick after the collection of vegetables.

All parts of the culture should be destroyed, as well as the following agricultural activities:

  1. Dig the soil before planting the next seedlings or seeds. This is due to the fact that in most cases the pest hibernates in the ground.
  2. Timely weed weed, as the tick begins to breed on the weed grass.
  3. Periodically inspect the cucumbers. If an infected leaf is found, it should be cut off and burned.
  4. To carry out soil disinfection.

In the autumn months, after harvesting, it is necessary to remove the fallen leaves of cucumbers, the remains of weeds, dig the ground.


To quickly get the desired result, you should treat the cucumbers with insecticides. Spraying must be done several times until the garden is completely cleared of spider mites. In warm weather, treatment should be done every week. This will eliminate insects that are at the stage of the larva, lasting about 4 days.

The most famous chemicals include:

  • "Akarin." The drug is safe for the environment. It is completely neutralized in the earth. Intensively active for 8 hours. Processed vegetables are dangerous for animals and people for 3 days.
  • Apollo. Able to destroy eggs, spider mite larvae. Adults are sterilized after treatment. This drug goes well with other chemicals. It acts selectively, does not adversely affect bees. The solution must be wetted leaves that are damaged by the pest.
  • Fitoverm. Processing is carried out by spraying. The chemical remains effective for another week after the procedure. After, spraying is repeated.
  • Etisso. Effective in the fight against ticks, aphids. The drug is available in the form of sticks that need to be buried in the ground near each bush with a cucumber. When watering, moisture activates chemicals that dissolve in the soil and destroy pests.
  • "Actellicus." It is a highly effective drug, the processing of which should be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions. This solution is applied to the area affected by the tick.

Most chemicals for combating spider mites are available in ampoules. Breeding must be done strictly according to the instructions.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies are usually used at the initial stage, when the infection with a spider mite only occurred.

The most effective include the following:

  1. Take 200 g of onion peel and garlic, insist a day in 10 l of water. This solution is poured seedlings immediately after planting.
  2. Insist 50 g of celandine grass in 10 liters of water. This solution is able to fight the pest at the initial stage of infection.
  3. Dilute 500 g of yarrow in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution needs to be treated with the affected leaves.
  4. 500 g of dandelion are bred in 10 liters of water. Use for watering.
  5. Ammonia from the spider mite is used by spraying the plant, the greenhouse. To make a solution, you should dissolve 30 ml of ammonia in 10 l of water.

On a note. Often, folk methods of combating spider mites are used in combination with chemicals.

Preventive measures in the garden and greenhouse

It is not easy to deal with a spider mite, especially during the period of fruiting of the culture. Therefore, it is better to take preventive measures in advance.

The spider mite reproduces especially actively on cucumbers in the greenhouse, since the best conditions for the pest are created here.

As a preventive measure it is necessary:

  • disinfect the greenhouse after picking cucumbers;
  • disinfect the greenhouse structure in the spring before planting vegetables;
  • remove the topsoil in the fall;
  • make phosphoric fertilizers.

Tip: to prevent tick infestation, you should plant a calendula between the bushes of cucumbers.

In open ground, be sure to clean the affected foliage and weeds near the crop.

Preventive measures will prevent the invasion of pests and collect a good crop of cucumbers.

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