The normal ratio of vital trace elements is a fundamental condition for a healthy state and proper heart function. The pharmacological properties of the drug are aimed at normalizing the functioning of the heart muscle and stabilizing intracellular metabolism, which is due to the indications for the use of Panangin.
Material Content:
Release forms and composition
Antiarrhythmic therapeutic medication is implemented in the form of oral tablets and a solution for iv. The main components are magnesium and potassium asparaginate. Also, the drug contains a number of additional compounds: silicon dioxide, potato and corn starch, talc, magnesium stearate. The shell of the tablet form is represented by talc, macrogol, methacrylic acid. The solution for the liquid form of the drug also contains purified water.
Indications for use Panangina
This drug is in demand in the treatment of pathological disorders in the functionality of the cardiovascular system, which are provoked by the insufficient presence of potassium and magnesium ions.
But it is also advisable to take the medicine for therapeutic treatment:
- Myocardial infarction.
- Violations of the contractile activity of the heart.
- Chronic pathologies of the heart muscle.
- Seizures and similar conditions.
- Heart failure.
- Hypertension.
- Paroxysmal tachycardia.
- Heart rhythm disturbances that are provoked by intoxication.
- Coronary insufficiency.
In addition to the main prescriptions, the medicine can be used for replacement therapy with insufficient content of intracellular cations. Often, Panangin is indicated for use during adjuvant treatment with cardiac glycosides, sedatives, glucocorticoid and antihypertensive drugs. Also, the medicine is recommended for use at a risk of coronary disease, after myocardial infarction, and with high blood pressure.
Quite often, a medicine is intended to prevent the progression of a certain number of diseases. The insufficient content of ions of important trace elements can provoke the development of high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, hypertension, tachycardia, coronary disease and pathological disorders in the myocardium. Asparagine is in demand in cases where it is necessary to improve and accelerate the flow of chemical reactions in cellular structures.
And also it is worth considering that the active component composition stimulates the work of the heart muscle, increases the conductivity of impulses. Due to the normalization of the number of vital trace elements, the vascular walls are strengthened, the heart rate is normalized, arrhythmias are eliminated and muscle tone is increased, which contributes to normal blood flow.
Instructions for use and dosage
The therapeutic treatment regimen is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, who studies the patient’s history and takes into account many other individual indicators.
The duration of treatment for each form of Panangin varies.
Panangin Pills
For patients over 18 years of age, one or two tablets are prescribed three times a day. The level of acidity in the stomach can reduce the effectiveness of the drug, so Panangin tablets will need to be taken immediately after eating. The maximum allowable amount of anti-arrhythmic drugs is nine pieces.
Solution for intravenous use
A solution for iv administration is prescribed drip. The dosage of the drug is from one to two ampoules per day. Preliminary preparation of the infusion solution is required. For this, the liquid contained in the ampoules must be dissolved in a 5% glucose solution. In the case of severe illness, a second infusion may be necessary after six hours. The dropper speed is 20-30 drops per minute.
During pregnancy and lactation
To date, there are no clinical trials and data on the negative effects of the drug. In this regard, Panangin during pregnancy is prescribed with increased caution, and the course of treatment is under the supervision of a specialist. And also patients will need careful monitoring by the attending physician.
For safety reasons, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding during therapy, since some components of the drug can pass into breast milk.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
According to the instructions for use, an antiarrhythmic therapeutic agent is not allowed to be taken if there are the following contraindications:
- Hypokalemia.
- Hypomagnesemia.
- Acute or chronic renal failure.
- Addison's disease.
- Severe myasthenia gravis.
- Cardiogenic shock.
- Disturbed amino acid metabolism.
- Hemolysis.
- Acidosis.
- Oliguria.
- Dehydration
- Constantly lowered blood pressure in the patient.
- Individual response of the immune system to the component composition of the drug.
- Alcohol Syndrome.
- The age of the patient is up to 18 years.
- Concurrent administration of drugs that contain potassium.
The appointment of this drug can only be done by the attending physician. With caution and only under supervision, the drug is used during gestation and lactation, as well as in patients with low conductivity of the heart muscle.Droppers with Pananginum are prohibited with AV blockade of the second and third degree.
If you experience pain in the epidural region, as well as a burning sensation, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug.
As a rule, the Panangin preparation does not provoke the development of undesirable manifestations on the part of the body. However, with individual intolerance or exceeding the prescribed dosages, the risk of adverse reactions is not excluded. The following symptoms may appear in patients: depressed breathing, nausea, vomiting, digestive upset, hyporeflexia, cramps, paresthesia, decreased blood pressure.
No cases of overdose have been reported to date. However, during continuous use or with a significant excess of the amount of the drug, there is a risk of impaired contractility of the heart muscle, and hypermagnesemia and hyperkalemia may also develop. In this case, immediate withdrawal of the medicinal medication, hemodialysis in the medical facility and subsequent symptomatic therapy will be required.
Analogues of the drug
Pharmaceutical companies produce many synonymous drugs and Panangin generics, which have the same component composition. The most affordable and common tool is Asparkam. Other substitutes include the following medicines: Fortissium, Magnesium Asparaginate, Concor, Cardiomagnyl, Corvaltab, Kaptopres, Arifon, Celebis, Diroton, Aspirin Cardio, Riboxin, Neocardil. It is recommended that you discuss the issue of replacing the prescribed medication for the heart with your doctor.