Some believe that we live in an era of equality. And a creature of one gender should in no way serve the essence of another. Others are convinced that a woman should diligently serve a man, and her circle of interests should not go beyond the notorious cooking, cleaning, and raising children. Still others consider their beloved to be queens, who, in order to get everything they need, do not need to lift a finger.In general, the golden mean can only be dreamed of.

The third category will be discussed today. We present to you the princes of the Order of Instagram - those who are ready for anything for the sake of their girls!

“For her sake, I’m even ready to climb a tree.”

Photographed his "Little Mermaid".

And it doesn’t matter how old the “Queen of Instagram” is ...

... after all, there may be a guy in her place.


Do you think these photos are easy to get? For their heroines - yes, because they have their own Atlas, which keeps the world on itself.

By the way, sometimes the role of “faithful knights” can also be played by girls.

It is unclear why she needed just such an angle. But the guy’s dedication can be envied.

Sounds like a catch-up game. But no, this is actually the process of creating a selfie.


Does your boyfriend serve you for beautiful pictures on Instagram? Or maybe you yourself play such a role? Tell us in the comments.