Pantogam syrup for children is a nootropic drug whose mechanism of action is aimed at stimulating processes in the brain and restoring the functions of the nervous system. Taking this medication can improve the intellectual and physical condition of the child.
Material Content:
- 1 Release form and composition of syrup for children "Pantogam"
- 2 Pharmacological action and indications for use
- 3 At what age can children be given
- 4 Instructions for the use of a nootropic drug
- 5 Drug Interactions with Other Drugs
- 6 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 7 Analogs of Pantogam baby syrup
Release form and composition of syrup for children "Pantogam"
The basic component of a nootropic drug for children is hopantenic acid.
As additional elements in the composition are added:
- sodium benzoate;
- sorbitol;
- glycerol;
- citric acid monohydrate;
- flavored additive "Cherry";
- water.
The medication is presented in the form of a clear or yellowish solution that smells of cherry. The medicine is packaged in bottles of 100 ml placed in cardboard boxes.
Pharmacological action and indications for use
The active ingredients of Pantogama protect brain tissue from harmful factors, both external and internal, and reduce the excitability of neurons.
In addition, the medication has such an effect on the body:
- stimulates processes in the brain tissue;
- increases cell resistance in conditions of oxygen starvation;
- reduces the negative impact of toxins;
- eliminates the excessive sensitivity of nerve centers;
- blocks convulsive manifestations;
- restores vital processes;
- accelerates metabolism;
- with prolonged use has a mild sedative effect.
The absorption of the components takes place in the stomach and intestines, through the walls of these organs they move into the blood. After 2-3 days, the bulk of the drug is excreted during urination and defecation.
Why is Pantogam prescribed for children?
It is used in the treatment of the following conditions:
- perinatal encephalopathy;
- mental retardation;
- initial stage of senile dementia;
- pathologies of cerebral vessels;
- Cerebral palsy;
- brain damage due to exposure to toxins or infections;
- epileptic seizures subject to inhibition of intellectual development;
- enuresis of neurogenic origin;
- schizophrenic disease;
- neurosis-like conditions (stuttering and ticks);
- extrapyramidal disorders (Parkinson's disease, Huntington syndrome and others);
- extrapyramidal syndrome while taking antipsychotic medications;
- brain injuries acquired and birth;
- hyperactivity disorder with lack of attention;
- difficulties in acquiring primary school skills;
- disorders of the motor and speech apparatus;
- reduced memory.
On a note. As a rule, Pantogam syrup is drunk with other medicines as part of a comprehensive treatment.
At what age can children be given
Pantogam syrup can also be used for newborns in the minimum dosage. Moreover, for children under 3 years of age, this remedy is prescribed, only in liquid form.
At an older age, the doctor may prescribe a tabletted Pantogam to the patient. In most cases, it is prescribed after reaching the age of 12-14 years.
Instructions for the use of a nootropic drug
It is necessary to give the baby syrup 15-20 minutes after eating 2-3 times a day. The number of receptions is determined by the attending physician.
Dosage and administration
For children at different ages, a specific dosage of single use is provided:
- from birth to 12 months - 5-10 ml;
- from 1 to 3 years - 5-12 ml;
- from 3 to 7 years - 7-15 ml;
- from 7 years old - 10-25 ml.
Most often, the first dose of the drug is prescribed in the minimum dosage with its daily increase for 7 days. When the volume reaches its maximum, the child is given this amount of medicine from 4 to 8 weeks, and then the dose is reduced until it is completely canceled.
Attention! The volumes of the drug are indicated in accordance with the instructions for use, but the attending physician may make his own corrections depending on the type of disease.
Special instructions for taking syrup
For ease of use, a special syringe with measured divisions is attached to the syrup. It can be used not only to measure the required amount of the drug, but also to give the child medicine with this device. It is important that the baby swallows the syrup on its own and does not spit it out.
The product has a pleasant taste, so you can drink it in its pure form, without diluting it with water. The last dose should be no later than 18 hours, since the drug has a slight stimulating effect.
Attention! To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to give the child medicine at the same time.
How long is the syrup treatment?
The course of treatment using Pantogam syrup lasts from 1-3 months, and in some cases can be extended up to six months. At the end of the administration, take a break for 3-7 months, and then you can prescribe the drug again.
Drug Interactions with Other Drugs
When Pantogam syrup is taken in combination with barbiturates, this allows you to extend its effect.
Glycine and etidronic acid formulations enhance the effect of this nootropic agent.
With a combination of drugs with anticonvulsant drugs, the effectiveness of the latter increases.
If Pantogam is taken together with analgesics, their effectiveness increases.
When syrup interacts with antipsychotic drugs, as well as drugs containing carbamazepine and phenobarbital, side effects that occur as a result of their administration are neutralized.
Attention! Pantogam cannot be combined with other medicines of the nootropic group, the action of which is aimed at stimulating the central nervous system.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
It is forbidden to use Pantogam in any dosage form if the baby is diagnosed with the following conditions:
- severe kidney and liver diseases;
- the presence of chronic renal or liver failure;
- signs of intolerance to the components of the therapeutic agent.
This medicine, even in the absence of contraindications, can have a side effect, which is manifested by the following symptoms:
- the appearance of a rash;
- runny nose;
- conjunctivitis;
- other signs of allergies.
In such cases, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug or replace it with another.
In addition, the following problems may occur:
- noise in ears;
- sleep disorders
- weakness and drowsiness throughout the day.
Such side effects are attributed to short-term cases and are not considered the basis for drug withdrawal.
In case of an overdose, the indicated symptomatology intensifies. In this situation, it is required to rinse the patient's stomach and give enterosorbent. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is carried out.
Attention! If the baby has symptoms associated with exceeding the recommended dose, you should not take any actions yourself, but immediately call an ambulance.
Analogs of Pantogam baby syrup
If Pantogam is contraindicated for the baby, you can replace it with one of the following remedies:
- Aminalon. This is a tablet medicine used in the treatment of cerebral palsy, with brain injuries and delays in intellectual development. May be prescribed for babies after a year.
- "Anvifen." This product is packaged in capsules and contains aminophenylbutyric acid. Effective for enuresis, stuttering, difficulty sleeping and other neurological disorders. Allowed to prescribe to children over the age of three.
- "Glycine". This medicine is presented in the form of lozenges. Helps to eliminate insomnia and nervousness, stimulates memory and mental abilities, prevents stress on the background of increased stress. The medicine can also be prescribed for newborns, but in these cases, until the child reaches the age of 3 years, the drug is treated under the strict supervision of specialists.
- "Calcium hopantenate." Means of Russian production in tablet form. Its difference from Pantogam lies only in the type of auxiliary components that make up the composition. May cause severe allergic reactions, which must be considered before taking. Recommended for children from 3 years.
- Kogitum. This medicine is presented in the form of a solution with a pleasant banana flavor, packaged in glass ampoules. The active substance is acetylamino-succinic acid. Effective in the treatment of pathologies of the nervous system and with developmental delays. It is permissible to prescribe as an independent tool or as part of complex therapy for children from 7 years old. It can sometimes be recommended for babies over the age of three.
- Cortexin. The medication is available as an injectable solution and helps improve brain function in the treatment of neurological disorders. It can be used from an early age, as well as prescribed to newborns in cases of birth injury.
- Pantocalcin. This medicine is available in the form of syrup and tablets and is considered to be an almost complete analogue of Pantogam. Indications for use and pharmacological effect are the same.
- Piracetam. In composition and effect, this nootropic drug is close to Pantogam and is available in tablets, capsules and injectable solutions.Approved for use from an early age.
Attention! The selection of an analogue should only be done by a specialist, practicing self-medication, you can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby.