The last-generation insecticidal preparation “The Executioner” is guaranteed to remove blood-sucking parasites, including bed bugs, which are difficult to destroy without causing harm to humans and animals. The drug was invented and tested in Germany for the needs of the army. It has been present on the Russian market since 2013, and is manufactured under license.

Bedbug executioner: composition of the remedy

The unique composition of synthetic pyrethroid, which has a mild odor, but does not lose its effectiveness, is gaining more and more popularity among household poisonous bugs.


  • fenthion (concentration of 27.5%) - the main active substance (poison);
  • perfume - eliminates a pungent odor;
  • synergists - enhance the paralyzing and lethal effects of the poison;
  • antioxidants (antioxidants) - increase the duration of the drug;
  • secondary stabilizers - protect the substance from external negative influences (light, heat and others);
  • emulsifier - facilitates the preparation of an emulsion;
  • surfactants - contribute to the complete dissolution of the substance in an aqueous solution.

The substance is a brownish-yellow, transparent, oily concentrated emulsion. The aqueous solution becomes milky. The bug remedy is produced in small bottles of 25x25x60 mm in size, white, 5 ml each with a screw cap weighing 20 g. A distinctive feature of the original product is the logo of the official site and a hologram in the form of a clear image of the bug, changing when tilted by a shiny ant.

The action of poison from parasites

"Executioner" - a contact action insecticide.Having an odor attractive to bugs, reminiscent of kerosene, it lures insects from shelters. Upon contact with the parasite, fenthion, falling into the respiratory system, has a paralytic effect on nerve impulses, leading to the blocking of the internal organs of adult individuals and their larvae, and death occurs.

However, the product will not be able to neutralize eggs protected by a dense shell, but the prolonged action of the drug, reaching 5 days, allows the larvae hatching after processing to be destroyed. If the area is infected with parasites for more than 14 days, for guaranteed destruction, re-treatment after 5 days is recommended.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Evaluation of the quality of the insecticide is provided by reviews of pest control specialists and ordinary consumers who used the “Executioner” against bedbugs, in comparison with other means.


  • ease of use - there is no need to attract professional pest control;
  • speed of exposure - the effect is achieved in 6-8 hours;
  • effectiveness - destroys the bugs themselves and their larvae, prolonged action of the drug can have a detrimental effect on larvae hatching from eggs after processing;
  • leaves no residue on furniture and clothing;
  • It has a sharp, tolerant odor that quickly disappears when aired;
  • lack of addiction in insects;
  • safe for humans and animals, does not cause allergic reactions.

The advantage can be called the low price of the product. One bottle costs from 70 rubles, which is enough to process 5 m2, for 1 room apartment you will need 6 bottles for 2 treatments, for a 2-room apartment - 12 pieces and so on. The larger the purchase, the cheaper the cost of the bottle.

The insecticide also has its own "fly in the ointment."

The disadvantages of the drug include:

  • independent preparation of a solution that does not cause much labor and does not require special skills;
  • the lack of a sprayer, which must be purchased separately, although you can use a bottle from any other household chemical product with a sprayer.

Otherwise, poison from bugs "Executioner" is recognized as one of the best chemicals for use in domestic premises, even for children.

Instructions for the executioner

The effectiveness of the destruction of bugs depends on strict adherence to the rules for using the product, which include several points.

  1. Preparation of the cultivated area. Considering that bugs are hidden in crevices, all living quarters and storage rooms are subjected to pickling: parquet floors, baseboards (dismantled), carpets and floor coverings, ventilation holes, furniture (especially from the inside) - it is moved away from walls, bedding, clothes are removed from cabinets. Particular attention is paid to suspended ceilings and paneled walls (partial dismantling required). The covers are removed from household appliances, sockets and switches. Aquariums are covered with a film (the product can have a negative effect on fish). People and animals make room. Food is removed. Protective equipment is worn.
  2. Preparation of the solution. Dilute the product immediately to the entire cultivated area at the rate of 1 bottle per 300 or 500 ml of water, depending on the infection of the room, but the toxicity of the drug increases. Keep in mind that 1000-1500 ml will be required to process a cabinet with clothes, and 500 ml for a standard sofa. Processing a 3-room apartment with utility rooms will require approximately 9 liters of solution, if you dilute 1 bottle in 0.5 liters of water. Pour the solution into the sprayer, close the window. Disconnect the room.
  3. Surface treatment. Attractive for bugs, the smell of the “Executioner” lures adults out and they die before our eyes, but the specificity of the bugs in cracks, inaccessible dark places, laying eggs and the presence of larvae, requires mandatory spraying of all secluded points, even if there are cracks in the wallpaper . Carpets, floor coverings, paintings are processed from 2 sides. Particular attention should be paid to the parquet floor, the entrances of their other rooms (sockets, switches, ventilation, heat and sewer pipes). Discard used containers and protective equipment.

Upon completion of work, leave the room. After 6-8 hours, thoroughly ventilate the apartment.Wipe all items of household appliances, furniture, mattresses, carpets, walls, floor (with which the insecticide was in contact) with soap and water, wash dishes and personal hygiene items - wash with detergent. Linen, which is possible to rub and iron. If the bugs appear again after 7-14 days, repeat the treatment.

Security measures

Despite the minimum level of toxicity of an insecticide for humans, direct contact requires the use of personal protective equipment: waterproof overalls with a hood, gloves, a respirator, and safety glasses. Some sources claim that the danger is so minimal, and it is possible to carry out treatment even with a bed patient, providing him with a respirator or wet gauze bandage.

Actions in case of poisoning

The dose of poison, which is part of the remedy for bedbugs, capable of harming a person or animal, is 250 mg per 1 kg of weight. With a standard room treatment, such a dose cannot be achieved unless it is taken internally.

In case of accidental ingestion of a dangerous dose into a person or animal, it is necessary:

  • take an agent enveloping the stomach and esophagus, reducing the absorption capacity and the intake of poison in the blood (starch, milk, Almagel);
  • take absorbents that bind and remove toxins (activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta).

Call an ambulance, explaining to the dispatcher what substance the poisoning happened. If the animal is poisoned, call the veterinarian.

Where is the original executioner for bugs sold

Recently, the popularity of poison from bugs "executioner". This led to a flood of markets and retail chains of fake products. A licensed product that has passed the quality declaration and has a certificate is sold only at official distributors and on the official websites of online stores in genuine 5 ml bottles. Beware of fakes. Check the hologram with the name of the original site, representing the bug, and at the angle of inclination - the ant. Do not succumb to the cheapness of funds from unscrupulous manufacturers who promise savings on packaging of large volumes.


Trading networks have many identical insecticides with their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Waterafox - an organophosphorus universal drug, economical (a 5 ml ampoule is diluted in 10 liters of water), is not expensive, but has an unpleasant pungent odor.
  • Delta Zone - micro encapsulated concentrated preparation, innovative, universal. Flavourless, high efficiency, one processing is enough, but expensive.
  • Blockade - a liquid concentrate of contact action, diluted with water, one treatment is enough, it costs 300 rubles per 50 ml, 1:10 is diluted.
  • Sonder - Dutch insecticide with instant action, does not require secondary processing, but the high cost of 1300 rubles per 100 ml.

And more: Medilis Antiklop, Taran, Chlorophos and many others, from which you can choose the right remedy.

There are also other forms: powder (Riapan), tableted (Fas Super), aerosol (Blockbuster –XXI).

The choice is great, but using the "Executioner", strictly following the instructions for use, you get a minimum of harm to the human body and animals and a maximum efficiency of getting rid of insect pests, killing not only bugs, but also all blood-sucking individuals (fleas, ticks and others), cockroaches and ants.