During illness, it may be necessary to take the medicine before going to the doctor to relieve symptoms. Panadol Syrup is one of the most effective drugs available as an antipyretic. The medicine is available for both adults and children. You can buy in a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription.
Material Content:
Release form, composition
The suspension is made in a container of dark material with a volume of 100, 300 and 1000 ml. The package includes instructions for use and a measuring syringe for accurate dose measurement.
The composition per 5 ml of the drug contains:
- 120 mg paracetamol;
- additional substances to create taste and consistency: malic and citric acid, sorbitol, nipasept sodium, xanthan gum, glucose syrup hydrogenate, azorubine, and to give a pleasant consistency and taste - strawberry flavor and water;
- An agent called Panadol Extra contains caffeine.
The syrup looks like a viscous liquid, has a pleasant berry smell.
The manufacturer also offers a tool in the form of tablets, soluble powder and suppositories. As a rule, suppositories are effective as a symptomatic medicine for children. Panadol in the form of candles is entitled to be prescribed only by a doctor; it is not recommended to personally decide on the use of this type of medicine.
Pharmacological action and indications for use
To take the medicine, the cause may be:
- Migraine headache.
- Pain in the teeth.
- Painful cramps in the lower back and muscles.
- Neuralgia.
- Pain during menstruation.
- Lowering the temperature with colds, infectious and viral diseases.
Paracetamol is a long-known, effective remedy for pain of a different nature and high temperature. In a small dosage, the substance can be given to children; for adults, the volume must be increased in accordance with body weight.
Panadol: instructions for use for adults and children
Panadol Baby syrup can be used in the treatment of babies from 3 months to 12 years old. Before taking the product, the contents of the bottle should be shaken well.
Then measure the required dose with a special spoon or syringe, which are usually included in the package, and take the suspension in accordance with the instructions:
- Children 15-60 mg per 1 kg of weight, depending on age. Up to six months, the maximum daily dosage for children is 350 mg, up to a year - 500 mg, at the age of 1-3 years - up to 750 mg, up to 6 years - no more than 1000 mg. With a weight of less than 30 kg between the ages of 6 and 9 years, a daily maximum of 1,500 mg, up to 12 years, a maximum of 2,000 mg The number of receptions - 3-4 times during the day, at regular intervals. More than 4 receptions are strictly not recommended.
- Adults with a body weight of more than 60 kg, and adolescents with a weight of 40 kg or more, are recommended to take medicine in a volume of 500 mg per 1 dose, the maximum dose volume is not more than 1000 mg. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days.
Detailed instructions for taking the medicine are included in the package. Before taking, and preferably before buying a medicine, it must be carefully studied.
Special instructions for taking syrup
Specialists are allowed to give syrup once to children 2-3 months to lower body temperature after the introduction of the vaccine. If the method did not have a positive effect, you must urgently consult a doctor.
Important! For newborns who were born prematurely, and for children under the age of 3 months, only a doctor can prescribe the medicine! Self-medication is dangerous and unacceptable!
If the drug is taken without the appointment of a pediatrician (at the age permitted by the instructions) as an antipyretic, the duration of administration is up to 3 days; in the role of anesthetic - up to 5 days.
If the patient has pathologies of the liver, kidneys, diseases with the name "Gilbert's syndrome", as well as in old age, the recommended daily dose of the substance must be reduced, and the time interval between doses should be increased.
If there is alcoholic hepatosis, taking the medicine increases the likelihood of developing liver damage.
With diabetes, it is not recommended to take the medicine without consulting a doctor, since the syrup contains sucrose.
Note! If a laboratory test is planned to determine glucose and uric acid, you need to stop taking the drug for a couple of days - the substance distorts the real indicator.
Drug Interactions with Other Drugs
With complex treatment, it is important to consider how the joint use of certain substances can affect the body.
There is a possibility of a hepatotoxic reaction in case of simultaneous use of the drug with the following drugs:
- barbiturates;
- diphenin;
- rifampicin;
- butadione;
- various anticonvulsants.
If the syrup is combined in one therapy with chloramphenicol, there is a high probability that the latter will increase the toxicity property.
With prolonged use of paracetamol, the anticoagulant effect of the derivatives of the coumarin substance is observed. The result of this reaction may be bleeding.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
As contraindications should be noted:
- special sensitivity to the substances contained in the medicine;
- malfunction of the liver and kidneys;
- newborn 1-2 months.
Side effects can occur if the drug is taken incorrectly, despite contraindications.
In this case, the following consequences are expected:
- allergic rash;
- nausea, sometimes leading to vomiting;
- stomach cramps;
- in some cases, there is a chance of anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia.
Important! If the above side effects appear, urgently call a doctor at home.
Analogs of an antipyretic drug for children and adults
As analogues for the main active substance, the following options can be considered:
- Akamol Teva. Available in tablets, syrup, suppositories for children. The tool in the form of candles is prescribed by the pediatrician.
- Daleron. In addition to the main substance, it has additional components to create a pleasant texture and fruity taste. It contains fructose, which may be a contraindication to use.
- Lupocet. Available in several forms: powder, syrup, capsules, solutions. It can be used from the 1st month. As a rule, anesthetic, antipyretic syrup is washed down with a large amount of liquid. You need to take it a couple of hours after eating, as food blocks the digestibility of the product. At the same time, the medicine should not be taken on an empty stomach.
- Mexalen. Contains paracetamol. Available in tablet form. It is used as an antipyretic and analgesic.
- Paracetamol. It is available in various forms, including tasteful syrup for children. Allowed to receive from 3 months. For small children, a single dose can be added to a bottle of water.
- Perfalgan. The active ingredient is paracetamol. It happens in the form of syrup, powder for dilution in liquids, capsules, suppositories. Allowable age - from 1 month.
- Efferalgan. The basis is the substance paracetamol. Allowed for children from the age of 1 month as an antipyretic and analgesic. It is released without a prescription.
Each analogue has some contraindications, possible side effects if taken improperly and especially treatment, in general. Despite the possibility of acquiring a medicine without a prescription, treatment is recommended to be discussed with your doctor.