Pantogam belongs to the group of nootropics. This drug contributes to the normalization of brain functions and blood supply to its tissues. Taking the medicinal composition can improve attention and memory, as well as restore efficiency and increase stress resistance. In this section, we will consider why Pantogam is prescribed and how to take it correctly.
Material Content:
Release forms and composition
The dominant component of the drug is hopantenic acid. The medication is presented in three forms: tablets, capsules and syrup.
The content of the active component in Pantogam tablets is equivalent to 0.25 or 0.5 g, and in capsules this compound is present in a volume of 0.2 or 0.3 g.
In addition, the pharmaceutical composition is supplemented with such compounds:
- stearate Ca;
- Mg bicarbonate;
- methyl cellulose;
- talcum powder.
Inside the capsules are the same components, and their shell is made of titanium dioxide, Na lauryl sulfate, gelatinous compounds, methyl parahydroxybenzoate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate.
The tablets are sealed in blisters and packaged in cardboard boxes. Capsules are placed in cell packages or plastic jars, they are also laid out in cardboard boxes.
In 100 ml of Pantogam syrup, 10 g of the dominant component is present.
In addition, the medicinal composition is supplemented with such compounds:
- citric acid monohydrate;
- Na benzoates;
- aspartame;
- glycerol;
- sorbitol;
- purified water;
- cherry flavor.
Pantogam syrup for children is poured into containers of tinted glass, sealed with airtight lids. The bottle is placed in a cardboard box.
Tablets and capsules retain their original properties for 4 years, and syrup can only be stored for 2 years. After this period, drinking the drug is not recommended. Keep the packaging at moderate humidity in a room where the temperature does not exceed 25 ℃.
Attention! A pharmacy certified by a doctor is required to purchase any form of medicine at the pharmacy.
Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The main task of Pantogam is to protect the substance of the brain from the harmful effects of toxic compounds and to eliminate the lack of oxygen. It allows you to accelerate the metabolism in tissues and normalize the excitability of neurons.
As a result of taking the medication, the following positive effects are noted:
- nerve cells are preserved;
- damaged neurons are restored, the process of their further formation is stimulated;
- blood circulation in brain tissues improves;
- toxins are neutralized;
- the patient's psycho-emotional background is balanced;
- there are improvements in memory, attention, and mental activity in general.
This effectiveness is due to the fact that hopantenic acid in its chemical formula is similar to vitamin B5. For this reason, it is not perceived by the body as a foreign compound and is perfectly absorbed by the cells.
In addition, the components of the drug, absorbed through the walls of the digestive tract and distributed throughout the body, quickly reach brain cells and other organs. After 48 hours, the active substance in unchanged form will be excreted by the kidneys and approximately 1/3 will come out with feces.
Why is Pantogam prescribed for adults and children
Pantogam is used in the complex treatment of disorders characterized by disorders of brain functionality and an imbalance of the central nervous system.
It is shown under the following conditions:
- cerebral arteriosclerosis against cerebrovascular insufficiency;
- epilepsy, accompanied by mental disorders and seizures;
- disorders of urination of a neurogenic nature, namely with urinary incontinence, enuresis and false urge;
- cognitive disorders resulting from pathological changes in the brain cells;
- organic cerebral disorders against schizophrenia;
- injuries and toxic lesions of brain tissue;
- hereditary diseases of the central nervous system;
- decreased performance and mental activity;
- high emotional overload.
In addition, Pantogam can be prescribed to prevent and eliminate extrapyramidal syndromes that appeared during the use of antipsychotic drugs.
In pediatrics, this medication is prescribed for such disorders:
- mental retardation and inhibition of mental development;
- various forms of cerebral palsy;
- neurosis-like disorders characterized by tics and stuttering;
- frequent convulsive attacks of various origins;
- hyperkinetic disorders;
- peritanal encephalopathies.
Attention! The form of the drug and the treatment regimen are selected by the doctor, individually for each case.
Instructions for use and dosage
The drug in any pharmaceutical form should be drunk after a meal, after about half an hour. In addition, the last appointment should take place before 17-18 hours, since Pantogam can have an exciting effect on the psyche, which will interfere with normal sleep.
Pantogam tablets 250 or 500 mg
The dosage of the drug depends on the nature of the disease in the treatment of which it is used.
As a rule, doctors offer this scheme:
- children - from 0.25 to 0.5 g three times a day;
- adults - from 0.25 to 1 g three times a day.
In this case, the maximum daily amount of the drug in the first case should be from 0.75 to 3 g, and in the second - from 1.5 to 3 g.
The duration of therapy is 1-4 months, but in some cases it can stretch for six months. If necessary, the treatment is repeated, but this can be done no earlier than 90 days after the completion of the previous one.
Syrup for children
The daily dose for young patients is usually divided into several times. The main thing is that the volume consumed during the day does not exceed 30 ml.
Depending on the age category of the patient, the daily intake is as follows:
- up to 12 months - from 5 to 10 ml;
- from a year to three years - from 5 to 12 ml;
- from three to seven years - from 7 to 15 ml;
- from seven to twelve years old - from 10 to 20 ml.
For teenage patients, Pantogam is no longer prescribed in syrup, but in tablets or capsules. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, as a rule, it is at least 60-90 days.
Pantogam Capsules Active 300 mg
Pantogam Active capsules are drunk twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon. For single use, it is recommended from 0.3 to 0.9 g of substance, which corresponds to 1-3 capsules. In this case, the maximum dose should not exceed 2.4 g per day. This amount equates to 8 capsules.
Treatment lasts from 30 to 120 days, but if the patient's condition requires it, it can be extended. In other situations, the duration of therapy reaches six months, and sometimes takes a whole year. Pantogam is again only allowed to be prescribed three to six months after completion of the previous course.
During pregnancy and lactation
The components of the drug are able to penetrate the placenta to the fetus, so the use of Pantogam in tablet form is prohibited for the entire period of gestation. The same prohibition applies to women who are breastfeeding. But if there is a need for treatment, the baby is transferred to artificial nutrition.
As for the syrup, it is prohibited only in the first trimester. At a later date, it is prescribed, as well as during lactation. But at the same time, therapy should be carried out under strict medical supervision.
Drug interaction
In the treatment of a number of diseases, Pantogam is prescribed together with glycine, in which case the effectiveness of the drugs increases.
In addition, the tool is able to enhance the therapeutic effect of medicinal formulations aimed at combating convulsive conditions. And the medication increases the activity of anesthetic drugs used topically.
Pantogam is often prescribed in conjunction with antipsychotic medications and barbiturates. It allows you to reduce the risk of side effects as a result of taking these funds.
What formulations should not be combined with this medicine? It is not combined with other medications of the group of nootropics or stimulants of the nervous system. This combination poses a particular health hazard if long-term treatment with Pantogam is prescribed.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Common contraindications for prescribing a drug are conditions such as intolerance to hopantenic acid and severe kidney damage.
Medication in tablet form should not be taken by patients under the age of three, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
The first trimester of pregnancy and conditions characterized by a violation of the metabolism of amino acids, especially phenylalanine, are among the main contraindications of the drug in syrup.
In most cases, treatment with Pantogam takes place without any problems.
This tool rarely causes side effects, but in some situations the following symptoms occur:
- allergic reactions in the form of a rash, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and rhinitis;
- sleep disorders occurring against the background of increased excitability, or, conversely, fatigue;
- tinnitus and mild dizziness.
An overdose of a drug is accompanied by the same manifestations, only they will be more pronounced.In this situation, the victim needs gastric lavage, sorbent intake and symptomatic treatment.
Analogues of the drug
If it is impossible to conduct treatment with Pantogam, this drug is replaced with such therapeutic agents:
- Aminalon;
- Anvifenom;
- Glycine;
- Calcium hopantenate;
- Kogitum;
- Cortexin;
- Pantocalcin.
A suitable Pantogam analog is selected depending on the nature of the patient's disease. Therefore, in the case when the drug in question did not fit, do not look for a replacement on your own. This should be done by a specialist.