"Pancreatin" is an indispensable medicine for gastrointestinal pathologies associated with a lack of its own enzymes. It is prescribed for diseases of the pancreas, as well as for a number of other diseases. The dosage is usually determined individually, and before starting use, make sure that the patient has no contraindications to the use of the drug.

The composition of the drug

The drug is intended for oral administration and is available in the form of tablets or capsules. Their main feature is the presence of an enteric coating. This means that the active substance of the drug unchanged moves along the digestive tract until it reaches its final goal - the part of the intestine where the ducts of the liver and pancreas open.

The composition of the tablets includes the chemical substance pancreatinum, which gave the name to the drug itself. In fact, this is an enzyme complex that is designed to correct the lack of compounds produced by the pancreas.

The active component of the drug is characterized by the following indicators:

  • amylase activity - at least 3.5 thousand units of Ph. Eur .;
  • lipolytic activity - at least 4.3 thousand units of Ph. Eur .;
  • proteolytic activity - at least 200 PIECES of Ph. Eur.

Present in the composition of the "Pancreatin" tablets and auxiliary elements.

This is a standard set of ingredients for oral release form, which include:

  • sodium chloride;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • povidone;
  • talc;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • propylene glycol;
  • polyacrylate.

The tablets are packed in blisters and placed in cardboard boxes.

Pharmacological action and pharmacodynamics

This is a multienzyme drug that is able to normalize the digestive tract in the shortest possible time.

"Pancreatin" helps with pancreatic dysfunction, which are manifested as digestive disorders.

Usually, in the presence of such a pathology, the human body cannot fully digest and assimilate nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Against the background of taking the medication, all of these compounds are actively absorbed from the small intestine into the bloodstream and are distributed throughout the body, simultaneously being included in the current metabolic processes.

The drug enters the human digestive tract and is sent to the small intestine.

There, the dragee shell dissolves and the enzymes necessary for normal digestion are released into the lumen of the body, including:

  • lipase - for the breakdown of fats;
  • amylase - to turn complex carbohydrates into simple ones;
  • trypsin and chymotrypsin - for the digestion of proteins;
  • protease - for better destruction of peptide bonds and the production of individual amino acids.

The drug quickly normalizes digestion, as it has a complex effect on the digestive tract.

Against the background of the use of the medication, it is observed:

  • activation of synthesis of own enzymes;
  • regulation of bile formation by the liver;
  • normalization of the functional state of the intestinal tract;
  • full assimilation and rapid digestion of even heavy foods.

There is no data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug, since it is extremely difficult to track the enzymes or their metabolites entering the body due to the fact that these substances are always present in the gastrointestinal tract and the bloodstream.

At what age is it allowed to take the drug

The annotation to the tool indicates that it can be given to children, but you need to choose not the usual medicine, but "baby", with a reduced dosage.

In addition, it is important to monitor possible age restrictions. The drug in the form of tablets is allowed for babies from three years old. If the child is from one to three years old, he is not yet able to swallow dragees. In this case, you must first open the capsule and mix its contents with water, milk or juice.

Why is Pancreatin prescribed for children?

The drug is traditionally prescribed for digestive disorders. The problem is that it can be difficult to identify such a condition in a child.

First of all, parents need to pay attention to the typical symptoms of gastrointestinal upset, which include:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting
  • bloating;
  • pain
  • gas formation;
  • diarrhea.

These signs indicate that most of the nutrients are not absorbed by the baby’s body, but in transit passes through the digestive tract. In the future, this will affect all other organ systems.

Normal development is impossible without the required amount of proteins, sugars and lipids. The body begins to suffer, and parents notice signs of rickets or anemia in their baby. To prevent the development of such negative consequences, it is necessary to solve the problem with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in time. A drug containing a complex of enzymes can help with this.

Instructions for use and dosage of the drug

The drug is taken orally. The composition in the capsule should be swallowed immediately with a little water. Further, the drug substance will penetrate the intestine, where its outer shell will dissolve.

Take the remedy between meals.

The daily dose is usually divided into 2 to 3 doses.

"Pancreatin" for adults is usually prescribed taking into account the condition and identified symptoms of the disorder.If it is temporary, for example, a person overeats heavy food and experiences difficulties associated with its digestion, then it is recommended to take 1 to 2 dragees per day. Gradually, in 2 - 3 days, the synthesis of their own enzymes will improve and the need to use the medicine will disappear.

With more serious pathologies, which include chronic pancreatitis, an increase in dose is required. The patient should take 2 to 4 tablets per day, however, this is allowed only under the supervision of a doctor. Doctors recommend increasing dosages for severe unpleasant symptoms - epigastric pain, severity, and stool disorders.

During pregnancy and lactation

During the bearing of a child, the doctor may prescribe Pancreatin for the treatment of pancreatic pathologies. The active substance, in fact, is an enzyme complex, which is already present in the body, but in a smaller amount. The incoming compounds do not have teratogenic effects.

It is only important to understand that the use of the drug is allowed only with insufficient production of its own enzymes. If nausea, heaviness and diarrhea appeared for other reasons, for example, due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines and stomach, the medicine will not help, but on the contrary, can provoke a worsening, manifested by constipation and heartburn.

When breastfeeding, you can use the medication if there are indications for taking it. There is no need to cancel the lactation and transfer the baby to the mixture.

Drug interaction

The medicine is usually well absorbed by the body and does not interact with other drugs. Doctors pay attention to two nuances.

  1. There may be a deterioration in efficiency while taking enzymes with antacids that contain magnesium hydroxide and calcium carbonate.
  2. Against the background of long-term therapy with Pancreatin, absorption of iron slows down, therefore, an additional intake of this microelement may be required.

The enzyme complex does not enter into interaction with all other medicines, which means that it does not affect their effectiveness.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Doctors call a number of conditions in which you should refrain from using the enzyme complex.

The list of restrictions includes:

  • acute forms of pancreatitis (including exacerbation in a chronic course);
  • acute hepatitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hypersensitivity to the components.

In the absence of contraindications, the drug is prescribed in standard dosages. If they are observed, then the likelihood of side effects is minimized.

In violation of the instructions for use, symptoms such as:

  • allergic reactions: skin itching, urticaria;
  • exacerbation of digestive disorders;
  • accumulation of uric acid salts in the joints;
  • narrowing of the intestinal lumen.

Most often, side effects develop in patients who take the drug to treat cystic fibrosis. Such people need to regularly monitor the level of uric acid in the body and, if necessary, adjust the dose of the drug.

The concentration of uric acid will increase with an overdose of medication. This is fraught with the deposition of its salts - urates in the periarticular space. It is by this mechanism that a formidable pathology develops - gout, forcing patients to take medications and follow a diet throughout life.

Cheap analogues of the drug

Pancreatin is an effective and at the same time inexpensive medicine, which is always present in the assortment of pharmacies.

You can buy a package containing 60 tablets for 50-60 rubles, so it makes no sense to look for cheaper analogues.

Often, it is Pancreatin itself that becomes the substitute for more expensive drugs with a similar mechanism of work, which include:

  • "Creon" - from 300 rubles for 20 capsules of 10,000 units;
  • Hermitage - from 900 rubles for 50 capsules 36,000 units;
  • Mezim - from 300 rubles for 80 tablets.

All of these medicines contain enzymes that are designed to establish normal digestion.

Which is better, pancreatin or mezim?

Many patients do not trust domestically produced drugs and instead of the inexpensive Pancreatin, they purchase another drug, Mezim, which is produced at German factories. This medication is undoubtedly effective, but it works by analogy with a cheaper analogue.

The Mezima contains the same enzymes: amylase, lipase, protease.

They help digest “heavy” foods, and also stimulate the formation of their own compounds. The pancreas is restored and begins to function normally.

Mezim is allowed during pregnancy, lactation, as well as in childhood (after 3 years).

Contraindications to its use are:

  • bowel obstruction;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • intolerance to the drug.

In fact, this is a full-fledged analogue of Pancreatin, which can be used in case of insufficiency of secretory function, degenerative changes in the pancreas and liver, and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. If in doubt, which drug to choose, it is better to consult a doctor and get a full consultation.