If you want to cook the most wholesome breakfast, then you should opt for oatmeal. This cereal is not only nutritious - many consider it a panacea for all diseases. Is it really? Let's learn more about the benefits and harms of oatmeal.
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The benefits of oatmeal for women
This cereal product contains just a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are essential for every person.
Women, having breakfast with oatmeal, not only saturate the body with nutrients, but also help the body withstand various diseases and pathologies.
How does oatmeal porridge affect:
- promotes normal digestion;
- removes accumulated toxins, toxic substances, contributing to weight loss;
- strengthens blood vessels, prevents thrombosis, atherosclerosis;
- lowers cholesterol;
- normalizes metabolism;
- increases the body's defenses;
- helps to resist depression, improves mood;
- improves the condition of bones and joints;
- normalizes the work of the glands of the endocrine system;
- stimulates blood formation processes;
- improves kidney function;
- normalizes blood sugar;
- improve complexion, skin condition;
- eliminates signs of aging;
- fights varicose veins;
- gives health to nails, hair;
- improves memory;
- eliminates signs of toxicosis in pregnant women;
- contributes to the normal development of the fetus during gestation;
- normalizes hormonal balance during menstruation, menopause;
- It reduces the risk of tumors in the breast.
Such an impressive list makes oatmeal an almost universal product.
What is Hercules useful for men
In addition to the positive effect that porridge has on both the female and male bodies, oatmeal has “secret” properties for representatives of the strong half of humanity.
After all, it was not in vain that this groats received its name from the name of Hercules - the son of the ancient Greek god Zeus, known for his exploits. He was very strong and hardy, besides attracting women with male grace and beauty.
This is exactly how porridge affects the descendants of Hercules:
- builds muscle, increases physical endurance;
- eliminates problems with erection;
- enhances potency, accelerating blood flow to the inguinal zone;
- increases sexual desire;
- normalizes the level of the male hormone testosterone;
- prevents prostate cancer;
- improves reproductive function.
Oatmeal in the morning will make a man a macho man full of strength, health, energy, physical endurance and special appeal.
Useful properties of oatmeal for children
Pediatricians recommend introducing oatmeal into the diet of children, starting from one year. The rich vitamin composition and complex of trace elements fully satisfy the needs of the child's body. Only buckwheat can be considered more useful.
Hercules porridge has a complex effect:
- normalizes the weight of the child;
- removes toxins;
- improves intestinal motility;
- reduces the risk of asthma;
- stimulates the growth, normal development of all systems;
- improves eyesight;
- strengthens the immune system;
- gives energy for the whole day;
- eliminates signs of allergy;
- promotes the growth of teeth, nails, hair;
- stimulates brain activity, memory and attention, which affects school performance.
Read also:oatmeal
Weight loss
The beneficial properties of oatmeal are used in diet food. Many overweight people, using a diet based on this cereal, improve metabolism, which contributes to weight loss.
A couple of kilograms will help to lose a 2 - 3-week diet, in which you have to cook oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
In this case, you must adhere to the rules of nutrition:
- do not add anything to the grits during cooking, except for water;
- in between servings of oatmeal, you can feast on fruits (except grapes) and vegetables (except potatoes) - raw and boiled;
- during the diet, take vitamin preparations;
- drink plenty of fluids - water, tea, juice (all without sugar!).
The minimum duration of such a diet is 1 week, during which you can get rid of 5 - 7 kilograms.
If you want to speed up the process of losing weight, then an express diet will help you with this. It requires special rigor. For three days you can eat only one oatmeal, not more than 200 grams in one serving. In this case, you must drink a sufficient amount of liquid. According to reviews of people who used such fasting days, up to 4 kilograms can be lost in 3 days.
In order not to harm health, trying to lose weight, we must remember that you can not sit on an oat diet more than once a year.
How to cook oatmeal porridge
The British cannot imagine their morning without a traditional dish. Why is it recommended to cook oatmeal for breakfast?
The reason is the high calorie content of this cereal: 380 kcal per 100 grams of dry cereal. There are only about 60 percent of carbohydrates, which makes Hercules especially nutritious and satisfying. That is what breakfast should be.
This does not mean that porridge should not be boiled for lunch or dinner. Of course, it is possible, but still people who are inclined to be overweight should keep in mind that this option threatens to deposit extra pounds at the waist.
People's advice:Aloe: medicinal properties and contraindications
Oatmeal porridge in milk
Oatmeal gives an additional delicate taste to milk. Such porridge is a favorite delicacy of little gourmets and supporters of proper nutrition, who can not force themselves to eat oatmeal on the water.
To cook such porridge you will need:
- oat groats - 6 tbsp.spoons;
- sugar - 2 tsp (can be excluded);
- water;
- milk - 400 ml.
The process of making such porridge is simple.
- Pour the cereal into the bowl, pour the amount of water that covers half the grains.
- Put the pot on the gas, bring to a boil and reduce the heat.
- Cook for 3 to 4 minutes.
- Pour milk, stirring constantly, cook for another 5 - 6 minutes.
You can add butter, sugar, honey, nuts, berries or fruits to the finished porridge.
According to the following recipe, making oatmeal is even easier. It is suitable for those housewives who have a microwave in the kitchen.
Stages of cooking:
- Place 1 cup of Hercules on a plate, pour 4 cups of milk, add sugar and salt.
- Thoroughly mix the ingredients, close the lid and put in the microwave oven, turned on at maximum power.
- After 10 minutes, you can feast on the finished and healthy porridge!
Cooking on the water
This option has fewer calories, benefits the intestines, cleansing it of toxins, and also with the help of specific mucus that appears during cooking, envelops the stomach, improving digestive processes.
How to cook oatmeal in the water:
- Soak a glass of washed cereal for half an hour - an hour in cold water.
- Pour Hercules in a pan with water (2 cups), put on a small fire.
- When the porridge boils, stir it regularly.
- After 15 minutes, turn off the gas and leave the product in a saucepan covered with a lid.
After 7 - 10 minutes, the dish is ready. You can add sugar, honey, frozen or fresh berries, nuts to it.
If you want to eat oatmeal, which English gentlemen eat in the morning, you need to reduce the amount of water.
People's advice:buckwheat
In the classic recipe for 1 cup of cereal, you need to take one and a half cups of liquid.
Contraindications and possible harm
Although the product has many advantages, it should not be considered a panacea. Indeed, many, upon learning about the benefits of oatmeal, cook it every day year-round. This cannot be done, because an excess of such a product can cause unpleasant consequences.
- The composition of cereals contains phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium. Moreover, if this substance is constantly in the body (in the case when oatmeal becomes the main product in the diet), then even the calcium that is already there is gradually washed away. This is fraught with dangerous pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, and also interferes with normal cardiac activity and causes problems with the skin.
- The same phytic acid has the property of binding trace elements that enter the digestive system with food. They are more difficult to digest, remain unchanged, which causes unpleasant sensations: pain in the epigastrium, a feeling of fullness of the stomach.
- An increased amount of fiber, which is abundant in cereals, causes bowel problems. Frequent bloating is possible.
- Diabetics must remember the high glycemic index of cereals. To reduce it, you can cook porridge with the addition of berries and fruits. In no case should you add sugar or other sweeteners, as well as fat milk. Nutritionists advise such patients to feast on a cooled oatmeal, in which the index is significantly reduced.
- If you are taking any medications, it is better not to drink them with Hercules, to withstand an interval of at least 1 hour. The fact is that fiber reduces the effectiveness of certain medications, preventing their rapid absorption into the bloodstream.
The optimal dosage of wholesome oatmeal is the usual serving of 250 - 300 grams three times a week for breakfast. Such food will not cause unpleasant side effects and will get the maximum benefit.
Doctors forbid some people to include Hercules in their diet.
Among them:
- babies up to 1 year old;
- people with severe renal pathologies;
- patients with celiac disease - intolerance to gluten, which is found in cereals.
Do not forget that whole grain porridge has all the beneficial properties. And fast-food products common today are not only not useful, but also capable of harming the body.
Packaged instant oatmeal incorporates a lot of flavorings, colorings and additives. All this “chemistry” irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, and then it is also “deposited” on our stomach and hips.
Make a choice in favor of a natural product, and then, with proper use, oatmeal will bring health to the body, give vitality, energy and good mood.