Everyone has heard about this procedure and many have performed it more than once. But it is not necessary to always visit the salon, because shugaring paste can be prepared at home.
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Home Shugaring: Advantages and Disadvantages
Of course, it’s much easier to go to a beauty studio and give yourself into the hands of a professional. But not always there is free time for this. If you decide to make the paste yourself, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of this procedure.
Among the positive aspects are the following:
- You can remove hairs on absolutely any area of the skin.
- Only simple and inexpensive ingredients are used.
- No need to pay for work.
- The paste is safe, making it yourself, you know exactly which components were used, and that you are not allergic to them.
- You can choose any time convenient for you without having to go outside the apartment.
- Cooked pasta is easy to apply. It is enough to at least once see how this is done, and in the future there will be no difficulties with this.
As for the minuses of such hair removal, there are not many of them. But still they are:
- The first time you should not wait for the perfect result, for this you need to practice a little.
- If the removal process is not carried out correctly, then ingrown hair may appear.
- It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the mixture - if it is too hot, then there is a risk of burns.
Practical Tips for Beginners
If you took into account all the strengths and weaknesses of the procedure and still decided to cook the paste in order to get rid of unwanted hair yourself, then pay attention to the tips below. They will help you avoid the many mistakes that beginners make.
- To make the process less painful, comfortable and convenient, it is worth using a special spatula to remove hairs. It is simply necessary to spend money on this.
- If you don’t want the paste to stick to your hands, get gloves.
- For a few days, carry out a good skin cleansing with a scrub.
- Observe the proportions of the working composition as accurately as possible to get a lot of the desired consistency.
- The mixture must be applied only by hair growth, but to remove it - on the contrary.
- Try not to cook too much pasta at a time, as it is not recommended to store it.
- Please note that in the bikini area, you need to do the shugaring without heating the composition.
Be sure to use caring cosmetics before and after the procedure. It should moisturize, relieve redness and inflammation. Before the process, treat the skin with an antiseptic, and after - with a soothing cream or lotion.
If you do not follow these measures, it is highly doubtful that the process itself and the effect of its implementation will give you pleasure.
Simple sugar paste for shugaring
Sugar paste for shugaring with this recipe is very simple.
You will need the most minimal set of components:
- four tbsp. l water;
- 10 large spoons of sugar;
- half tsp citric acid.
Cooking process:
- Put all the ingredients from the list in a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom), cover with a lid and bring to a transparent state over low heat.
- Do not forget that the mass must constantly interfere. Wait until the small bubbles go and hold the composition for about five minutes until a beautiful caramel color is formed.
- Cool the paste to the desired state and use as directed.
Recipe with lemon
You can also cook the paste with the addition of lemon juice. This option is considered the most popular.
Essential Ingredients:
- juice from half a lemon;
- about 10 tablespoons of sugar sugar;
- water is simple - four tablespoons.
Cooking process:
- Put all the ingredients in a thick-walled pan, turn on a weak heating plate and cover the container with a lid. Remember to periodically mix its contents.
- When bubbles appear on the surface of the sugar mass, it will need to be boiled for a while (approximately five minutes) before it acquires a caramel color. After this, the composition should be cooled.
Microwave pasta
If you didn’t get the mixture on the stove or if there is no suitable pan, then the microwave recipe is just for you. In addition, even less time is spent on its implementation.
The main thing is to decide what consistency of pasta you need. If you want to process your legs, then the mass must be viscous. To do this, you need five tablespoons of sugar. For a thicker mixture, take about seven tablespoons of sweet sand.
- Mix it with two large tablespoons of water and one teaspoon of citrus juice.
- Turn on the microwave at medium power, hold the composition in it for literally 30 seconds until the sugar is completely dissolved. It may take a little more or less time.
- Increase the power of the device to the maximum and remove the paste from it for a couple of minutes until it turns yellow.
- Thoroughly mix the mass and see how it changes color, becomes more brown. Wait for it to cool and use.
With vinegar
A good option for the summer. After applying this composition, you can not be afraid of the appearance of pigmentation from the sun.
For cooking you will need:
- a tablespoon of 6% vinegar;
- two large spoons of water;
- six tablespoons of sugar.
Cooking process:
- Combine all the components, bring to a boil over a fire and reduce the heating level.
- Hold for a couple of minutes until the color and consistency of the mass changes. At the same time, it must constantly be stirred, otherwise the sugar may burn.
- Cool the composition to a comfortable temperature and proceed to the procedure.
With essential oils
Such a paste will turn out not only more fragrant, but also make the skin smooth and supple. The effect depends on which oil you use. And this paste is prepared in the same way as its usual version.
For cooking you will need:
- a small spoonful of lemon juice;
- a few drops of essential oil;
- clean water - two tablespoons;
- about 7 tablespoons of sugar.
Cooking process:
- All the ingredients listed in the list, except the essential oil, are placed in a container with a thick bottom, mix and send to heat. Be sure to stir the contents during the process, otherwise the sugar may burn.
- As soon as the grains are completely dissolved and the mixture turns into a clear syrup, cover it with a lid and cook for about five minutes over low heat.
- We look at the color - if it has turned brown, caramel or even amber, then everything is ready, you can shoot. Add literally 1 - 2 drops of the selected essential oil, mix.
- Wait for the composition to cool, but not complete, but to about 40 - 50 degrees and proceed to remove the hairs.
Possible cooking problems
It seems that the process of boiling pasta at home is very simple. But for many newcomers, the first time they fail to achieve the desired state of the roster. In addition, there are other problems that complicate the procedure a lot.
- During the cooking of the mass, it constantly rises up. To avoid this, be sure to reduce the heat after the sugar has dissolved. Also use a small pan, but with a thick bottom. It’s good if she’s tall.
- If the result is a liquid or soft mass, most likely you have put the wrong amount of ingredients. Another reason is the temperature regime. Too much heat may have been turned on.
- The paste can, on the contrary, turn out to be too hard. The thing is that you overheated it. If you pour a little water into it and put it in the microwave for literally 10 seconds, then you can fix this annoying mistake.
- It happens that the prepared mixture is poorly removed from the skin. This can happen only if it is not cooked correctly, because the right paste leaves off quite simply. It is also possible that the composition has simply been on the body for too long. Now, to remove it, apply another layer on top and remove both at once.
Storage of Shugaring Paste
Of course, it is better to cook the mixture at once, in the amount that you immediately use. But if you still have some pasta left, put it in a container or jar. The ideal option is a silicone mold. The paste does not stick to it, it is easy to bend it, and then wash it.
To protect the mass from dust and moisture, it is definitely worth covering it with a lid and very tightly. Otherwise, the paste does not require any special storage conditions. You can put it in the refrigerator or just on the shelf with makeup.
When you want to use it next time, just lightly warm the composition in the microwave. The same method works in the case of solidification of the mass. But be careful - if the composition is overheated, it will become unusable and will simply have to be discarded.
Removing hair with shugaring paste is not a difficult process, if you master its wisdom. But in the process, be sure to observe safety precautions and first exclude the presence of contraindications.